Knowledgebase and FAQ
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How come my story got rejected for spelling and grammar issues but this other story is there and its spelling and grammar stink?

Solution Because, despite the temptation of various readers and fangirls to dub some of us as goddesses, we're only human. It could be that the other story was only skimmed and looked okay on first glance, or that the person reading it thought the content outweighed the errors, or that someone who had already received permission to skip the queue has gotten lazy. If the other story is really an affront to the English language, contact your friendly neighborhood Cabal member to complain. We may not yank it, but it'll get looked at. Regardless, it does not affect your story; the email telling you that you were rejected should have given a reason why, and suggested changes. You're always welcome to resubmit once you've made the corrections, and then it's likely you'll get archived.
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Article details
Article ID: 31
Category: Miscellaneous
Date added: 2010-01-07 03:09:53
Views: 89
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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