Reviews For Eight Days A Week
Name: giny reviewed He Attacks... on Sep 16, 2004 03:11 am
lovely story! Good job

Author's Response: thank you! ^_^
Name: Sam reviewed He Attacks... on Sep 15, 2004 04:23 pm
I loved that story! it was so cute and sweet at the end! i loved that they both had snappy comebacks, i guess i love it so much because thats the part i suck at the most when writing my fic! Well good job! ~SaMi~

Author's Response: Thank you. I know what you mean about coming up with witty comebacks though. O_o;; ::heheheheheh:: Thanks for reading and reviewing, I'm very happy that you enjoyed the story.
Name: Manjier reviewed He Attacks... on Aug 14, 2004 11:08 pm
OOh.. This was soo cuutte! Even though it was a bit OOC who am i kinding quite a lot of OOC.. But it doesn't matter because it was so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which i knew what KR / RK (?) was cos then i'd run and read that to.

Author's Response: Thank you! RK stands for Rurouni Kenshin, a Japanese Anime that I have 2 in progress fanfiction stories. If you would still like to read them, they can be found on My penname there is Bunny / Sailor Moon. Thanks again. ^_^
Name: Aishiteru Tenshi reviewed He Attacks... on Aug 12, 2004 02:12 pm
Whoa... Bunny, I think the song totally fits the story. I've never read a Draco/Ginny story before, but I can tell you that I think you kept them in character, for I've read stories about both of them dating other people. I like the story, it's breathtaking. Maybe I'll read some more Draco/Ginny stories, maybe not. I will say that your story is well written and that I liked it; I hope you write more Draco/Ginny stories, and I hope you continue your RK story.

Author's Response: *squeals and glomps* AT-chan, you are so awesome! ^_^ Your such a good friend to come here and read my story. *big hug* I'm really happy that you enjoyed it too. I hope you do read some more d/g's there are some really good ones out there. I would start with my favorites I have listed here. I'm sure you would love Echo's 2 d/g's. They are the best. I am continuing the RK story - if you haven't been by to see it in a while, I actually updated chapter 40 recently. Thanks again At-chan - see ya on the forums. ^_^
Name: i am a muggle reviewed He Attacks... on Aug 03, 2004 11:30 am
aww i loved the story but didn't expect it to end there i wish you had written more as in following up like were they going to put their relationship out in the open or were they going to keep it a secret etc etc

Author's Response: I know I kind-of cut it short compared to other romance stories that continue a bit after it's established that they are together, but I wanted to keep it uncomplicated and sweet, without all the mess that happens after a relationship begins. I *did* however include in that last chapter that Draco intended to marry Ginny as soon as possible. ^_^ I have an idea for a cookie about that actually, but I'm not sure if I'm going to write it or not. O_o;;
Name: emvee reviewed He Attacks... on Aug 03, 2004 06:16 am
sniff...its finished...i luv it..i luv a strong d/g and your's have it. thanks for a great read.

Author's Response: thanks for being a great reviewer. ^_^
Name: mary reviewed He Attacks... on Aug 02, 2004 11:17 am
very cute, i like the story very much!

Author's Response: thank you...that makes me very happy. ^_^
Name: lovely lioness reviewed He Attacks... on Aug 02, 2004 08:39 am
Ooo, now I feel all warm and fuzzy! That ending was pairfectomundo! I loved it! And now I have to sit and brood because it's over. I hate, yet love that feeling. Please please please continue with D/G, i know this was gonna be your only HP fic but please? For me? I'll be lookin out for ya. -The Lovely Lioness

Author's Response: Thank you for all of your wonderful reviews. You are one of the best reviewers I've ever had for any story. (That's saying something!) I know what you mean about a story being over... As for writing more dg, I still highly doubt it. I have an idea for a cookie to this story that I've been throwing around, but I don't know if I'll actually write it out or not. Other than that...gosh...I just need to finish my RK stories before I think about writing anymore. Since I put this story on also, I've been getting hate mail from my RK readers that have me on Author Alert. They are so pissed at me because I'm writing, but not updating my RK story. *cowers* Thanks for looking out for me's nice to know someone will be here to read should I write another DG. *hugs*
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