Reviews For Exquisite Irony
Name: kellbell930 reviewed Reflections and Cocoa on Feb 20, 2007 06:17 am
Another great chapter! I love the last line...."You can cut us down you psychopathic bastard but we always spring right back again." Brilliant writing!
Name: CatiannaGranger reviewed Reflections and Cocoa on Aug 28, 2004 03:31 pm
I really love this story so far!! I'm happy that Draco and Ginny have finally reached beyond just friendship in their relationship!! Great job and keep up the excellent work!! xoxo Cat xoxo *You can cut us down, you psychopathic bastard, but we always spring right back again, she thought, as her heart filled with pride over her family.* I LOVED THIS PART!!!
Name: Naunet reviewed Reflections and Cocoa on Aug 13, 2004 06:10 pm
oh this is so sad and good, i can't wait till an update
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Reflections and Cocoa on Aug 13, 2004 02:25 am
Your story is so wonderful, I am thoroughly enjoying it. I suspect that Ginny is very slowly falling in love with Draco??? Loving it totally and waiting for your next chapter eagerly :D

Author's Response: Yes, I do believe she is. This story started out with a definitive idea for beginning and end but now it has sort of morphed into Fluffy PWP but I am working on getting it back on track. It is mostly a showcase piece for the (numerous) progeny of the plot bunny! LOL I am glad that you are enjoying it - I've had a really positive response from everyone so far. It's so encouraging, especially when you think that a week ago this story was hidden deep inside my computer only seeing the light of day when the Plot bunny started hopping around my head! LOL Thank you.
Name: Aya reviewed Reflections and Cocoa on Aug 12, 2004 06:26 pm
This was a wonderful story! I'm looking forward to more updates! If it isn't too much trouble would you mind e-mailing me when you do update? Wonderful job! ~Aya
Name: NiennaS reviewed Reflections and Cocoa on Aug 12, 2004 05:07 pm
Well I've gone crosseyed now from reading that from start to finish nonstop, can't wait for more, Im not usually into fluff, but I love the angst you've thrown in. NiennaS.
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