Reviews For Canis Familiaris
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Wrackspurts and Jabberknolls on Oct 19, 2015 05:33 pm
Hahaha, oh man. Poor Luna! I wonder how long it will take them to figure out the dog is Draco. But if he can talk, probably not long at all, as much as Draco likes to complain.

And poor Blaise, too! How sad for him to think that Luna got a dog to protect herself from him. D: Maybe that's just the kick he needs to apologize and try to win her back.

I'd be interested in betaing this story. Why don't you send me an email to idreamofdraco at gmail dot com and we can discuss what you'd like help with?
Name: Anise reviewed Wrackspurts and Jabberknolls on Sep 30, 2015 07:29 pm
I really love Luna in this fic! It's easy to write her as a very insubstantial character, and you've avoided that pitfall here. A short but sweet chapter... so looking forward to the next one.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Wrackspurts and Jabberknolls on Sep 29, 2015 08:27 am
HAHAHAHAAHA! I love the mix-ups. This amuses me to no end. Poor Blaise, and poor Draco caught in the middle of it all. Lovely chapter. I wish it was longer. More please...

end note: I'll read for you if you the offer is still open.
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