Reviews For Canis Familiaris
Name: wolfxlover reviewed Insolent Boy-o on Oct 02, 2015 09:47 am
I haven't read the next chapter yet, I wanted to guess first. I imagine Draco turning into a Afgan Hound lol :)
Name: Anise reviewed Insolent Boy-o on Sep 30, 2015 07:26 pm
LOVE this chapter! The perfect balance of snarkiness, humor, sharply observed details, and just enough of a serious undertone.

Favorite lines:
Make her happy, Greg—don’t do anything that I would.


Bloody lucky bastard, that one. His past didn’t haunt, didn’t hang around his neck like a rotting albatross.
That's pretty much how I would see Blaise. I'm not sure if we ever really knew how much contact Blaise had with the Death Eater crowd, although I tend to think that he was able to wiggle out of it.
Looking forward to more!

And dog breed... I don't know... I'm not the biggest dog person in the world... I'm more about cats.
Name: Lady Mischief reviewed Insolent Boy-o on Sep 13, 2015 07:37 am
I think an Irish Wolfhound or a Scottish Deerhound. You described a huge leggy dog with shaggy, messy pale fur and that is what comes to my mind at least. I really love the direction this story is taking, but what I really want to know is will Blaise eat a truffle too? I hope so...
Name: b1elliot reviewed Insolent Boy-o on Aug 18, 2015 11:51 pm
Yes! Lovely reveal!

Author's Response: Thank you! I was a little worried that I had drawn it out too long, given that I probably set the expectation for an immediate transformation based on the last few lines of the previous chapter--a little more character exposition felt necessary though. Thanks for being one of the regular readers and reviewers!
Name: Silvryn reviewed Insolent Boy-o on Aug 16, 2015 09:59 pm
Oooh how fun and exciting! Loving the characterization of everyone so far also :-)

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm finding these characters have a mind of their own sometimes, which can be both a good and bad thing! Thanks for being a regular reader and reviewer!
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Insolent Boy-o on Aug 16, 2015 06:40 pm
I'm going to guess Irish Wolfhound. The image of a dog still kind of wearing Draco's clothes is hilarious! And he doesn't even freak out about it. He's just, like, mildly scandalized.

Your writing is so nice to read. It's fun and funny and also kind of sophisticated. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. I tend to read peoples' writing and envy their vocabularies. You can tell which authors are well-read, and that's how your writing reads to me. Can't wait to see more from you!

Author's Response: Yeah, you're living in my head, 'cause you're absolutely right about it being a Wollfhound (also, it's just going to be more fun with Draco as a big dog, as he's going to be way too big to just shove in purse or spare room when he's being a pest. And oh my gosh, the sad puppy eyes on this breed can just crack your heart in half.) Aww, you are so sweet. Hope I keep living up to the expectation (and please let me know if I start slipping)--Thank you!
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