Reviews For Ad Hominem
Name: Rummy reviewed NOW AND THEN on Dec 12, 2013 05:33 am
Fantastic story. I love this Draco you've created, he's marvellous. And the story feel really fresh and original.

Keep the updates coming!

Author's Response: Thank you! I will try to update this soon. :)
Name: Anise reviewed NOW AND THEN on Sep 15, 2013 06:32 pm
The amount of angst may vary, but your D/G relationships are ALWAYS so complex, so compelling. :) There are plenty of times when neither one of them is particularly likeable, but they're always keeping our interest!!

I think that we really don't know what happened in their past here-- what their relationship really was to either one of them, why he never had anything to do with her again, why she never tried to find him, either (I guess?), why everything ended up the way it did. I don't really believe that Draco did kill Ron, though, and I don't think that Ginny really does, either. Still... I think he knows a lot more than he's telling. Maybe we'll find out more soon! :)

Author's Response: Draco and Ginny in this story... they're very frustrating to me. I want you to see them for who I mean for them to be, but gradually, and the suspense is killing me. If I let on too much too quickly, this story would have no point to it. Really the most important thing at this stage of the story is showing what is happening to Ginny - her social demise, her slandered name, her career in shambles - and show that it's not her fault entirely, but it is somewhat. In the very beginning, I think, most readers assumed that Draco was evil and Ginny was good, but that isn't exactly true. So hopefully that is coming through. In the end, I hope, it will all make a bit more sense. :P
Name: pitzi reviewed NOW AND THEN on Sep 07, 2013 08:37 pm
Good to see you are updating this. As much as I sympathize with Ginny, Draco is right here - the rational decision for her would have been to say no and tell the family however unappealing that might be. Basically, Draco implies that she is prone to irrational decisions, and reminding her that she could have said no that night might imply that he doesn't think highly of what happened between them then.

I'm interested to see where this is going, as the premise kinda reminds me of "How we pretend to feel" - Draco breaks things off after they sleep together and then several years later comes for help with his trial.

Author's Response: All I can or will say about their romantic/friendly relationship at this point is that it isn't what it seems. Ginny doesn't understand it, and neither do we. But in time, we will. She definitely did make a rash decision by agreeing to represent him, but a lot factored in here. Does she /really/ believe that he is guilty - that is the actual question. There are some similaries to this and Pretend right now, but ultimately they are nothing alike. Pretend focused on Ginny's struggle to find herself, stemming from her shattered love life, to her lost career, to her need to finally take care of herself after spending years being protected by Harry. This story is about social destruction, political assassination, and trying to decipher between what is truth and what is fiction. The basic premise, though, is similar, but to be fair I did begin both of these around the same time. :P
Name: b1elliot reviewed NOW AND THEN on Sep 06, 2013 03:52 pm
Whew! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks! I will update very soon. :)
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed NOW AND THEN on Sep 06, 2013 03:21 pm
what love what draco told ginny at response to her outtburst!!! great dialogue between them! what going to happen between them, next.. an exciting plot, what ginny's friend react to the newspaper article....

Author's Response: You will found out very soon what her family's reaction was to the newspaper article. I will update very soon :).
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