Name: WolfStar reviewed 37 - 40 on Nov 09, 2013 01:06 pm
"And she pretended she didn’t care about the answer."

I like this line. And I can definitely commiserate with all of Clothes. I was so nervous on my last first date, and had a mini freakout in the car that didn't fully subside until he saw me, and we were also meeting for the first time.

Author's Response: Yay! Glad that rang true. I definitely have the same feelings and insecurities when I dress up, even if it's just for a night out with friends. There's something about the effort that is pretty nerve-wracking in itself--never mind meeting someone new on top of that!
Name: Silvryn reviewed 37 - 40 on Jul 13, 2013 12:02 pm
Ohhh what a cliffhanger!

Author's Response: I didn't mean for this group of drabbles to end on a cliffhanger. X| But I think it works! Thanks for reading!
Name: Anise reviewed 37 - 40 on Jul 10, 2013 07:37 pm
Erhg-- I've gotten SO behind on R and R'ing fics here!! (Yes, "erhg" is now a word. ;) But in my defense, I'm beta reading for about a zillion people, and I'm working REALLy hard on the big site transfer. These were really good... I love drabbles that are interconnected, but could actually kind of stand on their own as individual pieces. We are certainly left wondering at the end of "Clothes." ;)

Author's Response: Hopefully you won't be left wondering for long! I just need to write two more drabbles before I can post again. One thing I have been trying to do is make sure these drabbles CAN stand alone, even if the context isn't always clear without the rest of the story as background. I don't think I've succeeded in that for EVERY drabble, but I'm pretty proud of what I've been able to accomplish so far. Now, if I can write all 100 drabbles and make this a decent story, then I think that's something I could really be proud of. No wonder this has been a three-year effort (so far!). Anyway, glad you enjoyed! And can't wait to see what you have in store for FIA!
Name: Lady Mischief reviewed 37 - 40 on Jul 05, 2013 01:50 pm
I really like what you have started here. I'm so glad that Ginny did not even contemplate going back to Harry after the war. I like how things just don't go back to normal right away. The time it is taking to heal from the war is following a believable timeline. I look forward to your next update.

Author's Response: I can't even imagine how Ginny could have stayed with Harry after the war. For them to make it to 19 Years Later, they would have had to go through a lot, and I prefer to think it just wouldn't have lasted. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far! More than a romance, I like to think of this as a story about healing, and I'm glad it's definitely coming through that way!
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