Name: LadyEndymion reviewed Two: Occlumency on Jan 09, 2015 07:08 pm
Another brilliant chapter! I loved Draco's POV. He has such a strong voice and personality, but also vulnerability and you capture that so well. His Occlumency and Legimency skills, the fact that he compartmentalises things - all working against him here. I can see his tendency to compartmentalise enabling his denial. And the Drinny - they just pop with chemistry, even if it is just antagonism at the moment. I can't wait to see how they will work together.

Author's Response: Ahhh thank you!! Draco is so much fun to write, and the way he compartmentalizes things is definitely, definitely a coping mechanism. You'll see a little more of that later on!
Name: vintagepearls reviewed Two: Occlumency on Dec 01, 2014 11:00 pm
I'm glad that we're able to see Draco's POV :D Thanks for another great chapter! I'm dying to know what comes next ahhhh!

Author's Response: You'll know very soon! I should be updating today or tomorrow! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. n_n
Name: Anise reviewed Two: Occlumency on Nov 28, 2014 09:41 pm
Another great chapter!! What a great idea-- Draco teaching Ginny Occlumency. I'm not sure I've ever seen that before. And what he finds is so interesting... she's not exactly doing it, and yet he can't get into her mind. I wonder if she really is controlling it in any way and just isn't letting him know... if she suspects something about why it's happening, but isn't sure... or if she really doesn't know what's going on at all.

And they finally figured out where they were! You know, I don't think they're using great therapeutic technique in that ward. :P (Hint: TALK to the patients.) Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Yes, I can safely say without spoiling anything that these Healers are not the most professional or skilled at their job... which is all the more frustrating for Draco and Ginny, of course. :) I should have a new chapter up today or tomorrow!
Name: b1elliot reviewed Two: Occlumency on Nov 23, 2014 03:55 pm
Yay! What a lovely treat! Much appreciated.

Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying the story! Thanks for the review. n_n
Name: dykeadellic reviewed Two: Occlumency on Nov 21, 2014 02:55 pm
WOW! This was awesome! The beginning had me in stitches! It is so in character for Draco! I also think the block he found in Ginny's mind is interesting. The spell damage, maybe? Or perhaps Tom Riddle? Maybe a combination of the two?

This is done really well! Both Draco and Ginny are written perfectly!

Author's Response: Mwahahaha. The unsuccessful Occlumency will definitely be explained later. >:D Glad you're enjoying the story so far! Thanks for the review. n_n
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