Reviews For Home and Heart
Name: MaroonSweater reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Oct 11, 2013 02:43 pm
Great story! I can't wait to read the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! Sorry for the late response, hopefully more coming soon!
Name: tkmoore reviewed Chapter 1 - Awakening on Aug 20, 2013 07:59 pm

Author's Response: :)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Jun 25, 2013 01:29 pm
I've been getting into murder mysteries a lot lately, especially the Agatha Christie variety so I'm loving this. I'm s glad it will be more than a short story.

Author's Response: Yay! It's my second attempt and I'm enjoying putting it together. Wish I could work on it more, summer is tough - I'm outside and it's too bright to work on the pc! LOL. Hope to have next chapter up soon tho! Best wishes!
Name: enoimreh reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Jun 25, 2013 11:33 am
Great chapter! I loved Ginny's reaction to Draco's injury, and Draco's reaction to Ginny. Really, I just love them together.

Author's Response: Thank you so much. For some reason, this angle on Ginny has given me more opportunity for the pair to have some fun conversations. She's really annoyed at the world and it's so easy for her to just be open with him because he's not attached to her old life. Best Wishes!
Name: cherryredxx reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Jun 22, 2013 02:01 pm
Yay for the plot development! I love that you are keeping the storyline and characterizations very consistent with The Journey Home. Great so far! Can't wait for more :).

Author's Response: Oh good! It's always nice to hear that it's working. I have Ginny's personality pretty clear in my head, but since everything is from her point of view, we only get glimpses into the other characters, which kind of works toward her solving her mystery. Thanks so much for letting me know that it's coming across well. :)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Jun 20, 2013 11:56 am
Oooh, now the plot thickens. Who doesn't love a classic whodunnit mystery. I want, no, I need more of this.

I can see Ginny keeping Draco's company while he's in hiding. That's always fun. Then again, you most likely have something even better planned. Can't wait to read it.

Author's Response: Can't make it too easy on our dear Ginny. She's still a little confused about how she feels. This is my first deep foray into writing a mystery, so it's a fun challenge. Originally, I was thinking of this as a short story, but as I built the plot, I found that it needed to be a bit longer. So glad that it's caught your interest!!!!
Best wishes
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Jun 19, 2013 12:03 am
Intriguing as always! I like the set up to another adventure. You show both sides of Ginny with her family life and the other part that has Draco in it - gives the story dynamism and gives us Ginny's perspective, adds weight to the story :) I always like the little backstories you add - ex. when you explain Draco's hesitation when he mentioned detention. Curious about the potion's intent though.

Author's Response: Oh yay! You see Ginny as a complex character - which is how I see her as I'm writing this. She's got a lot going on and is trying to figure herself out as all this is going on around her. Poor thing. And then she has this complicated thing called Draco in her life. I would love to add more about his backstory, but this plot is from her point of view, so she's only getting glimpses of everything and everyone around her, but I find her very fun to write in this one. Glad you are enjoying the plot and I think you'll like the overall story as it unfolds. Thanks so much!!!! Hugs!
Name: pitzi reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Jun 18, 2013 09:12 pm
Thanks for posting another chapter!!
And so eventful too!! Now I'm all suspense to know what happens next, what's the deal with Trelawny, who tried to kill Draco and everything else!

Author's Response: So glad you thought it was eventful! I actually thought this was a boring chapter. LOL. It is kind of a bridge to set up future events. Looking forward to what you all think after I weave all the parts together! Glad you enjoyed! :)
Name: Marinka reviewed Chapter 4 - Diversion on Jun 18, 2013 04:52 pm
Can Ginny go with him? Witness protection program? :)))

Author's Response: Good question - but not answering for now :D
Name: calleope reviewed Chapter 3 - Back to the Burrow on May 30, 2013 06:36 am
I was sad to see that there weren't more chapters in this yet... (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
It's very good, lots of nuances and humor, but not really fluffy.
You've done a great job in capturing a lot of the tone of the original- which was one of the most enjoyable fics I've read in a while.
Thanks for a great read!

Author's Response: So glad that you like it, and thank you so much for the kind compliment. Nudge acknowledged! The story turned out to be a bit more detailed and much longer than I had originally planned, and I've been without my pc for almost 6 weeks. Hoping to get back into it soon. Best wishes!
Name: Pan reviewed Chapter 3 - Back to the Burrow on Mar 06, 2013 10:41 am
As per your author bio, I am leaving a review. I typically don't do this - but after reading your reasoning...I plan to start (so thank you). I am enjoying this story and I was delighted to learn it has a prequel - which I am excited to read as well! I have never read a story in which Ginny decides to forego Hogwarts and I think it fits her character well. :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your feedback! I am very amused that my bio inspired you (I must have written that when I was feeling that my stories were unloved because nobody was saying anything) :) Anyway, I'm glad you like my story and that you think Ginny is in a realistic situation. I do try to find new plots and situations so that my stories are more original. Thanks again for letting me know you enjoyed my work.
Best Wishes!
Name: cherryredxx reviewed Chapter 3 - Back to the Burrow on Mar 01, 2013 09:56 am
What a lovely chapter. Lots to think about here. It was wonderful how you incorporated so many characters. Update soon I hope!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I was worried about it, but the story kind of needs the other characters to move our Ginny along. Each one provides a perspective for her - and then we have a mystery, so we need more characters to round out the plot. I'm working steadily. Thanks so much for letting me know you liked it. :)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 - Back to the Burrow on Feb 27, 2013 06:56 am
I know she has to mend those fences but I also don't want her to lose any ground with Draco. She needs to strike while the iron is hot. Plus, I think it would be hard readjusting to living with her family again after being her own woman for so many months. I know for me, it would be hard to readjust (even if it was only 3 months) to not being able to do what I want when I want after getting used to that.

Author's Response: Thanks again.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 - Back to the Burrow on Feb 26, 2013 05:14 pm
Awesome! I love that Draco's house is her safe haven and that she is clearly welcome there, if Winky's and Draco's reactions are to be believed. I like that he is encouraging her to do what she wants rather than what is expected of her . I just wish she had her own flat again. She needs a space that is all her own. Maybe she could work for George if she can't get back into the Ministry and get her own place again. She needs to be off the Weasley's short leash.

Awesome! Love it! Want more! :)

Author's Response: Now that Ginny has healed a bit, she feels badly for ditching her family. Yeah, she's on a short leash, but she's allowing - even self-imposing it - because she wants to make up to her family for running off without so much as a "goodbye" to anyone. This won't last long. She's only been home for a week or two, so I think that it makes sense that she wants to be extra tolerant and she and the family need to work out how to be together again. Much more to come! and thank you for the review!
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Chapter 3 - Back to the Burrow on Feb 25, 2013 09:11 pm
Wonderful! Your writing is so detailed and explains all of their thoughts and feelings so well. And you're not writing smut for the sake of smut, it's a romantic story, I love it.

Author's Response: Awesome! Glad that you like it! :D I definitely use the physical interaction as an emotional tool in writing and I'm glad that you see it that way also. As I write, I'm always questioning "why" a character is doing something, so I think I could add details forever. Thank you for your lovely feedback.
Best wishes!
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Chapter 1 - Awakening on Feb 25, 2013 08:43 pm

Author's Response: :) Let's just hope that I can keep up the pace. I was up all night and came up with a plot change.... eep!
Name: Kate reviewed Chapter 1 - Awakening on Feb 03, 2013 03:24 am
I do hope you've not abandoned this one! It's off to a grand start!

Author's Response: Hi Kate! No, this is not abandoned. I just took a hiatus to write some original stories. This one has the next several chapters partially written, but not quite ready to go. I was holding back due to a small problem I had with part of the plot. I also wanted to have most of the chapters completed so I could release the remainder of the story at a steady pace. Glad you found it. I hope to start posting soon, if I can keep my focus. :) Thanks for reading :)
Name: PopCrackleSnap reviewed Chapter 1 - Awakening on Sep 02, 2012 01:44 pm
It's been really great re-reading The Journey Home and now this fic! Please update soon! I love the dynamic between Draco and Ginny and can't wait for more of Draco!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the review! My apologies for not responding sooner. Glad you enjoyed and hopefully I'll work out a small plot glitch that has been vexing me for a while on this. Best wishes! -G
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 2 - Home Comes Calling on Jun 06, 2012 10:11 pm
what going to happen next ? will ginny stay at the burrow for awhile ? will she see draco again? hopefully my questions will be answered soon!

Author's Response: I'm struggling a bit with getting the balance right in the next chapter, but there is definitely a scene with Draco. :D
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Chapter 2 - Home Comes Calling on May 25, 2012 12:40 am
Yay! I'm really liking how your characters are interacting. I didn't realize how young your Ginny was though (not a bad thing, although I feel old now). I don't think I have any suggestions to offer, because there's nothing I ...object to or have any critique because it's getting along smoothily and sweetily. Loving Arthur and Molly, and the bit about him watching her! Once again, I am really enjoying it! Can't wait for more Draco ;)

Author's Response: Glad you like it! I thought it was a huge hole in the previous story that there was no mention that Ginny's parents even noticed that she'd ditched school. I don't want to focus on that too much in this story, but thought it was important to move Ginny's character forward, and it sets the tone for where she goes off to next. Thanks so much for the feedback!!!! And yes, there will be plenty of Draco.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 2 - Home Comes Calling on May 13, 2012 01:13 pm
I really do love this story. Draco is so sneaky first thing in the morning. I love how specific he was in asking Winky those questions. I love how formidable Molly Weasley seems and how understanding Arthur seems to be. I can't wait to see more of Ginny and Draco's relationship as it develops.

Author's Response: Thank you, m'dear! I'm so glad you enjoy it so far. The balance with Ginny and her parents is a bit tricky - they are concerned, but I don't want them to be overbearing. As for Draco being sneaky, I'm thinking that his Slytherin background makes him very adept at bending the truth a bit. I'm sure he's had a lot of practice (considering how he was very good at not getting in trouble after harassing Harry at Hogwarts). :)
Name: babyhallows61 reviewed Chapter 2 - Home Comes Calling on May 13, 2012 06:16 am
So thrilled to see another chapter! I enjoy the way you portray Ginny. Always a joy to read. Cant wait to read more. Thankyou very, very much.

Author's Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it! :)
Name: Rinney reviewed Chapter 2 - Home Comes Calling on May 11, 2012 01:40 pm
I'm extremely grateful that you updated this, and with such a lovely chapter. I know my mom would have lost her mind if I disappeared for a few months only to appear in a man's pajamas. Molly's reaction is totally justified. I love how close knit the Weasleys are in this story as well. Too many D&G fics don't possess that family feeling of love perfectly. They either overdo it or they alienate Ginny from her family. You have a nice balance.

Please keep updating. Draco made me smile when he assisted her with Mom and Dad, haha. He's a keeper.

Author's Response: I'm glad that you said that Molly's reaction came across with the right balance. I agree, many fics bother me because someone's reaction (either Ginny or her parents) are too extreme or unrealistic. But, real families do have disagreements, and they get upset, and I really didn't think that it would be right for her parents to just ignore the fact that she went off on her own. I also didn't want Ginny to overreact because she understands that she'd been a bit forgetful of her parents' feelings. However, I'm struggling a bit getting that in the next chapter, because there's a bit of background that needs to happen to kick Ginny into her next adventure, but I don't want the family stuff to get overdone or repetitive or boring. :) Wish me luck! :D
And Draco really got a kick out of misleading Molly, methinks. He's such a Slytherin. :)
Name: eaudetoilettex reviewed Chapter 2 - Home Comes Calling on May 11, 2012 01:40 pm
It is so lovely! I admire your writing skills and well , cant wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'm so sorry for the late reply, but I greatly appreciate that you read my story and let me know that you enjoyed it!
Best Wishes!
Name: Dark__Angel reviewed Chapter 2 - Home Comes Calling on May 11, 2012 11:17 am
Nice now all she needs is draco again :-)

Author's Response: LOL. Yes, she does. I will definitely have to give her a shove back to him. :D
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