Reviews For The Safe House
Name: ChickbabeC1 reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 02, 2011 07:48 pm
Yes I am new to reviewing. This!! You are making me doubt Draco and I really don't want to!! I just hope Ron gets what is coming to him. He is soo cruel!! Don't make us wait too long.

PS the broken vial tore at my heart!!

Author's Response: Yay again for reviewing! And thank you for the compliment.

So you're starting to wonder about Draco? I can't tell you much without ruining it, but let's just say that everyone comes clean in the end. More will be revealed about the vial in the next few chapters. Thanks again for the review. :)

Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 02, 2011 06:54 pm
I'm glad I went and bought fudge today. I feel like Ginny... I will never forgive them! Never!

Author's Response: I smiled when I read this review. Not because you needed the fudge, but because you quoted Ginny. Awesome. And hopefully the next chapter will not require any self-medication through sugar. :) Thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: rockmysocks8687 reviewed Chapter 30 on Dec 02, 2011 05:08 pm
The broken vial was crushing! What is going on?

Author's Response: I know it's not looking good, but well ... just hang in there. It can't stay this bad forever, right? Thanks so much for reviewing! I'm glad you are still reading this and enjoying it, I hope. I look forward to hearing more from you! :)
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 27, 2011 05:35 pm
I am *begging* you from the bottom of my heart to include even a shred of happiness in the next chapter! lol :)
This was fantastic. Painful, but fantastic. I never saw this coming. How harsh was Harry, not even to let her kiss Draco goodbye or to let him finish his "I love you"?! I agree with some of the other reviews, that under normal circumstances Ginny would have put up more of a fight. But these were clearly not normal circumstances; and I'm pretty sure that she was just stunned by her family's behavior. That being considered, I love how unyielding she was with Hermione. Way to hold onto your bitterness, Ron and Hermione! I'm hoping that by the end of this fic they will be able to work through their grief enough to forgive. I really think that by putting Draco and Ginny through all of this, the truth will come out, and the Weasleys will have their doubts put to rest and be able to accept their daughter's new family. I just can't believe that Draco intentionally gave Harry bad information. I'm also counting on George to be the hero for Ginny, and go to Narcissa with what he knows.
Now I am going to read something happy while I wait for the next chapter. ;)

Author's Response: Well, I hate to say it, but you may have to wait a little bit longer for that shred of happiness. I'll have the candy dish ready at the beginning of the next chapter. :)

And thank you for the compliment! So glad I could surprise you, too. I was hoping that the readers wouldn't see this coming. And yes, Ginny is definitely not a wallflower, but she is wandless and kind of shocked that her family has betrayed her. And thanks for noticing her strength in the Hermione scene. Your comment on Ron and Hermione made me laugh.

I hope you found something really happy to read. And I look forward to reading your next review! :)

Name: Dracogirl reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 27, 2011 04:09 pm
I'm trying hard to care about the family and how they feel...but I don't. Where was Harry when Ginny was gone all that time? looking for her? No! He was shagging Pansy! Boo Hoo, I love you Ginny, but I have to keep shagging Pansy (who I like in this fic by the way...let her have George). And I know Ron is grieving, but he hasn't really acted liked he cared about Ginny this entire story. I could understand how he reacted to Ginny in this chapter if not for the fact that last chapter he was pissed at her for not jumping in Harry's bed.

This is my first review for this story but I do love it and look daily for the updates. I'm going to need more than candy though if there's going to be more drama.

Author's Response: Well, firstly, thank you so much for reviewing! I love to get hear from new readers!

Okay, I completely understand your feelings towards the family. I love your commentary on Harry. And you are right. Ron has completely shut down when it comes to dealing with his sister's abduction. He even said he considered her dead at one point (somehwere back in part two). I think that is what has made it so easy for him to react in this manner.

And as for the candy... you might want to stock up a bit. Sorry. :)

Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 26, 2011 02:57 pm
Honestly, I think that Draco thought the information would help and didn't know it was a trap. It's pretty clear at this point that Voldemort knew something was up with Draco and that he couldn't trust Draco.

If I were Ginny I would stun Hermione, Ron and her mom and get out of there. If she can find George then he can take her to Narcissa and sort the mess out.

Author's Response: I love your thoughts on Draco's spying. Very interesting... As for Ginny, she has no wand. They took Draco's wand when they arrested him. I suppose she could steal one from someone, but well ....

Thanks so much for the review! I look forward to seeing your reaction to what is coming. :)

Name: Estel2325 reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 26, 2011 10:00 am
*take the imaginary candy* not enough... *siff* will go out to buy some chocolate frog. will be back for chapter 30 *deep sigh*

Author's Response: Awe ... I hope you found some chocolate frogs. Thanks for the review. Just hang in there with me. There is still some more drama to come. :)
Name: ChickbabeC1 reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 25, 2011 07:22 pm
I have adored this story for so long! It kills me how helpless Ginny is in this chapter. I hope she shows her family what she is made of again.

Author's Response: Thank you! It's so awesome to hear from someone new. (Right? I don't remember seeing your name before.) And You are right about Ginny. She is rather helpless, but she is a little in shock and she has no wand. I would love to see what you think of her in the coming chapters. Thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: lilactree reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 25, 2011 03:57 pm
I can't believe Ginny let them take her husband with out a fight :O!! Who cares if the baby is crying? Compared to having your husband arrested, calming a baby (who wont remember it 5 minutes later) is not important :O. I hope Cissy comes in and knocks some sense into everyone. Great chapter!! Loved the drama, confusion and anger :) Suspense swooped right in at the right time.

Author's Response: I love your passion in this review! But remember, Ginny has no wand. And I think it's just completely shocking to her that she is being betrayed by her own family. I agree, though, that she is not one to take things lying down. I hope you enjoy some of her choices in the coming chapters. Thanks so much for the review! And the compliments!
Name: Erica T reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 25, 2011 11:13 am
Augh! Why would you do that? It's so mean. But seriously, interesting plot development, I'm still curious about what really happened between Harry and Draco before he went into hiding. And I'm still waiting for Harry to get his commupence....

Author's Response: I know, it's not intentionally mean. I promise. But there has to be some consequences for choices made in the past. Well, that's cryptic, isn't it? Thanks for reviewing!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 25, 2011 07:57 am
You knew it had to come out. I was sad what the family did but it is all about the healing process. The whole family is mourning all over again. I know Hermione and Ron need to vent; Harry had to make known his feelings truthfully & Ginny has to say some things to her family and to Draco. I cannot wait to see Narcissa and her reunion with Draco and the grandchild. You are killing me with your endings.. :( can nothing go right?

Author's Response: I love your attitude about this. And hopefully, you will stick with me as this next drama progresses. Sorry about the endings. Thanks so much for the review! I hope to hear more of your thoughts in the future. :)
Name: Kittyluv reviewed Chapter 29 on Nov 25, 2011 03:01 am
This is just so... Ugh! How could they do this? Can't they just use veritaserum to check? A pensieve? Hope there's a happy ending! Awesome as usual though.

Author's Response: I know, I'm sorry. Your questions will be addressed in the coming chapters. Just hold tight, we still have a way to go. Thanks for the review and the compliment even though it was such a depressing read. :)
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 28 on Nov 23, 2011 10:40 pm
"Well, I like Christmas dinner." was probably one of my favorite responses in this entire story thus far simply because it totally reminds me of something I would say.

On one hand I feel bad for Harry, on the other, well, he's spent years using Pansy as a plaything so I can't really feel THAT sorry for him. As for Ron, anger may be one of the stages of grief but he needs to see the glass half-full here. I mean, his sister is alive and happy and hasn't spent years in a torture chamber. So he doesn't like her choice in a husband but that's not his call, it's hers.

Safe to say I loved this. :) I can't wait to see how Narcissa reacts when she learns that her son is alive. That reunion has to be WAY easier on our fav couple that this one. I mean, Ginny DID save Draco's life so doesn't Narcissa kind of have to like her? hahahaha

Author's Response: Thank you! And I liked that line a lot too. So, your concerns about Ron are completely accurate. He should be relieved, but he's not. The coming chapters explore more of what he is thinking. In fact, I just posted today. I would love to see what you are thinking. Thanks again for the review and all the support. :)
Name: Sleepless reviewed Chapter 28 on Nov 20, 2011 07:41 pm
Well i can't wait for them to love Draco they have to.... well maybe not Ron, but maybe he could learn not to want to kill him. Excite for more!!!

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! I know you want them all to see how amazing Draco is, but I will warn you that it won't come easy. Sorry, I know that's vague, but I don't want to give too much away. Thanks again!
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 28 on Nov 19, 2011 06:57 pm
I love the reunion with the brothers. They love their sister enough to be (at least reluctantly) supportive. Ron's and Harry's behavior was no surprise. Molly is a lot colder than I expected, though. Not only is she snubbing Draco, but she's rejecting the idea that her daughter is happy (and was happy during her time away). I didn't expect Molly to be thrilled with the new family; but I thought there might be a bit of understanding or empathy (a sort of mother-daughter bonding) now that Ginny is a married woman with a child. So that was a little unsettling. I'm hoping to understand her position more (and see it resolved) in upcoming chapters.
Nevertheless, I love the tenderness between Draco and Ginny. Their love does not falter under scrutiny; and they continue to be a source of strength and security for one another. Their interactions also help relieve some of the heaviness in this part of the story. I enjoyed the quip about Christmas dinner. ;)

Author's Response: Molly is a tough one for me. I kind of like her a little bit mean, short-tempered for sure. Things will continue to explore her stance on Ginny's (and Draco's and Thuban's) arrival. I only hope that I have written it well enough that readers like you won't be wondering about her choices. I'm sure you will tell me your thoughts and I look forward to them all - even if you are not happy with it.

Thanks so much for the love towards the reunion otherwise and for the Draco and Ginny moments. I really loved that last little scene. It was nice to bring out snarky Draco for a moment again. Thank you!

Name: Estel2325 reviewed Chapter 28 on Nov 19, 2011 09:47 am
Not going to leave a constructive criticism I'm afraid, just want to let you know that this... is what I'm looking forward to read each week. Can't wait for chapter 29 (^_^)

Author's Response: Awe, that's so sweet. I really appreciate the review - even without the constructive criticism. :) I will warn you that things will get a bit dramatic in the next chapter. I'd love to hear what you think. Should be posted by the weekend. :)
Name: Sylvia reviewed Chapter 28 on Nov 18, 2011 07:12 pm
I read all 28 chapters tonight! I love it, can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Yay! A new reader! I'm so excited to hear from you. Thank you so much for the review, and I'm so glad you are enjoying it. Please keep telling me your thoughts. I have updating weekly and the plan is to continue to do so. Next chapter should be up by the weekend. :)
Name: Kittyluv reviewed Chapter 28 on Nov 18, 2011 04:53 pm
Awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter. B4 I could see what might and might not happen. But now that the weasleys and Harry know already only narcissa doesn't. What will happen after everyone knows of draco's return? Please give a little clue.

Author's Response: Thank you! A lot happens in the next chapter, and I hope to get it out this week. Thanks so much for the review! It makes my day to get them. :)
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 27 on Nov 16, 2011 08:38 pm
I think with a baby to care about, the train was the safest way to go.

Loved this chapter. So emotional and lovely. :)

Author's Response: Good point with the Muggle transport. Why didn't I think to point that out? Thank you so much for reviewing! And for the really nice compliments. :)
Name: Sleepless reviewed Chapter 27 on Nov 14, 2011 04:11 pm
This was amazingly well written! Great work!

Author's Response: Thank you! That's so sweet of you to say. And I didn't get a lot of response to this chapter, so I will just keep re-reading your review. :)
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 27 on Nov 13, 2011 05:48 pm
Great start to Part Three! I think it's perfectly reasonable for them to use muggle transport for their trip. It's probably safer considering they don't know what they're going into; and it seems to reinforce that tension of wanting to see their families, but wanting to delay the meetings as well. I never considered how frightened Thuban might be of other people. Poor baby! That was a nice detail. And I love the way the family clock tracked Ginny's progress, and prepared the Weasley's for her arrival. Great start! :)

Author's Response: Thank you! Glad to hear your thoughts on the Muggle transport. I think you explained it better than me. :) Porr little Thuban, right? What a shocking turn of events for the little guy. I actually forgot to put the clock in that sccene and my amazing beta SometimeSelkie pointed it out. So glad too. I think it needed to be there after playing such an important role throughout Part Two. Thanks again for your thoughtful review!
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 26 on Nov 08, 2011 10:46 am
Have I mentioned how much I love this? haha

Great job, as per usual. Can't wait for Part Three!

Author's Response: Have I mentioned how much all your reviews mean to me? Seriously. I was flamed a few times this week on FF and it just blows. It makes me question everything when someone tells me how OOC my charaters are. Anyway, thank you! And I hope to upload the next chappie tonight so hopefully it will be posted soon. :)
Name: Sleepless reviewed Chapter 26 on Nov 04, 2011 07:32 pm
It was really good I can't wait to read part 3!!!

Author's Response: Thank you! Part Three is making me a little nervous so I hope you like it. :) Thanks for the review!
Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 26 on Nov 04, 2011 05:20 pm
Great chapter! I'm so glad that Ginny's trip into the "real world" was a positive experience. I have to admit I was a little anxious about that (not that I thought you would let anything happen to her). lol
Her conversation with Draco about shopping made me laugh.
I loved the more serious conversation between George and Pansy. I also love that, even though Draco tries to stifle his emotions, he eventually lets himself be vulnerable with his wife, and allows her to reassure him.
Finally, I thought Nor"witch" Beauty Supply was clever. :)

Author's Response: Thank you, a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed this last bit of transition. And Draco is definitely having hard time adjusting. I almost changed the whole Norwitch Beauty Supply part so it's good to know it was appreciated. I am seriously starting to have worries that the next part will be a total fail. I'm sure you will continue to let me know your thoughts - and please don't hesitate to let me know if something isn't working. Thanks again!
Name: OneOfThoseGirls reviewed Chapter 26 on Nov 04, 2011 03:00 pm
I've been following this story for a while now and I really enjoy it. I'm so excited for the last chapter!

Author's Response: Well, thank you for reviewing! And I'm so glad you are enjoying it. We are now entering Part Three - many more chapters to come. I would love to get more feedback from you. :)
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