Reviews For Eight Days A Week
Name: Melissa reviewed She Said... on Jul 07, 2006 01:02 pm
hey, i love it. it's only the first chapter and I'm hooked.
Name: Jewels reviewed She Said... on Feb 15, 2006 11:24 am
i like it. ;)

very very very much! i always love ginny in first person, she's just such an interesting character! great writing. i like.
Name: Cazzy reviewed She Said... on Oct 04, 2005 09:38 am
"I like it" No seriously its very good and its just a brief review because i'm about to go on and read the rest but i just wanted to say its good before i forgot :D
Name: carabeara reviewed She Said... on Sep 24, 2005 05:04 pm
I liked it. This beginning was lively, hope it stays along those lines.
Name: Talia reviewed She Said... on Apr 24, 2005 10:09 am
Hello! You wanted reviews, so here you go. I think that the plot had nice development, and your writing of the characters was dead-on. I really like the fact that you didn't make Luna be all kooky, because even if she's a bit odd, it's just cliche when people make her CONSTANTLY say annoying things. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter, you're doing a great job - always leave the readers wanting more!
Name: Sue Bridehead reviewed She Said... on Jan 24, 2005 11:38 am
Very cute and good characterization. And I love it when Luna seems 'insane', but at the same time, seems so very right! ;)
Name: Spuffy4evr reviewed She Said... on Oct 23, 2004 09:23 pm
Very in character, Hope you continue to do so. Funny yet has a hint of drama to come.
Name: Sub reviewed She Said... on Oct 22, 2004 03:02 am
(Me again, just wanted to add that you can contact me via the Archive, I am a member) I know that you updated the story some time ago, but I hope you'll get my reviews. I really loved your story and I am glad, I read it. All the best, Sub

Author's Response: Wow. I'm so overwhelmed. I opened my email to see 7 new reviews on this story and my eyes went like this - O.O and my brain (which had just woken up by the way) went eh?? All the same...thank you so much for all the awesome reviews. You made MY day. ^_^ I had a lot of fun writing this story, so it really adds to it when other people have fun reading it. ::hehe:: Sorry you didn't like the Beatles part - believe it or not, that was where the whole idea for the story came from, so if it wasn't for me listening to the song, this story wouldn't exisit. O_o; I agree that more dialogue would have been nice, but I actually had a difficult time coming up with a lot of what I did have. Maybe sometime in the future I'll edit it up a bit - you never know when you'll get a brainstorm. I like it when Draco likes Ginny first too. I'm also a big D/G fact they're currently the only HP ship I'll read these days. You had so many nice things to say that really meant a lot to me - it seems as if you got into my head and saw what I was trying to accomplish in my writing. Thanks again for being so wonderful. ^_^
Name: Sub reviewed She Said... on Oct 22, 2004 02:10 am
Loved it. Your writing style is great, it gives the whole thing the write flow. Can't wait for more!
Name: Sasha reviewed She Said... on Aug 26, 2004 06:40 am
i loved it! keep it up!

Author's Response: thank you! I'm very happy you enjoyed the fic. ^_^
Name: ash reviewed She Said... on Jul 30, 2004 11:27 am
its a great story!

Author's Response: thank you, i'm happy that you think so. ^_^
Name: Cassandrakcb reviewed She Said... on Jul 28, 2004 12:10 pm
I like how it stared, and so far, draco and Ginny are in character, I'm going to read the next chapters right now. keep on writing, this is really good.

Author's Response: thank you for saying so. It really did mean a lot to me. ^_^ *does happy dance* thanks for taking the time to review, I really appreicate it.
Name: omi reviewed She Said... on Jul 23, 2004 01:25 pm
I liked it alot, you're an awesome writer

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm so happy you are enjoying it. It makes it worth writing. I hope this update was quick enough for you. ^_^
Name: pinksunryse reviewed She Said... on Jul 20, 2004 03:57 pm
Name: madalene3666 reviewed She Said... on Jul 20, 2004 12:35 pm
As a sucker for obsessive Draco, you've certainly caught my interest with this story. Seems the two are fated to clash just a bit before getting together (smirk).

Author's Response: very well predicted my dear... ^_^ I love obsessive Draco too. *giggles* thanks for reading and thanks for taking the time to review.
Name: The Lovely Lioness reviewed She Said... on Jul 20, 2004 07:43 am
Ohh, that was soo much fun!!!! You've definitely got me hooked, these sort of D/G fics are my favorites!!!
Name: Brittany reviewed She Said... on Jul 20, 2004 06:57 am
I'm really enjoying this story so far, I hope you continue!

Author's Response: Very excited to hear that. Thank you for taking the time to review. ^_^
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