Reviews For Ad Hominem
Name: brittnymalfoy15 reviewed Skeletons on Aug 11, 2013 02:27 pm
This is getting good....

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! :)
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Skeletons on Oct 25, 2012 11:40 pm
well i am suprise at the reason why ginny is defending draco! great plot...

Author's Response: Thanks for your review! :)
Name: researchinmotion reviewed Skeletons on Oct 22, 2012 10:16 pm
I'm hooked!!!

Author's Response: I'm glad! Thanks for the review ;).
Name: tenna reviewed Skeletons on Oct 18, 2012 01:08 am
Stop calling her love Draco! I...I cannot.

Oh please do continue, this is soooo intriguing and of course he blackmails her, what was I thinking? Perhaps though maybe only in the beginning?

The suspense is killing me.

Thank you :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review! I don't liked to give much away in my responses, but I will tell you that her reasons do change over the course of the story. I will try to update soon, and I'm glad you're interested. :)
Name: Lady Mischief reviewed Skeletons on Oct 17, 2012 03:26 pm
The verbal banter between Draco and Ginny is great! I was wondering why she would defend him for the murder of her brother. I love that even when asked point blank if he did murder him, Draco just quips...I was with you, wasn't I. I cannot wait until the next update :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much for your review! I am trying to keep it ambiguous (if he just said yes or no, what kind of fun would that be?), and I'm glad that was something you were able to appreciate! I'm glad you're enjoying this, and I do hope to update soon. :)
Name: Anise reviewed Skeletons on Oct 15, 2012 07:03 pm
(gets a bazooka)

I'm off to find Draco! Don't wait up!


But you know, Ginny has to carry part of the blame here too. She could call his bluff and let the truth come out, deciding that everyone would just have to deal with it. BUT... it does seem as if she must have taken that choice in part because no matter how much of a complete jerk Draco is, she knows that he couldn't have killed Ron.

So complex, so maddening, so irresistible! Your fics are really good lately. :) Oh, but they make me want to slap these characters around. They really do.

Author's Response: I hated writing this scene - I have to be honest. Draco was a complete jerk, but you're right (as usual :P), there are two sides to everything, and Ginny definitely has her reasons for making the decision that she did. I'm so glad you're enjoying my stories lately! ;)
Name: SunnyStorms reviewed Skeletons on Oct 15, 2012 05:05 pm
Great chapter Pam-very intriguing. I really want to know what caused the estrangement with her family and what happened that night. This is a very interesting relationship you've set up between Draco and Ginny. It isn't so clear cut and makes you wonder what really is going on between them. I'm curious though about the fact that Ginny's taking on this case to in part preserve her reputation--won't the alibi still be an important part of proving him innocent?

Author's Response: Because she is his lawyer, she cannot be called to testify. Draco knows that she values her reputation, so when other attorneys instantly come to the decision that he should settle for a plea bargain, he decides he'd rather go without her alibi and instead blackmail her into going to trial. There is a reason for this, though ;). I'm glad you're enjoying this so far, and I hope to have more to post soon!
Name: pitzi reviewed Skeletons on Oct 15, 2012 01:00 am
Ha, so they do have a history. And him blackmailing her makes the story even more interesting.

Ginny's reasoning is a little hard to comprehend though. Wouldn't her family be less apalled with the fact that she slept with Malfoy once than now, when she is defending him in a trial for her brother's murder?

I'm really looking forward to what's next!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! As far as Ginny's reason goes... remember that Draco is already accused of murdering Ron. So if she tells her family that she slept with her brother's killer the night that he died, it might look like she had something to do with it... or at least she thinks it might. I don't usually give away a lot of details in my review responses, but I just don't want you to get the wrong idea about Ginny. But yes, they absolutely do have a history. :) I hope to post more soon!
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