Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 9 on Jun 25, 2014 05:51 pm
Wow, what a fascinating combination of different times, motivation, characterizations... there's just so much going on, and yet I can see the shapes or the outlines of how it's all connected, even though nothing is clear yet. I especially liked this:

It was killing him, shredding him apart from the inside out, that she was not herself, and she would be far less helpless if she weren't fighting blindly.

I think it's because a key to Ginny's character is that we know that for a year, she was not herself (and I've always suspected that the experience changed her in ways that were never explored. Oh, forget about suspected... I've worked with trauma victims, and I KNOW.)

And then the juxtaposition of Ginny's relationships with both Harry and Draco in the past... there's so much here!!! Off to read the next chapter. :)
Name: Silvryn reviewed Chapter 9 on May 31, 2014 01:58 pm
Ohh the plot thickens!
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 9 on May 28, 2014 04:30 pm
I was so excited to see an update today! But you're killing me, Smalls!

So here is my prediction: that baby that Ginny was pregnant with when Harry died? Draco's. That's why she's avoiding Harry, because she slept with Draco. I don't know what Draco's plan is (for her to miss him so much while he's away that she remembers everything? For her to recall her memories in dreams?), but woooow that was really awful of him. Like, it's one thing to abandon Gwen (especially without any money), but he left his two children, too, and when they're all back together again, they're not going to fully understand why he left. They're just going to remember that he was gone, that their mother cried about it often, that they were struggling and he wasn't there to help them. So he may be trying to help her get her memories back, but it was a low blow. Maybe he's going to come back, and she'll be so angry (like in her dream!) that she'll blow up at him and remember everything??

Love, love, love Fred and George. ;_; Their finding each other triggering their memories makes me want to cry forever. But then I want to cry even harder when I think about how they spent eight years apart. Their memory-dreams must have been super confusing out of context. XD

"I have a theory," Draco announced. "Can the two of you skive off?"

The twins grinned simultaneously. "Can we ever," they proclaimed unanimously.

!!!! SO GREAT. I knew they were using their Skiving Snackboxes!

It seems like this story is really rolling now, which makes waits for updates almost unbearable. But I can be patient. Can't wait to see how Ginny gets her memories back! And what she does to Draco when he returns....

Author's Response: I have been seriously slacking on responding to reviews lately, but I just had to comment on yours because you made me laugh. :P I am not going to confirm or deny your prediction because then that would ruin the mystery, but I will say that I /love/ that you didn't forget about Ginny's other baby... because you shouldn't! But your theory is very interesting, and I love that my story is making you think. That is the whole point of a mystery after all, right?

I've got three more chapters of this story already written, so I am going to try to update every week or so, at least until my rapidfire inspiration runs out and I get blocked again. :D
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