Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 04, 2018 03:31 pm
I've re-read, all caught up and I'm glad to see you're back! How have you been?

Love the chapter! Love the story. I'm so excited to have updates again. I can't wait to see if Blaise notices Draco's sincere feelings for Ginny and how that affects the situation.

Author's Response: I am doing AMAZING! I have a new email, so if you want to email me, let me know and I'll get you my address. Times were hard. Turns out drugs are bad. Like real bad. Like two trips to rehab and 12 overdoses bad. But I got my shit together, and I am doing so well now. I can't stop writing, actually. I lost all of this story so I'm rewriting it. Almost done with chapter eight now!
Name: Kizei reviewed Chapter 6 on Jul 11, 2016 08:51 am
So happy to see this updated! Love it, can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thank you! It will soon be updated. Give me 10 days, and the next chapter will be up!
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 6 on Jul 07, 2016 03:27 pm
Here it is here it is here it is! (runs around screeching.) Ahem. :) SO happy to see this chapter, SO looking forward to more! And Nutmeg, I know you're over there... I've never given up on wanting to read more of your fic. ;)

Author's Response: Thank ya, Anise. You are so awesome. I am glad you're liking this.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 6 on Jul 06, 2016 02:18 pm
Sure. Send me an email from your gmail and we'll go from there. Or message me here with your email gmail address.

Author's Response:
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 6 on Jul 06, 2016 01:01 pm
We need to pow-wow about more DG stuff. I keep wanting to talk to people about it but no one has time for me anymore and then my vibe to write disappears. But I keep getting ideas for stuff that never moves beyond the planning stages.

Author's Response: I'm not using the yahoo email address until I get all the spam out. which is 9k worth of emails. But I can give you my gmail address, if you want, and we can talk there.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 6 on Jul 06, 2016 11:53 am
I love that Draco is falling and doesn't even realize it. I can't wait for when the realization finally hits. That should be fun. Lovely chapter, wish it was longer and glad you're back. Hope the personal issues that kept you away weren't too stressful.

Author's Response: They were. but the only way from rock bottom is up. So from now on, I am focusing on that. I have a new beta, I have recruited someone to the D/G dark side. I am working on a story that enlists more of my personal experiences. All in all, I will be okay. It will just take time. I'm glad you liked the chapter. Next one will be sent to the editor today! So never fear, more D/G goodness is here!
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