Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 7 on Apr 16, 2014 06:52 pm
Oo!!! Mystery and drama and hints and tensions!! Lots of secrets coming out...

"No! No, I can't, Drew. There is something you're keeping from me. There is something you don't want me to know! I know when you're lying. I knew four years ago when you had that affair. I knew ten years ago when we got married that you didn't really love me. I knew three months ago that we were having financial troubles with our farm and that the bank was getting ready to foreclose."

I think there are certain types of D/G fics that we've never had enough of, and this is the time when we would benefit a lot from starting to see them written... as we grow into a mature fandom.

One HUGE category is mystery, and that's what this is. Then, too, I'm getting more and more interested in fics that really mix the magical and non-magical worlds, and this fits that category. for sure. Looking forward to more. :)
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 7 on Apr 13, 2014 02:51 pm
AND I FORGOT TO SAY, I enjoyed reading a little more about how Drew and Gwen came to be together. Their marriage from the beginning has sounded kind of... sad and more practical than loving, and their history together would explain why. Even if Drew is scared of the things he doesn't know, scared to lose Gwen to a past that they don't remember, he has to see after this chapter that all these events are making them a closer, stronger couple. Or they will be. He might see it as him losing her, but he also has to realize that the woman he married was not who she really was, at least not completely. You've just got so many interesting things going on in this story. :D

Author's Response: I am so glad you're enjoying that aspect because I am going to go more in depth with how they met and got together as the story continues. As I said from the beginning, this wasn't necessarily a conventional marriage, but they do fall in love rather quickly. More than anything, there was an attraction between them and then Jeremy happened ;). But I will say this - their marriage, their meeting in the USA was not coincidental!
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 7 on Apr 13, 2014 02:40 pm
Another great chapter! I think you're doing a good job not only building the mystery, but dropping in hints that are leading towards more answers. You're approach is interesting because while it seems like the problem/conflict of the story is Draco and Ginny's memory loss, the ACTUAL conflict, I think, is whatever they are running from, whatever happened after the war. You're just using their memory loss to bring them together and explore their characters in a new way.

As I mentioned in one of my previous reviews, you're doing an awesome job of keeping Draco and Ginny in character, even though you would think D and G living a muggle life (on a farm!) might make them out of character, especially Draco. Instead, you've just highlighted their characters in any situation, so that when they do get their memories back and face whatever it is they are running from, it won't be Drew and Gwen suddenly turning into Draco and Ginny. It will be the exact same characters with complete knowledge of two different lives. And that will be really interesting to read about, too, because they have a decade together as "muggles" that they and all of their friends and family will have to reconcile with their wizarding lives.

On that same idea, it bothered me a bit in previous chapters the way Drew controlled Gwen, shut her down when she did or said something he didn't like, and whatnot. I never said anything because I figured it was intentional and I hoped it would be addressed later, because Ginny never would have let Draco get away with it, but Gwen would. So I am so happy to see that addressed in this chapter, with Gwen taking back her control and confronting the fact that he thinks so much more of himself than her (still a very Draco trait! I think even if they hadn't lost their memories, if they were married, Draco and Ginny would butt heads concerning Draco's superscillious attitude.).

The last line of the chapter is almost chilling, because when Gwen takes back her control, she becomes Ginny again. Maybe it's unlikely, but I wonder, does Draco remember everything now? Has her actions triggered more of his memory? The last line almost seems to suggest that he has enough memory back to remember who she is and regret that she doesn't remember who he is. Just a few paragraphs ago he was completely content being Drew, and now it seems like he knows he's Draco and wishes she knew, too. I guess I'll see next chapter!

Anyway, you're doing a fabulous job, as always! I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Yay for super long and detailed reviews!

I am so glad you picked up on a lot of the things I am trying to get across. You are absolutely right; on the surface, right now, the story is about the memory loss. But it isn't. It's about /why/ they have memory loss, what it means for them, for their old lives. It's so exciting that you feel like they are staying in character throughout, because one thing I am trying to focus on in this story especially is that they remain themselves, but that they also have a little bit of distance from who they really are - which is why Gwen allowed herself to be controlled, etc. There is a reason for this which you will begin to see in the next chapter.

As for the end of the chapter, you made one very very important observation (well, a few, actually, but one that was especially important that I am super excited you picked up on!). I don't want to tell you which statement because I am hoping to keep that part a mystery for now!

I will be updating this very soon!
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