Reviews For The Chain
Name: clocks2 reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Apr 01, 2015 08:57 pm
I wish you would come back to this story. It was beginning to be a great story.
Name: clocks2 reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Aug 19, 2013 05:15 am
Please please update soon can't wait to read more!
Name: aerileigh reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 28, 2013 06:19 am
Ohhhh, you.

I sensed there was a history here right away. But when he asked "How's Henry?" and I quickly realized (it took /perhaps/ two seconds) that you were unlikely to make up an OC boyfriend and that this was probably a child, my heart stopped.

Cruel, cruel Rowan, to break up Draco and Ginny. :( I hope this is a story of how they find love again and the last chapter isn't going to take me back a few years and walk me through the bloody mess. I am nervous.

Nerves aside, as always, the details shine. Your descriptions are never labored and yet I can picture it all, from the luxe ball to the lift in his eyebrows that you didn't write but happened, I swear. Gah. I can't deny that I envy your talent. ;)
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 25, 2013 06:19 pm
This isn't a premise I usually enjoy because I like to think of Draco and Ginny as happy together, but in this one chapter you've shown me that just because their marriage didn't work out, that doesn't necessarily change the essence of the characters. The dislike, insults, and wit are all still there; they're just wrapped up in an underlying pain that makes me hurt on their behalf. I think it definitely takes a mature person to tackle this scenario, and on top of that, you have a mature, beautiful style of writing that I can't help but envy.

This is the first line where I noticed it:
"He allowed her to drag him over for a dance and placed his hands where they ought to be quite mechanically, although not without his characteristic and effortless sort of grace."

I don't know how to describe it except with the word "expressive." You choose the perfect words (out of hundreds, thousands from which to choose!) to convey the right feeling or mood, and you seem to do it effortlessly. It doesn't come off as too much, AND you effectively paint a real picture in readers' minds. I'm in awe of the real characters you've portrayed here, and of how excellently you've crafted this story so far.

Author's Response: Jessica, in all honesty your review made me a bit teary eyed. This is such high praise, and more so coming from you, a writer whom I admire tremendously. Thank you! You totally made my night. :D
Name: gidge_8 reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 24, 2013 05:50 pm
I dearly love stories that have a more mature and complex relationship. I particularly enjoyed how you portrayed Ginny's disdain for the people at the party - then how she realized that she was just like them. I see this as a key in the upcoming story of how and why the couple was divorced. I also love the way both Draco and Ginny seem to care so deeply for each other, even after they've been apart for some time. It's very clear that they are still drawn toward each other, and I'm intrigued to learn more about what happened between them in the past. Very powerful beginning and I'm looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Gidge, I'm always so happy to get reviews from you! This is actually my first "grown up" story, and I'm glad that you think it's going well. Thank you so much! :)
Name: b1elliot reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 24, 2013 03:38 am
Very beautifully written beginning...Thanks!

Author's Response: Thank you! Stay tuned for more!
Name: humaira reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 23, 2013 06:47 pm
wow, this was breathtaking. i haven't read anything that's evoked this much emotion in me in awhile.

you've characterized them perfectly, and the story is very gripping. can't wait to see where this goes.

Author's Response: I can't tell you how happy I was to read this. Thank you so much! :)
Name: cherryredxx reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 23, 2013 08:56 am
Love it! Beautiful writing. I have a feeling that there is lots for you to reveal about their past. Update soon :).

Author's Response: Thank you! I agree with you there, revelations will come up slowly but surely. :)
Name: clocks2 reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 22, 2013 09:35 pm
Can't wait to read more please update soon

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! :)
Name: pitzi reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 22, 2013 12:10 pm
Wow! This was amazing!
You pictured Draco and Ginny and how they handle each other after their divorce so in character for them!

It's obvious that they still care for each other so I wonder what went wrong in their marriage.

And I really hope they get back together and work everything out...

Love Blaise!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm glad that you thought they were in character! That was actually one of the things I was worried about here. Glad you liked Blaise's short cameo! I always have fun writing him. :)
Name: Lady Mischief reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 22, 2013 03:49 am
This story shows promise. I was not expecting them to be married before, only to have dated. I wonder what more would have been said if they had not been interrupted by Blaise and Astoria...I cannot wait for your next update.

Author's Response: I'm writing this for Kim and her prompt was essentially a divorce fic, but I didn't want to just throw it out there but rather have it come up somehow during their interaction. I'm glad it caught you unawares.:D As for their being interrupted, I'm sure they'll pick up where they left off, probably sooner rather than later. ;)
Name: coneveronica reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 21, 2013 06:34 pm
This story gripped me right away. I love the character development and how you slowly revealed their history then their true feelings. I can't wait to see how this story progresses. Update soon!

Author's Response: I'm happy to hear that! One thing I love about DG is that their relationship will have to be complex at baseline no matter what, because of their huge differences. I really enjoyed adding that extra layer of complexity here, and I'm glad you liked the development of it. Thank you for reviewing! :)
Name: tenna reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 21, 2013 05:15 pm
Can I just say that I loved how you let their history sort of unfold? I mean I didn't initially know their relation-if they had one so I kept guessing ohhh who's the groom that G has to just come? And Draco to Then Oh my, Astoria has a ring, so DG do have history so they were involved, oh gods! they were married! and it hurts and hurts and I sort of cried a little bit because the DG you have here have so so so much between them. Live things too. I really liked Blaise and Astoria. So looking forward to the rest of it. :)I liked the lyrics too.

Author's Response: tenna, I'm very happy to hear that! That's exactly what I was aiming for, and at one point I worried that it was overdone and people would lose interest halfway through reading this opening chapter, so I'm glad it wasn't the case with you. You said "Live things too", and you're absolutely right. No one is over anyone here! I'm also very happy that you liked Astoria, as that is also something I was hoping would happen! It's easy to just make into some uber biatch that we can all love to hate, but it adds an extra layer to the whole thing if she's actually someone who's perfectly nice but who happens to be completely wrong for Draco just because Ginny exists! Happy you liked it, thanks so much for reviewing!
Name: Shwadi reviewed Two Faced Monsters on Jun 21, 2013 08:32 am
I loved this. The emotions were true and raw. Would love to read more!

Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! Chapter two will be up soon. :)
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