Reviews For Stronger
Name: cherryredxx reviewed 12. on Apr 09, 2012 11:05 am
We had a discussion about this a few chapters ago, don't you remember? We do not end our chapters like this!

...and you yell at me... =P

Author's Response: I'm sorry. I'm a bad author, haha. Hopefully you like the next chapter and are satisfied with it :)
Name: Akt5us reviewed 12. on Apr 08, 2012 02:07 pm
What the heck? I'm so confused, does Harry just want to have everyone? I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Harry's a complicated person, haha.
Name: Sleepless reviewed 12. on Apr 08, 2012 01:47 pm
Oh no! Harry is an arse!
Name: Rinney reviewed 12. on Apr 08, 2012 10:49 am

What in the world is going to happen next? You have to update. I can't believe Harry. I just want to smash his glasses in half. They shouldn't have went back. Oh man, that cliff hanger has made me upset, and in a good way. I feel like I'm waiting for the next episode of an excited series coming out.

Draco better hex him to the moon! Aaah! Update please =)!

Author's Response: *evil laugh* I'm sorry I left you with this terrible cliffhanger. I hope you like the next update just as much.
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