Reviews For Perhaps Love
Name: quirky_vixen reviewed Chapter 9 on Feb 23, 2021 01:35 pm
Wow! I'm captivated by this story and by their adventures. And I love your descriptions of Provence. I thought you must be French or have traveled there extensively to write in such great detail. Beautiful story and I can't wait to read more!
Name: NTA123 reviewed Chapter 9 on Nov 28, 2020 09:12 pm
Hi! I loved the details of their honeymoon. And they have a beautiful chemistry for sure.
You are a great tour guide and I love this chapter.
Though I am sad to say...I really did not get the hints :'(
But I know you will work on these hints later in this story so I guess I will match them then! I'll be like "Ahhh...she had said this in that honeymoon chapter!" That will be cool too!
Take care and update soon! No pressure though XD
Name: PlutoniumBunny reviewed Chapter 9 on Nov 26, 2020 07:43 pm
What a beautiful chapter! I thought you had been there; you did a great job with your research. I particularly love the details about the scenery and the French aesthetic and art (that part about Cezanne was delightful!) Yayyyy please update soon! Hugs!
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