Reviews For Canis Familiaris
Name: Anise reviewed Bier und Wurst on Sep 27, 2015 07:02 pm
I'm catching up on this fic, and this chapter was so much fun!! All of the little details were great... Ginny's Potions skills, her banter with Luna, Draco snidely noting that Oktoberfest is actually in September (there's a reason for that... can't remember what it is, though.) And then he eats the chocolates!!! Oh, this is going to be good. :) BTW... the mail function isn't always working, so if anyone emailed you about beta-ing, it didn't go through. Let me know if you still need a beta.
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Bier und Wurst on Aug 16, 2015 06:26 pm
Ahahaha! I wondered if Draco was going to be the one who turned into a dog instead of Blaise! Oh man. Poor Draco keeps getting stuck in the middle of these squabbles.

So clever that the potion Ginny and Luna use is derived from Fred and George's Canary Creams!

Can't wait to see G and L do after Draco eats those chocolates...
Name: b1elliot reviewed Bier und Wurst on Aug 15, 2015 12:03 am
Definitely anticipating the next chapter. Poor Draco...unfortunately getting in the way of the girls' revenge.

Author's Response: Draco is quite fun to write-he's so helpful when it comes to getting himself in trouble. It's definitely helping me to get the chapters out sooner rather than later! Thanks for the review!
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