Reviews For Exquisite Irony
Name: Kayla reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on May 13, 2005 05:49 pm
OMG!! I read your whole story nd i LOVED it!! If this wasn't a work in progress i might die. I hope you write more really soon.
Name: Molly reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on May 07, 2005 08:51 am
Holy wowza (to this chapter in particular)... Nicely done. I don't usually read the 'Draco is a Death Eater' fics mainly because they tend to be SO angsty (although I love angst) without much light to them. But this story is absolutley amazing and I'm glad I came across it! I spent hours reading it from the beginning simply because I couldn't stop. I hope to see an update really soon. Maybe we can see how Draco developed such feelings for Ginny - what drove him to save her in the first place? I also absolutely love that Draco is an active father. Ginny's suprise at it (and his other actions) is so endearing. Anyways... UPDATE, please! It's for my peace of mind!
Name: blondie90 reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on May 06, 2005 08:25 pm
i freakin love this story and after reading it all over again I realized why. its so well written and although at first it seemed like you were using a common plot it is actually so completely different than anything else i have read. i love reading about the growing relationship between draco and ginny and i cant wait til ginny tells draco she loves him. this is probably one of the only if not the only fanfic i have ever read where i can stand hearing about draco and ginny having a baby. the scenes with lucien are adorable and they make the story that much more sweet. this story also has such a dark scary element and i like that you always manage to keep me on edge. i really hope more chapters will be coming at some point, since its been so long since you updated, but as long as you havent abandoned the story i think i can manage to wait. you are an awesome writer and i hope you keep up the great work!!!!!!
Name: Judi reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on May 06, 2005 04:14 pm
OH WOW! Please, please, please, please write more! I LOVE IT! Can Ginny get pregnant again with a girl?
Name: jaelijade reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Apr 16, 2005 05:46 pm
This is one of the best fic's ive read...dark and yet warm and it allows for readers to change their opinions right alongside the characters. You have a rare talent, and I am dying to see what you have to write next....I hope you update soon!
Name: jessysgirl reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Apr 09, 2005 02:09 pm
Ok, I will die if you don't update this story! It is by far, the best fic I've read. And I'm not just saying that. You have a true talent and I would love to follow your work. Your writing is bookworthy.
Name: gypsybaby21 reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Apr 03, 2005 08:23 am
When are you going to update? This is a horrible wait! Please hurry. You write very well-the details of each bit is perfect-not too much and not too little! Awesome job! Hurry with the next chapter! ~Aya
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Feb 26, 2005 08:53 pm
When Lucius comes to her rescue- that was fantastic! I think you've done a great job with the characters, I love that Draco is so protective of his little family. This is going to sound weird, but are you going to do something with her virgins blood? It seems like there were several references to its importance and I keep waiting to see what the hell it would be needed for...maybe nothing, or maybe used to turn the tide on Voldemort. Whatever you do, your writing is great and I hope you update soon.

Author's Response: Thank you. I am pleased you are enjoying my story. Your question about her Virgins blood is perfectly valid, and I am surprised that it's taken this long for someone to ask. There were originally a number of different ideas for the use, one of which was to hasten the death of the dark lord, but after a discussion with Dragonsangel68 (author of 'Dragon and Angel'), I have devised a much more emotionally challenging and high-impact idea that works much better with the overall mood and development of the story. And I'm not saying anything more than that. Yes, it is important, and the references are there to keep the idea on the periphery of the reader's conciousness with respect to the story so that when I finally write and post the scene I am planning, you will all go 'Ahhhh, I see. Thats cool.'


Name: Bellasol67 reviewed In loving Memory on Feb 26, 2005 08:31 pm
I've read your story a few times, this has got to be one of my favorite chapters, I love that Draco gives Ginny the space at the gravesite and I'm not sure what, but there is just something about this chapter that moves me.
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Filius vel Filia on Feb 26, 2005 08:27 pm
I absolutely love your story, I love the relationship between Ginny and Narcissa, the lack of relationship (and rightfully so) between Lucious and Ginny and the developing one between Draco and Ginny.
Name: gingin reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Feb 24, 2005 07:06 pm
Man...Oh Man! This story is great...I couldn't stop reading....when will you up date? I hope that it will be soon!
Name: kat reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Feb 15, 2005 09:34 pm
I read the first 16 chapters in one night because I couldn't get enough of this wonderful story. Life caught up with me and I was unable to check for updates as often as I would like, so I was very pleased to finally return to find a brand new chapter waiting. I love your character development and the entire story. I'm sorry that I'm not more eloquent, but I absolutely adore this and please keep up the good work. I shall patiently wait on my side of the computer screen for the next installment, but of course I prefer that it come sooner rather than later.
Name: Lela reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Feb 08, 2005 08:12 pm
Wow! That is all I have to say, this is such a great story. I really hope you update soon, since you just kinda left us hanging! I have an LJ if you ever wanted to be friends, its iizcrazihun, I added you, I hope you don't mind. Please, once again update soon!
Name: JuliusCaesar reviewed Painfully Exquisite Irony on Feb 08, 2005 02:34 pm
you've made me tuen into a sap now - ican't stop crying - the birth scene was beautiful...and so realistic. fabulous. well done!
Name: AJ reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Feb 03, 2005 01:59 pm
Dring the chapter when Ginny see her mom again, I started crying, it touched me so much. Please update as soon as possible. Your terrific at writing, by the way.
Name: ShortySC22 reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Jan 16, 2005 08:42 am
This is a beautiful story. You've done a wonderful job creating the characters and their reactions. I can't wait until you post again
Name: Sue Bridehead reviewed Revelations on Jan 15, 2005 08:28 am
Favorite line so far: “It’ll cost you a fortune and last forever.” I'm a mother; I know how true that is! :D This story is beautifully told, and the plot is very intriguing. Keep up the marvelous work!

Author's Response: LOL @ The cost a fortune comment. Thank you.
Name: draginluver22 reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Jan 15, 2005 07:15 am
I'm suprised that you didn't mention the whole I love you thing the last time he had said it! Gods that was a wonderful lemon scene by the way! I hope you find the time to update this story soon b/c it is SO good and I'm dying to know what Ginny does to Draco's proclamation of his love for her! hope its soon! dragin
Name: smprsgrrl reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Jan 15, 2005 06:18 am
I know I've read at least part of this somewhere before - but re-reading now, I'm blown away by it. It's reallyreallyreally good. Your characterizations are so close to truth and I'm really enjoying the way everything is playing out. I'm looking forward to your next update.

Author's Response: You might have read this over at - that was where I first posted it but I had to cut down and edit the smut scenes because of the tight rating. Then I got invited to FIA by Gianfared and Rainpuddle and have found myself to be immersed quite happily in my new little D/G world (Ex Ir was originally while I was still a H/G but I've since abandoned ship because the Good Ship D/G has the best parties).

I am looking forward to writing and posting said next installment! LOL
Name: draginluver22 reviewed Is it over? on Jan 14, 2005 06:48 pm
i'm to lazy to log in... but I just noticed as I've been reading you've only gotten and odd amount of reviews... well I love this story so far... and you make it realistic to the point of her starting to like him... =0) well i'm gonna read the next chappie, just thought i'd tell you to keep updating this story b/c its SO good! dragin
Name: blondie07 reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Jan 13, 2005 07:51 pm
omg omg omg omg omg omg ok so i just sat hear and read all 17 chapters of this story and i want to let you know that it is soooooooooo good. i normally just read nc-17 stuff but i couldnt find any knew stuff and this sounded really good. well i wasnt disapointed. im super glad there are some nc-17 like chapters though. this story has a really great plot behind it and its so interesting. i have to admit i cried more than once while reading it. draco and ginny's relationship is so sweet and im so glad they are becoming closer and closer. you have depicted draco and his father in a way i havent thought about before and its always good to read something thats original. this story is so sad yet has a lot of happiness in it too and i like that. i cant wait for more chapters and for ginny to finally tell draco she loves him. i really dont know what else to say except this story rocks and you did an amazing job. ha hows that for a review! :)
Name: ducky reviewed What's good for me? on Jan 13, 2005 06:06 pm
Beautiful chapter! I really love that you have all the emotional intensity spiraling through Ginny's heart, and that she didn't just roll over and accept her fate. Her family was the world to her, as was Harry. Regardless of how any one feels (and I'm a HUGE D/G shipper!) Ginny would be terribly hurt and hateful about this. Thanks for keeping the story intense and hopeful, yet realistic! :)
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Jan 13, 2005 06:04 pm
Eeeee - you've updated!!! Finally!!! I cannot tell you how much I love this story and how happy I am to have the next installment. That was so good. Thank you, thank you!!!!
Name: Nakita reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Jan 13, 2005 04:22 pm
So happy! Its updated! Its updated! *Get sup and does little jig* It was great, the chapter you posted made up for the wait! I am so happy! You'd better have Draco really say he loves Ginny, cause guess what... I know he does! I want more and sooner then last time please!
Name: potente reviewed Vindictive vituperatives and Voldemort on Jan 13, 2005 03:32 pm
Huzzay, you've updated! I've been looking forward to the next chapter so bad! Was definitely worth the wait, though :)
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