Name: Bloodgutter reviewed Chapter Four on Feb 21, 2012 10:32 pm

I hope there is a sequel...

Author's Response: Actually, KC-- if you've read that one-- is going to be getting some major revisions and a reposting, and one of the differences will be that IT'S the sequel to TBBC. :)
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter Four on Nov 15, 2010 11:44 am
Such an intense chapter. I'm feeling extra emotional today, so it was certainly a rollercoaster for me. Really, I should hate you for writing emotion so well. You make it so easy to relate to the characters, which does make the 'do not cry' rule hard to keep.

I found Ron's confession at the end one of the most bitter and touching moments in this chapter. The books portray the characters as so black and white -- you're evil or you're not. And while Ron gets his few faults (jealousy, etc), JKR never really questions the true depth of how far he or the other characters could go. I really felt for Ron when he realised he could actually take that step -- to end a life. One of the most disturbing facts about life is not that you can be terrified of other people, but that you can be frightened of yourself -- of what you have the potential to do. You captured that beautifully. It's a sad, bitter part of life, and I really admire your writing for being able to show not just the surface of the characters, but all the psychological and emotional storms happening underneath.
Name: CuteElf14 reviewed Chapter Four on Aug 13, 2007 05:45 pm
This chapter, combined with this song, brought me to tears. It's so beautiful and melancholy. I especially love Ron, and the complexity of your characters. Bravo!
Name: dawbygirl reviewed Chapter Four on Aug 25, 2006 05:37 pm
oh!! oh!! is there going to be a story explaining a drunken interlude between sirius and ginny?! i hope, i hope! or perhaps it's worked into one of your other stories... i've yet to work my way through all of them!
Name: Erised reviewed Chapter Four on Dec 29, 2004 07:29 pm
So much has happened and now Ginny is torn once more, not between love and hate but between who she loves. This whole chapter came full circle; so soon after there was resolution there was another conflict that did not hold romantic melodrama. Again, beautifully written.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Four on Jul 20, 2004 06:17 pm
Ohmigosh. This fic is so good. I'm touched. You've handled everythng so beautifully; G and D's rendezvous in the luggage compartment, the picture he drew of her (so original!), and Ron and Draco's similar words. But above all, the tone of your fic is just perfect. It's so melancholy, and it captures what a dark person I think Ginny is on the inside (which is why we tend to ship her with Draco, I think), and the desperation that prevails in book 5. I must go keep reading!
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Four on Jul 20, 2004 05:25 pm
Wow! I'm in the middle of this story, and I'm so glad I stumbled upon it. I had been searching and searching for another good D/G fic, and was sick of finding stupid D/G-by-numbers fics, or ones that had nothing to do with anything except, well, sex, and then somehow, I found yours! I really love your Draco and Ginny's's not like all those silly fics where they're just attracted to each other and that's that...yours actually see something in each other, but can't reconcile what they might feel with what they know of the other. I also like the fact that they haven't kissed (yet). There's more that I like. You really managed to work this fic believably into canon. I'm impressed. And then, your Ron is often in D/G fics Harry gets paired with Hermione, and Ron gets brushed off as stupid or a traitor or just unimportant as he goes off gallivanting with Lavendar. But I love your Ron. He's worthy of JKR's. That's it for now!! I really want to go read more!!
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