Reviews For The Silver Lining
Name: Boogum reviewed Unexpected on Oct 22, 2010 04:03 pm
What a wonderful chapter. I love the fact she thinks the boy is Draco, but he proves to be Scorpius. Also, the exchange between Draco and Ginny was everything I could have desired. It's short, but then your writing is such that you don't need lots of words to get your point across.
Name: tinamarie reviewed Unexpected on Oct 19, 2010 08:21 pm
I like this, a story where Scorpius is the opposite of his father. You have my attention. :)

Author's Response: Thanks for your attention and your review! I'm ridiculously intrigued with Scorpius, mainly because he is barely mentioned in that epilogue so I have a lot of room to play with his character. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!
Name: openskys reviewed Unexpected on Aug 21, 2010 11:14 am
Oh my having Scorpius enter before Draco? Whatever could happen now? I'm excited for the next chapter!!

Author's Response: Next chapter is coming soon! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Name: Aireanhuefar reviewed Unexpected on Aug 21, 2010 07:01 am
i love the way you've already created a great setting and starting point! the characters are very intriguing, especially Scorpius. keep up the good work!!

Author's Response: I looove Scorpius (but not as much as his daddy, of course). He will be a big part of this, so I'm glad you like him! Thank you for the review!
Name: Lady Mischief reviewed Unexpected on Aug 20, 2010 12:39 pm
Oooo I can't wait for the next update. I like that even though many years have passed, their animosity for each other hasn't and they haven't fallen head over arse in love at first sight.

Author's Response: Thanks! I tend to feel quite strongly about keeping some of the tension between the two. It keeps it more true to the characters and makes it fun to read, in my opinion. :) Thank you again!
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