Reviews For Never Forgotten
Name: flavoroflove reviewed Sometimes a Friend on Dec 23, 2006 12:52 pm
well find a idea i want 2 read!
Name: Freedomflyer reviewed Sometimes a Friend on Nov 25, 2006 02:19 pm
This follows the story so well. I think this story will go far. Keep going!
Name: Jenn reviewed Sometimes a Friend on Aug 22, 2006 05:08 am
Wow...great story, its totally realistic, please keep on writing and update soon!!!
Name: Kisou reviewed Sometimes a Friend on May 07, 2006 09:37 pm
You're doing much better on the age thing in these Hogwarts chapters than before. Good job.

Don't worry that it's going too slow. Yes, we all want them to just get down and snog occasionally, but that doesn't mean we should always have what we want. You've probably heard the saying "marry your best friend". Use it. They need to become friends before they start a relationship, if you want said relationship to actually work out (and I know, they are, but right now, they are starting to realize they don't know each other nearly as well as they thought they did. ) They're never going to stop fighting. No couple ever completely stops fighting, but their fights will change over time and they will compromise, have a good relationship for a while and then some new stupid thing will come up and they'll think they hate each other again, even though they don't. That's just how relationships are, you can't really avoid it.

Keep it up. I look forward to seeing your next chapter. It's really interesting to look at the books from such a different point of view.
Name: periwink reviewed Sometimes a Friend on Jan 04, 2006 10:10 pm
It's a really nice idea, to go through a secret relationship between Draco and Ginny throughout the books, but you really need more of a plot, instead of just fitting things into the canon. It's a really good fic.
Name: michelle reviewed Sometimes a Friend on Oct 16, 2005 08:50 am
ur story is pretty good...but I'm kinda annoyed about how long it takes u to update!! please but some relationshiop stuff in!!!!
Name: lovelylioness reviewed Sometimes a Friend on Oct 14, 2005 09:53 am
YOU UPDATED! :D I was /very/ happy to see that, I must say. I see what you mean by not being able to do much with them this year b/c they're too young - still fun, I can't wait for the next chapter!
Name: Anise reviewed Sometimes a Friend on Oct 13, 2005 11:33 am
Yay for continued stories! Actually, I think this is a great time to return to this fic, because developments in HBP made it a whole lot more believable than ever before that Draco and Ginny actually *could* have had this kind of secret friendship. I'd love to see your take on the train scene! ;) So keep writing.
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