Reviews For Altered
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 3 on Aug 30, 2016 02:29 pm
Ooooh, Draco must have a really bad feeling about Ginny if he's suddenly so harsh to her after the night they spent together!! I really like Blaise's taking advantage of the situation to try and get close to Ginny. I can't tell if he really means it, or if he's just being funny, but, either way, I like it. And I'm still loving Pansy's friendship with Ginny. Pansy's pushiness about Draco and Ginny reminds me a lot of a friend of mine, so she feels really familiar as a character and friend. Can't wait to see where this goes!
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 21, 2016 02:14 pm
The plot thickens and gets more intriguing! Draco is kind of being a dick, isn't he... but does he honestly not remember their shared past? And if not, why not? So many mysteries...
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 21, 2016 02:06 pm
Awww yeahhh. I love Draco's friends interacting with Ginny. The fact that Pansy and Ginny are also friends is really intriguing! Did Blaise and Pansy know about Draco and Ginny at Hogwarts? I'm assuming they didn't. I hope we get to see a lot more of Draco's friends!
Name: SniperTeamTango reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 18, 2016 08:54 pm
The queen of dark fic has returned! Got the email and instantly knew what I was doing when I got back online. As usual you don't disappoint with a thrilling start leaving a hunger for more and lingering questions. I cannot wait for more :)
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 18, 2016 03:25 pm
So glad to see you writing and posting again!! I really love the way this fic is going so far... you grab our attention right away and develop tension between Draco and Ginny really well. The tension isn't revolving around whether or not they're going to end up in bed (because that's where they were at the beginning! ;), but rather the question of what's going on. And honestly, that has a lot more potential. At first, I thought that there was really no reason why he necessarily would remember her, but then... wow, the way this chapter ends! So intrigued, and I want to read more. :)
Name: Desertisle reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 16, 2016 09:43 am
Sounds so intriguing! Looking forward to reading more chapters. I'm fairly new to Drinny and fanfics in general. I've enjoyed reading your previous works here. Welcome back!
Name: idreamofdraco reviewed Chapter 1 on Aug 14, 2016 08:46 pm
Nice to see you back!!

One of the things I love in Draco/Ginny fics is when Draco has no idea what Ginny's name is. This situation is even worse though, because he slept with her and STILL can't remember her name!

I was confused for a second when you imply that Ginny and Draco are an ongoing thing, and that they've been together before, because why wouldn't he know her name if they'd "ended so badly." But oh my gosh, he has no memory of them being together!! Whhaaaat. So curious to see if Ginny had something to do with his loss of memory and how it happened.

Great start!
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