Reviews For Christmas Letters
Name: Anise reviewed Greensleeves on Jan 05, 2017 07:18 pm
Another beautiful chapter! :) I love the images of the skaters on the pond.. you paint a picture of the scene so well. Great idea to reveal so much about the characters of these people by the way they skate, especially because it's not always what you'd expect, their words and their physical expressions not always matching. And I do understand why Ginny has that reaction to Draco-- it's easy to think they're fated to be together after reading enough D/G fics, as we both have... ;)but in real life, she would remember and know Draco as the boy who let Death Eaters into the school, who was in very deep with Voldemort, and whose family has always despised hers.

I'm a firm believer in the idea that in order for romance writing to truly work, it has to be believable that the people involved would also choose to NOT get together, and that this would happen for solid reasons. And that's one of the things that works so well about this fic. anyway... on to the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you so much!! Yes, what I love about this story (and, really, about this pairing), is that these two characters have to choose each other despite hundreds of reasons why they shouldn't. It's that moment when they realize that nothing else matters, that they fit together and they need to be together, that always gets me. :')
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