Reviews For Sharing Penance
Name: Silvryn reviewed Chapter 2 on Sep 07, 2013 11:46 am
Ah, this story makes me tear up every time I read it.

Author's Response: Sorry I missed this! I need to adjust settings on notifications, I think. ^^; I liked writing this story a lot, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Name: tenna reviewed Chapter 2 on Oct 28, 2012 11:48 pm
Oh this is lovely! I love all the characters and how you've made them out! I really like Draco's interactions with them especially with his aunt Andromeda and Harry :)) Take care!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I did have a great time writing this story and getting everyone into better places by the end of it. :)
Name: openskys reviewed Chapter 2 on Jul 23, 2010 01:01 pm
Well then oh my god. Your a tease. I want to know what happens do the marks get removed from the headstones and from the people? Is an action passed? So many questions but I absolutely loved the ending I'm so happy that Ginny finally made Draco see sense I was really worried he was going to be a shell for awhile, and the way you made him progress was simply effortless!

Author's Response: I assure you, there was a lot of background effort to make it look so effortless! :D I'm glad you liked the story! I had a great prompt to work from, as it was perfectly suited for my style of writing. The story stopped there because emotionally at least, it was complete. I hadn't really thought about past that ending, but I'd imagine that the cemeteries get redone to remove the marks. It would take more time and effort for the people, but the circles would go much faster than any of the X marks.
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Chapter 2 on Jul 16, 2010 01:45 pm
LOVE this story! I think its a very realistic take on how the Ministry might react after the war. And great Draco.

Author's Response: Ask my beta, Draco was the hardest part to get right. He kept sliding into this whiny, self indulgent mess. It took several rewrites to get him to where he needed to be at the end. I'm so glad it worked out well. :)
Name: snowgoose1070 reviewed Chapter 2 on Jul 15, 2010 07:04 pm
I LOVED it!! I love how it takes Draco a while to get used to life outside of Azkaban, and how everybody's grown past petty problems and just try to make things better. I myself just moved back to my hometown after graduating high school 5 years ago, (not jailed though!), and the difference between the spoiled kids I knew, and the polite adult I've been seeing now, is amazing. I'm so glad you've captured that. Excellen!

Author's Response: I definitely had fun playing around with the prompt and building up the story. I'm glad you liked it too. :)
Name: Silvryn reviewed Chapter 2 on Jul 14, 2010 09:01 pm
Hah, nice. Yeah, that system of marking all the bad people and their associates would never hold up in Wizarding Britain when you really get down to it, but it's just the kind of brainless paranoid "protection" the ministry would come up with. Good writing!

Author's Response: That was all part of the prompt, so I can't take credit for that one. :) But once I got rolling with that idea, taking it to its inevitable conclusion showed just how bad an idea it would be to put something like this into action. I definitely had a lot of help from my beta in making spineless!Draco in the beginning turn back into the snarky bastard we know he can be. :D
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