Name: b1elliot reviewed Third Dose on May 29, 2017 01:55 am
A funny one followed by a somewhat devastating one makes an interesting pair of stories.

Author's Response: Maybe I should have posted the dark one first and funny one second? XD
Name: SunnyStorms reviewed Third Dose on Jun 27, 2013 11:37 pm
I loved your hair drabble and the pun. So fitting. Lol. And the bit at the end - I've noticed that you are great at evoking sexual tension.

In Fallen, I found the image of a mad Ginny with her sing-song voice pretty haunting. The ending line was particularly striking.

Author's Response: I can't remember if the title of All's Hair came first or the story. I'm just glad they worked so well together! I'm glad to hear that you like the sexual tension! I've noticed that many of my one-shots end with it, so I always fear that when I write it it will come off as stale. As for Fallen, Ginny's meant to be Draco's haunting reminder, so I'm glad you found her haunting as well! Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Name: tinyriot reviewed Third Dose on Jun 22, 2013 03:34 pm
'All's Hair in Love and War' is hilarious. I was greatly amused with Theo having a muggle alarm clock (of course he would). This part, "Even Snape gave him an odd look every now and then, but he helped Draco out by not calling on him during class." was my favorite.

And what a contrast 'Fallen' was. Ginny siding with the dark (!) and her transformation due to imprisonment is amazing. Although, 'Fallen' is tragic and bleak I did have a chuckle when I came to this particular line, "Ginny pouted, throwing the rat at the opposite wall of her cell." I just watched 'A Cat in Paris' the other day and this reminded me of ZoƩ throwing a box of lizards at her door when her mother left the room. IDEK

Author's Response: I've relatively recently started writing Theo, and two of the unpublished stories I've used him in show him characterized in completely different ways, but I think he would still have this fascination for Muggles. The fact that his role is so small in "All's Hair" and you agree that his characterization rings in any way true must mean I'm doing something right! Of course Theo is alll fanon, but he's a fun character to explore. :) I don't think I've ever seen A Cat in Paris, but the throwing lizards at the door bit sounds really familiar! If the rest of that drabble didn't prove it, I'd hoped that that line would show Ginny's madness at that point. :( Thank you for reading and reviewing!
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