Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 15 on Mar 09, 2018 10:11 pm
Pam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see chapter 16 sitting in the submission queue awaiting approval and I am so excited!! If someone else doesn't get to it first, I'll go through the submissions tomorrow! Can't wait to read!!!!!!!!!!!! (Is that enough exclamation points for you, or nah...? 6_6)

Author's Response: Yess! I am so glad to see you are still active. I am planning to catch up on TDC very soon!!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 15 on Aug 02, 2016 10:57 pm
OMG!!!!!! I loved it.. I know it is part of a greater plan but I need another chapter soon. it is too good. Keeping me in suspense... Great job!
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 15 on Oct 19, 2015 12:11 am
Yay!! A new chapter!!

Hmmmmm, Lucius's actions make me doubt Draco's assertion that everything is going to be okay. Standing in the road all ominous-like, ripping a door off the car, grabbing Draco by the collar of his shirt and yanking him out of the car with a choking grip... what in this situation is reassuring to Draco?? Either he was just saying that to calm Ginny down, or he knows something about Lucius that we don't. Can't wait to see what Lucius has to say!

Author's Response: Well, to be fair, he said it would be all right BEFORE his father ripped off the door, but yes, mostly he said it to be reassuring. That being said, there is something that Draco knows. :)
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