Name: ginatoms reviewed A Rainy Day on Oct 08, 2015 02:27 pm
Bring back Sanpe was an excellent choice!
I can't believe I didn't start reading this story sooner. I'm really enjoying it so far. It's so detailed and I'm getting completely immersed in your world. And I love a bratty Draco!
Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Hehe, yes, I love my details, sometimes to a fault. Thanks for the review!!
Name: vintagepearls reviewed A Rainy Day on Jun 25, 2015 10:26 am
I love your Ginny! So much spunk! Also, love the fact that both Fred and Snape are still alive hehe

Author's Response: I brought Fred back to my life. I couldn’t help myself. :) Thanks so much for the review! ~ Ann
Name: Anise reviewed A Rainy Day on Apr 04, 2015 04:57 pm
So many things to like here! There are just so many details that you nail.
“Ginny thought the idea of Lucius not being terrible contradicted the fact that he was willing to blacklist her. She inhaled a deep breath and tried to banish memories of her first year from her mind. Ginny knew it had been years ago, thirteen to be exact, but she could still feel that weightless, cloudy feeling that had overcome her as Tom possessed her. She could still feel the ghost of his touch on her fragile mind, and the guilt that had overcome her after the terrifying events. Lucius Malfoy had done that to her. He had sacrificed her to a madman, who had wanted nothing more than to completely take over her soul. Ginny clenched her hands, the terrifying thought that her soul wasn't completely intact overcoming her.”
Ginny had to have thoughts like this in her mind after her first year-- ABSOLUTELY had to, even though they were never spelled out. But she’s brave enough to go for the interview anyway. I LOVE the way that she’s finally goaded into confronting Lucius.

I love the idea of the Trio going off together without Harry really seeming to give much thought to Ginny one way or the other. It’s so typical of his obliviousness.

And such an cliffhanger! On to the next chapter...

Author's Response: I 100% agree - Ginny definitely had to have been scarred from that experience. I would have been completely messed up, and whether or not JK meant it that way, it showed Ginny’s strength that it never really prevented her from doing anything she wanted to in canon. I’m sure it was just unexplored, but in my delusions, I think it makes sense. Thanks so much for the review!! - Ann
Name: b1elliot reviewed A Rainy Day on Feb 21, 2015 08:13 am
We'll I didn't expect that! Great chapter! Thanks.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review(s)! Happy you enjoyed it!! ~ Ann
Name: Marinka reviewed A Rainy Day on Feb 13, 2015 02:23 am
I find it amusing that she is used to Ron , they have been friends for years now, so of course she would be too familiar with him. But I was under impression that they have been dating before they went to travel.
I am curious to find out how you will get them together, will she have to go back to Lucius?

Author's Response: In my head (and not really explored in this story) Ron and Hermione tried and it just didn’t work while they were away, so it wasn’t going to work when they came home. I guess only time will tell what happens with Ginny! Thanks for the review!
Name: moliosi reviewed A Rainy Day on Feb 12, 2015 03:12 pm
I've really enjoyed this so far and I have absolutely no qualms over you bringing back Fred and Snape! I think you've done a lovely job of painting the world and characters so far. Lucius always seems to be a difficult character to make likable, but you have kept him in character and made him sympathetic. I look forward to reading more in the future.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Glad you’re enjoying the characters thus far. I do adore Lucius as well, and I prefer to make him not so much the demon that he tends to be in a lot of FF (I’ve done that trope as well). Thanks again for your review!
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