Reviews For Sharing Penance
Name: Desertisle reviewed Chapter 1 on Apr 16, 2016 09:22 pm
Love this story ever time I read it. You showcase how a family of a criminal is treated, which is insightful. Thanks for writing it.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I love writing these two and trying to come up with new scenarios. :)
Name: tenna reviewed Chapter 1 on Oct 28, 2012 11:20 pm
Your Draco breaks my heart. This is excellent writing really. This is amazing! :))

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I definitely wanted to keep Draco's characterization consistent, and it was hard work to get that right without tipping him over into whining or excessive self pity. Parts of this had been rewritten a few times to make sure of that. :)
Name: shaded reviewed Chapter 1 on Jul 16, 2010 01:49 pm
This was one of my favourite films of the exchange. I really like how realistic you have made Draco's rehabilitation into society. It's not straight-forward and easy, it can be awkward and frustrating, especially at the start. The various other characters we are introduced to during the story have great characterisation and are multi-faceted, which definitely makes the story more engaging. I don't want to spoil the ending for others, so I'll just say that I loved the ending. :)

I look forward to reading more of your fics in the future.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I really had a lot of fun writing the story, and exploring this version of the wizarding world. I'm glad you liked it! :)
Name: gidge_8 reviewed Chapter 1 on Jul 16, 2010 06:57 am
I've always enjoyed the rather dark worlds you paint in your stories, but this one is by far my favorite. You've really captured Draco's brokenness beautifully. I just wanted to hug him throughout the story. Also, the injustice of the marking was very moving. I think you did an excellent job with that. I could clearly see how Ginny would use her Gryffindor honor to work to make things right. And Harry... omg - a bit dorky but I thought he was so fun. I totally loved the ending. I only wish it was longer! lol

Author's Response: I like poking around in the dark, angsty places that JKR only hints at in the books. The prompt gave me a lot of room to really explore that, which I love to do. Since it was for an exchange, I really didn't want to go on and on and on as I can do with some of my other pieces. :D I'm glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun writing it.
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