Name: waterwhistle reviewed Sneaky Slytherins, Measurements and Draco Malfoy’s Tongue on Oct 23, 2010 03:35 am
I thought the idea of this was brilliantly cute. OCD Draco is OOC, but probably not as OOC as you think he is. Your portrayal of Ginny is also very believable, and I find that I really enjoy the way they interact. Snape was icy cool. Seriously. He rocks my socks. XD

Thanks for posting for the rest of us to read!
Name: Boogum reviewed Sneaky Slytherins, Measurements and Draco Malfoy’s Tongue on Oct 23, 2010 03:13 am
Awwww, this was incredibly adorable. I admit, I would have liked to have seen this story fleshed out, but it was very cute for what it was. ^_^
Name: chickadee reviewed Sneaky Slytherins, Measurements and Draco Malfoy’s Tongue on Oct 23, 2010 12:54 am
This can't be the end! I adore this story so much. It is such a refreshing outlook on Draco and I would love to see how their relationship progresses - even if its just snippets. Please write more!! I beg for a sequel!

Author's Response: Thank you for such an enthusiastic review. I'm sorry but I can't really consider a full sequel as I'm currently working on two rather long fics. However, if I wake up at three in the morning with a brainstorm I promise to write it down and try to write you some snippets. :)
Name: Anise reviewed Sneaky Slytherins, Measurements and Draco Malfoy’s Tongue on Oct 22, 2010 07:46 pm
Oh... it's not an overly sweet ending. Not at all. It's real, and it's bittersweet, if anything. But I'm not sure how many readers are really going to get this. Actually, your Draco reminds me once again of why I don't work with kids and teens, although I somehow don't see the Malfoys ending up involved with DHS. :P But he's found his strengths, and he cares about people... he's going to be one of those who makes it. I love that Draco and Ginny have found each other, even though they would face some real challenges in the future if they were an actual couple. But your fic made me think about these things. So, very good job! :)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Sneaky Slytherins, Measurements and Draco Malfoy’s Tongue on Oct 22, 2010 07:18 pm
I like the overly-sweet ending but I'm sad that it's done. :(

I hope Draco schedules in some snogging time into his routines. And the measuring scene is one of the sweets, most romantic thing ever.
Name: openskys reviewed Studying, Coq au Vin and a Serious Conversation on Oct 18, 2010 06:15 pm
Yay I can't wait for another update I love the way this is progressing!
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Studying, Coq au Vin and a Serious Conversation on Oct 18, 2010 09:11 am
I love Snape as a character too. I just think him being nasty to Ginny right now is just his way of letting her know that he's looking out for Draco and that he's watching for any nefarious activity. Snape is just a bit rough around the edges I think. He's used to dealing with Death Eaters not little red-haired girls.

Author's Response: I like your way of looking at him a lot better. You have a better understanding of his character, and I wrote the thing - tehe :) Here's to our love of Snape :) Thanks
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Studying, Coq au Vin and a Serious Conversation on Oct 17, 2010 08:28 pm
Snape is like an Alpha wolf. Sniffing around, protecting his pack. It's nice, I like that characterisation of him. Draco is interesting. I love that he notices little things about Ginny like her bum when she walks away. Hopefully she makes it to his dormitory to return his book before he actually needs it. Lovely chapter. I look forward to the next update.

Author's Response: It's funny. I didn't really like this Snape. Maybe it's because I love Snape as a character, and I felt he was prejudiced and unnecessarily nasty to Ginny. But I kinda had to do it to him for the plot. Oh well, I'm making him nice (well, at least, happy...content) in my next story so maybe he will forgive me. Thanks for reviewing. :)
Name: Mungihead reviewed Studying, Coq au Vin and a Serious Conversation on Oct 17, 2010 10:02 am
"He didn’t really care that she was related to the Weasel. She couldn’t be blamed for something she had entirely no control over. After all, he was related to Bellatrix Lestrange. Even the Dark Lord (the man who thought snakes were sexy, had lived without a body –eww- and had been defeated by Potter before Potter could clean his own arse) thought she was cuckoo. Really, Draco couldn’t understand how his father believed, let alone followed, such a megalomaniac. He probably didn’t even wash properly. Draco respected his father’s views (Lucius did have a tendency to demand respect – it was in the walk, something to do with the swagger) but he didn’t agree with them, whatever everyone else thought. Being the son of a Death Eater did not automatically make him a Death Eater. Everyone, including Lucius, had agreed it was probably not in Draco’s best interests to take up with a barmy half-blood who couldn’t even charm himself a proper nose. For Merlin’s sake, the man slept with a snake."

This whole section right here made me laugh so hard that everyone around me looked at me like I was a complete idiot. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! This is a super adorable story.........scoooooooooo cuh-yoot!!!! :)

M :)

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. I think Draco is a little too fastidious to take up with Voldy. Thanks for the review - it made me happy. :)
Name: mythology reviewed Studying, Coq au Vin and a Serious Conversation on Oct 17, 2010 06:58 am
i love this fic :) the plot is really interesting
Name: scentasia reviewed Studying, Coq au Vin and a Serious Conversation on Oct 17, 2010 05:12 am
"For Merlin’s sake, the man slept with a snake."

I laughed so hard after reading this. Brilliant!!Enjoying your story immensely. =D
Name: Boogum reviewed Studying, Coq au Vin and a Serious Conversation on Oct 16, 2010 07:06 pm
Aw, so adorable.
Name: ginnywitch reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 14, 2010 12:17 pm
Yay! This is really cute, I'm loving it so far :)
Name: steppin_razur reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 14, 2010 12:26 am
this story has an interesting start. I am curious for more. keep it coming I love reading your work.
Name: KG1 reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 13, 2010 04:02 pm
yes! yes! yes! so good lol
Name: _ _ reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 12, 2010 03:08 am
I really enjoyed this first chapter. Your portrayal of Draco and other peoples responses to his "quirks" were particularly well done. I look forward to reading more :)
Name: Hep Kid Neno reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 12, 2010 02:00 am
You seemed to have linked both of my rich-boy-in-suits obsessions. Here's to CDO and Artemis and Draco
Name: quirky_vixen reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 11:23 pm
I really liked the premise, Draco seems like a cert OCD case :P I liked the detailing and characterisations and the overall flow of the story. An interesting take indeed.Can't wait for the next :) I hope you shall update soon.
P.S : I was just wondering, shouldn't it be 'cool down' instead of 'warm down'?

Author's Response: Thanks for the review - umm, I have always called it a 'warm down'. I don't know if thats just me (cause sometimes I do weird things like that - tehe) or what it is actually called. You're probably right as that makes way more sense - thank you for telling me.
Name: shaded reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 05:03 pm
Aw, this is very cute. Draco is way too naive here, but in this AU it seems to work. I look forward to seeing how Ginny will behave on their not-yet-a-date date.
Name: Mungihead reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 05:03 pm
Awwww!! Hahaha OCD Draco :D Loooove it! A totally new concept, but a fantabulous explanation for the neatness that makes Draco, well, Draco. I wonder if 'Ginevra' will help him loosen up? ;)

Super cute and definitely looking forward to more!

M :)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 04:25 pm
I love OCD Draco. I think this is brilliant. I don't really see it as OOC because there is still so much about Canon!Draco that we don't actually know, that this bit could be what makes him 'Draco'. Very interesting.

I hope the updates come soon and that those two chapters are already completed. Looking forward to the other chapters.

Author's Response: You're in luck - they are already completed. I just need to add in the changes my beta made. The next one should be up by the ned of this week :)
Name: shelly_lou reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 03:23 pm
I do rather like this story. As someone who actually has OCD (but not typical OCD in that instead of washing my hands all the time, I need to put my right shoe on first. There's a reason why the right side of your body is called "right" :p) I find it very amusing. Personally, the best way for me to cope with my disorder is with a healthy dose of humor. I like how Draco isn't the typical person with OCD. You have done your research, and I like that. I also like how you mentioned the anxiety Draco felt when he was running late, since anxiety is a huge part of OCD. Finally, I love the little side mentions of length (and bonus points for metric system!) as they were funny little tidbits, as well as illustrating his obsession with numbers.

In all, I'm loving this story. I can't wait to read more! Great job!

Author's Response: High-five. I'm mildly OCD myself, which is why I wrote this story. Amongst other smaller things, I can't leave my bedroom until I've tied up my curtains and measured them to make sure the ties are the same length from the bottom. :)I'm really glad you liked it, as I was scared that people might think I was trying to make light of the disease. Thanks for reviewing.
Name: scentasia reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 01:08 pm
"So if the rest of the school were slightly suspicious of Draco’s neat freak tendencies and orderly ways, they usually dismissed it as a result of the stick they assumed was stuck up Draco’s arse."

You are Brilliant!!I loved reading every inch of the chapter. Its humorous in a sarcastic way and its so well written. I love love love your characterization of Draco! I cant wait for the next update! I am hooked!Great job!!:D

Author's Response: Tehe - that's my favourite line too. I'm glad you enjoyed it and decided to review so enthusiastically. It has made me very happy. :)
Name: Boogum reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 11:31 am
Aww, this is adorable. I love OCD Draco, even if he is a little OCC. And, really, who cares about that? If we can't have some freedom with the fanfiction we write, then what's the point of writing it?

Needless to say, I loved it. I look forward to their 'not-date'. ^_^
Name: silvertatooine reviewed Numbers, Schedules and a Curious Little Witch on Oct 10, 2010 11:30 am
haha, i love it!
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