Reviews For Eight Days A Week
Name: Boogum reviewed She Avoided... on Jun 26, 2011 02:44 am
LOL! I laughed so hard at Ginny's "it would have been easy if I still liked Harry" thing. She's hilarious!
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 25, 2007 07:58 pm
I love that as soon as she saw it was only him she was relieved. ;)
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed She Avoided... on Dec 25, 2006 04:51 pm
~Truely a wonderful chapter. I just love it.~
Name: die Loreley reviewed She Avoided... on Oct 06, 2006 05:29 am
I loved "Did he stock bottles of cologne that would send a girl crashing to her knees or what?" It's funny how big a part smell plays in whether you fall for a guy or you run away screaming (in the two extremes, of course). And now, we see what happens...
Name: Sub reviewed She Avoided... on Oct 22, 2004 02:43 am
Again, another great chappie! :D I love how cunning Ginny is, the way you write her makes her very very sensible. This story is so great, but now I have to read on! :D
Name: AnitaBlake/BuffyFan reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 30, 2004 06:04 am
Awaiting the next chapter,

Author's Response: thank you! that makes me happy. ^_^
Name: emeraldsorceress reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 30, 2004 04:57 am
i like very much kewl plot too nice harry twist what next? hope u update soon ~

Author's Response: thank you! I'm very happy that you are enjoying the story! Enjoy the updates too. ^_^
Name: lecharme reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 29, 2004 10:32 pm
Yay for cliffies.

Author's Response: *scratches back of neck and giggles nervously* uh...sorry 'bout that ^_^;;
Name: daywahyn reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 29, 2004 10:23 am
Hope you update soon!! I'm enjoying this story very much.

Author's Response: thank you, I'm very happy to hear that. ^_^
Name: Lovely Lioness reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 29, 2004 05:24 am
That was so cruel!!! I nearly died when I saw the -End Chapter Five-!!!! ARGHHH!!! Oh, but I loved it anyways!!! That was a great chapter, -he was her little secret, and oh how she loved secrets- loved that line!!!! Draco's getting possessive is he? And poor Harry. I hope he realizes he's at the D/G archives. -snickers- (I never liked Harry anyways) I hope you've realized by now how much I adore your story!! -The Lovely Lioness

Author's Response: You leave such cool reviews! *hands over award for most awesome reviewer* It's great how you picked out that line...I loved that line too!! ::hehe:: Yeah...Harry knows his place in this fic, so no worries. ::heheheheheh::
Name: Cassandrakcb reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 28, 2004 12:35 pm
It's great, your story is actually quite good, I hope you'll update soon. Ah Harry can be so thick sometimes...

Author's Response: He can be can't he? *LOL* Thanks for reading and reviewing, it's much appreciated. ^_^
Name: Beccs reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 28, 2004 12:25 pm
Its adorable! I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: thank you! ^_^
Name: LittleRed reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 28, 2004 06:08 am
This is brilliant! Please keep writing, you're definitely an author I'm going to keep up to date with.

Author's Response: thank you! I'm very happy to hear that. *feels all warm and fuzzy* ::hehe::
Name: emvee reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 28, 2004 05:39 am know you're getting good when you write good cliff hangers....

Author's Response: *rubs hands together and laughs manically* Well...I'm actually very mean and cruel with the cliffhangers on my other I guess it's not surprizing that I've landed my readers with another one. O_o;; At least I updated the story quickly to make up for it right? ^_^ *giggles*
Name: Evie reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 28, 2004 12:52 am
I've only just started reading this fic, hence only reviewing this chapter, but just had to say: its brilliant, I love it, one of the best fics I've read in a while :D

Author's Response: I'm very happy to hear that. Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you thought of the story! ^_^
Name: Jenny reviewed She Avoided... on Jul 27, 2004 08:39 pm
Ahh! I love this! Please write more! *gush gush* This is terrific, I'm surprised it's your first harry potter fic!

Author's Response: O.O Well...I'm really not much of a writer, but thanks! I'm really happy you are enjoying the story, it makes the time spent writing it worthwile. ^_^ Thanks again.
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