(A/N: Warning: This chapter was not beta-ed, but I didn't want to make you all wait any longer, so here it is.)

Dearest Mother

Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Malcolm, and Blaise walked down to the Slytherin common room in complete silence. It wasn't until they entered the common room and the portrait whole was shut behind them that the silence was finally broken.

"Why didn't you tell us about her?" Blaise asked Draco as he sat down on one of the plush green sofas.

"You didn't need to know," Draco ran a hand through his hair.

Malcolm shook his head and chuckled in disbelief as he sat down besides Blaise. "A Malfoy and a Weasley. What is the world coming to?"

Malcolm was nearly smacked upside the head by Blaise, but dodged just in time. "She could be very valuable to our cause, Draco."

"Is that why you're seeing her?" Goyle asked.

"It must be," Crabbe stated.

Draco didn't answer.

Blaise sat down and scanned Draco's features.

About half an hour later, Malcolm, Crabbe, and Goyle finally headed up to bed.

When their footsteps could no longer be heard, Draco turned his head only to meet Blaise's vast black eyes.

"My father always told me that Malfoys were incapable of loving, and I always believed him. Until now." Blaise stated before rising from the sofa and heading up to bed himself.

Draco stood where he was for a very long time before he finally decided that an owl to his mother was needed.

Arthur and Molly Weasley had just finished a late dinner and were in the kitchen when Ron's letter had arrived.

"Molly, Ron's sent us a letter," said Arthur between sips of tea as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"Ron? This late? Well, let me see," said Molly, whipping her hands on her apron as she made her way from the kitchen sink to join her husband at the kitchen table. She took the letter, opened the envelope, extracted the piece of parchment from it, and began to read it out loud,

"Dear Mom and Dad,

I've tried my best to handle the situation on my own. I've even gotten Percy, Bill, Charlie, and the twins to help me. But nothing has worked. I know this may sound like a joke, and I know you might not believe me at first, but you two need to know. You're the only two she'll listen to..."

Molly had stopped reading aloud from shock, as she read the rest of the letter.

"Molly? Is that it?" Arthur asked over his cup of tea. "Molly?" He asked more worriedly as he noticed his wife's expression.

Molly simply handed the letter to her husband.

Arthur took the letter and read the rest of it to himself.

Ginny is seeing Malfoy. Impossible? That's what I thought. She thinks she's in love. And Malfoy's even proposed to her, and practically in front of the entire school. She said no, but she might change her mind. He's going to hurt her, and Ginny's too blind to see it. What's worse, it is that Bill actually approves it. You need to do something about this, and quick.

Your son,


Arthur dropped the letter in shock. My little girl...

Narcissa Malfoy was sitting peacefully on an elegantly carved white stone bench in the rose gardens of Malfoy Manner. She was looking through a book that contained pictures and information of all of the pure-blooded families of the Wizarding world. The book was updated every year by the Ministry of Magic and sent to every pure-blooded family. Narcissa had received it that morning, along with her son's letter.

She ran her hand gently over the Weasley family portrait. They look so happy,Narcissa thought to herself both curiously and enviously. As a Black, she never knew what it was like to have a loving family. As a Malfoy, despite the man her husband was, she had tried her best to make sure that her son would be exposed to at least some love.

Narcissa picked up the letter she had received from Draco that lay by her side. She unfolded it and re-read it for the third time.

Dearest Mother,

When I came home last summer, you said their was something different about me. I denied it, and you only smiled. Well, you were right. There is something different about me. There has been for the past year and a half.

Near the end of fifth year, just before father was caught, I was hit by a smarting Bat-Bogey hex. Guess who hit me. Ginevra Weasley. That's right Arthur Weasley's youngest and only daughter. I was angry to say the least, and when my sixth year began, I was out for vengeance. Somewhere along the line, where I don't know, she had gotten to me. Now, we've been seeing each other for a little less than a year.

I know this might sound preposterous, Mother, but I am afraid I have fallen in love. I know, a Weasley, impossible. But it's true. I don't even want to think of how Father is going to react when word finds its way through the walls of Azkaban.

The reason why I wrote this letter, is because I wanted to let you know of my plans to marry Ginny. I know what I'm up against. Her brothers, her father, my father, Potter, but I love her, and I know she loves me. I proposed to her at the Halloween Ball, but she said she couldn't. I don't know what to do. I don't know why she said no, and I don't know what I need to do to get her to say yes.

I need your advice, Mother.

With love, your son,


Narcissa re-folded the letter and lay it back down by her side. Once again, she gently ran her hand over the happy family before reading the words under it.

The Weasley Family--date back to the years of Merlin. The most noticeable family trait, that has been passed down for centuries, is the signature flaming red Weasley hair. It has been said that before the rise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named the Weasley line was one of the most highly regarded families in the world. When the Weasley line refused to support He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the Dark Lord--with the help of his followers--stripped them of their riches. Though they lack in gold, they are well-endowed with loyalty and magical power. They have been known for their loyalty to "the light", and are not highly looked upon by most other pure-blooded families for their tolerance and sympathy for muggles and those who are muggle born. Their purity of blood is second only to that of the illustrious Malfoy line.

Narcissa turned to the page that held a portrait and the information of the youngest Weasley. Just as she had to the family portrait, Narcissa gently ran a hand over a beaming Ginny. She's beautiful, she thought to herself before she read the words that accompanied the picture.

Ginevra Weasley--the youngest and only daughter of Arthur and Molly. Ginevra is addressed by most by the nickname of Ginny. She is the first female to be born into the Weasley line in over two centuries, and unlike the flaming hair of her father and brothers, the shade of red of her own hair is that of deep rich blood. Throughout history there has only been a handful of females born into the Weasley line. Each of them, unlike their male kin, have been endowed with this exact same shade of blood-red hair. Since the Malfoy line has failed to produce a daughter of their own, Ginevra can be considered to be the witch of purest blood in the world.

Following those words was the more specific information (i.e. birth date, eye color, height, etc.) about Ginny. Narcissa closed the book. She assumed that the Weasleys knew about her son and their daughter. Perhaps that was why she had said no. In fear of how they would react. Narcissa sighed. She didn't know what to tell Draco, other than he had her blessing.

Ginny walked down the girls' stairs to the common room. To her surprise, Ron was no where to be seen. She was sure that he would have been there to escort her to breakfast.

"There you are, Ginny. Took you long enough," Ginny turned toward the voices of her fellow chasers. "So, are we going to breakfast or what?"

Ginny nodded, and the three Gryffindor chasers made their way to the Great Hall.

Just before they made it to the entrance of the hall, Ginny was pulled aside by her brother.

"You two go ahead. I need to speak to Ginny in private," Ron said calmly to his teammates.

The girls nodded and, reluctantly, entered the hall without Ginny.

"Ron what's--Ow! Ron, your hurting me," Ron had grabbed Ginny roughly by the arm and dragged her up to a room near Dumbledore's office. Ron didn't let go of her until they had fully entered the room and the door had shut behind them.

"Ron, what in the bloody hell was that for? This better not leave a bruise!" Ginny yelled indignantly.

"Oh stop ranting and don't slouch. You can always go to Madam Pomfrey or Hermione to find a way to cover it up." Ginny froze. That voice belonged to only one person--her mother. Ginny slowly turned around to find her parents sitting on a white sofa looking straight at her.

"Hello, Mum, Dad," Ginny smiled pathetically. "What are you two doing here?" She asked, knowing perfectly well the answer.

"Your brother has come to us with some startling news," Arthur said, the calm in his voice obviously forced. "At first I couldn't believe it. My little girl, seeing the son of the man that had caused her so much pain," the hurt and anger rose in his voice as he continued, "But then I asked the twins, and they confirmed it. At first I thought it was just the twins playing another joke. But then I asked Charlie and Percy, and they both confirmed it as well. Then I asked Bill...," Arthur trailed off, unable to continue. He buried his head into his hands. Molly wrapped her arms around her husband.

"You will no longer see him. Do you understand?" Molly spoke sternly as she stared right into her daughter's eyes. "This family suffered enough pain when his father almost took you away from us. We will not allow you to let yourself get hurt again."

"But Mum--"

"What did he do to you? To my little girl?" Arthur's confused voice cut Ginny off. He looked up at her, "Did he hurt you? Do something to you? A spell--"

"No Daddy, he didn't do anything like that," Ginny half pleaded, half comforted. Ginny walked to her father, sat on the ground, and laid her head on his lap--like she did when she was little. "Daddy, he loves me, and I love him. He asked me to marry him last night. I said no because I wanted to make sure that he asked you for your blessing properly first."


"What?" Ginny's head shot up at her father's response.

"You will not marry him. I will not let you marry him. I will not let you see him again," Arthur's voice rose with each sentence.

"But Daddy--"

"No buts," Arthur took his daughter by the shoulders, "He will only use you."

"No!" Ginny shook her head fervently. "Daddy, he isn't like his father. He would never..."

"Oh don't be so naïve, Ginny," Molly said exasperated. "Don't you find it at all weird that his housemates approve of your relationship?"

"How do you know that they approve?" Ginny asked, genuinely confused.

Ron was the one who answered, "His housemates didn't even flinch when you two walked onto the dance floor. Some even looked at Malfoy with pride. With pride!" Ron waved his hands emphatically over his head, "When in history has any Slytherin looked at a housemate with pride for seeing a Weasley? Don't you find that the tiniest bit odd?"

"Ginny, he will only hurt you. Can't you see? Why can't you just forget about him and see a nice boy. Ron's told me that Harry has--" Ginny shrugged out of her father's hold and cut her mother off.

"Harry?" Ginny screamed in indignation. "That's what you want, isn't it? That's what you've always wanted, right? For me to marry Harry, and have a dozen kids! To make him officially your son. Well let me tell you something, Mum. I don't love Harry! I know he likes me, but he knows I don't love him. He even supports me and Draco!"

"That is enough!" Everyone froze at the unfamiliar anger in Arthur's voice. "I refuse to let my daughter consort a Malfoy! You will no longer see him! And if you do, I will be forced to notify his father about your relationship with his son! Even within the walls of Azkaban, I'm sure Lucius will find a way to force his son to stay away from you!"

Draco sat at the Slytherin table between Blaise and Malcolm. Sitting across from him were Crabbe and Goyle, stuffing their faces with pancakes overrun by syrup. For the hundredth time he looked, in vain, across the hall for any sign of Ginny. He had thought about her all night. Before he fell asleep he thought about why Ginny had said no. When he had fallen asleep, he dreamt of Ginny playing with their children in the rose gardens of Malfoy Manner.

The doors to the hall opened, and in walked Ginny and her brother. Draco sat up straighter. When he noticed the tear stained streaks that littered her face, he had to fight to retrain himself from running up to her. When he noticed how Ron had forcefully sat beside her, he felt the anger pulsing through his veins. He had something to do with this. He made her cry, Draco thought to himself.

Just as Draco was about to stand and head to his room to try and cool down, he was tapped on the shoulder from behind. Draco turned to face his head of house.

"I would like a word with you, Mr. Malfoy. And you four, as well ," Snape nodded toward Malcolm, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle. The five young men stood gracefully and followed their head of house out of the great hall to his office.

As soon as the door was shut behind them, Snape turned around swiftly to address his students. "Would someone like to explain to me the events of last night?"

When no one answered, the boys were surprised that Snape didn't try to enforce the issue. Snape simply sat at his desk, pulled out a peace of parchment and a quill, and began to write. "Five points will be taken away from Slytherin House for each of you," Snape drawled as he wrote. "Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini, you four will receive two weeks worth of detention. Just as Potter, Finnegan, Thomas, and Weasley have. You, Mr. Baddock, will receive a month's detention for carelessly flinging hexes."

There was a long pause and a sound of finality. The five young men remained standing quietly in the room, however, waiting for a proper dismissal.

Five minutes later, Snape finally spoke, without looking away from his parchment. "I would like a word with you, Mr. Malfoy. The rest of you may leave."

When the door shut, leaving the teacher and pupil alone, Snape finally looked up from his parchment. "You do realize what you're getting yourself into."

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid I don't know what you mean," Draco responded with the respect his father had taught him how to answer with.

"The Weasleys may be poor. They may lack in galleons and fine clothing. What they do not lack is their love and willingness to protect their own." Draco remained silent. "Draco," Snape set down his quill, "I am sure you are aware of Ms. Weasley's involvement with the Chamber of Secrets during your second year?" Snape paused for a response.

"Yes, sir. I am," Draco replied.

"The Weasleys had almost fallen apart. Her brother, Ronald, if it was even possible, had allowed his already abysmal marks to become even lower. Her other brothers were walking around the halls like the undead. Her mother had almost broken down when she received the letter informing her of what had happened, and if it wasn't for Dumbledore, her father would have hunted your father down and killed him himself." Snape paused to search Draco's face. "You really love her, don't you?" Snape all but whispered.

Draco stared straight into Snape's eyes and said, "Yes. I do."

"Ginny Weasley is the glue that holds that family together. After what your father had put that family through, her family will have a very hard time accepting you. You must play your cards right and show the up most respect to her father. I suggest you befriend at least one of her brothers, because trust me when I say that it will make things very much easier for you."

Snape leaned into his desk to look Draco more sternly in the eye. "Do not make the mistake of hurting her. Within the Gryffindor system the Weasleys are highly regarded. If you break her heart, every male Gryffindor in the school will make sure to break your neck."

Snape leaned back into his seat and picked up his quill. "Remember what I have told you, and take my words seriously." With a swish of his quill he said, "You may leave" and returned to his parchment.

Draco nodded respectfully and headed to the door. Just before he reached the door, Draco turned around to address the professor. "Professor, may I ask you something?"

Snape looked up from his parchment and nodded once.

"Why do you approve of this? Why does most of Slytherin house approve of this? In fact, why do you even care?"

Snape set his quill back down and said, "Your second question, Mr. Malfoy, I'm afraid I can not answer. Why do I approve of this? Why do I care? Maybe I can fully give you those answers later in life, perhaps when the differences between our priorities have changed. What I can tell you is that your mother said that she gives you her blessing to go on with your relationship."

"My mother? Is she the reason why you wanted to speak with me?"

"She didn't know what to tell you. She never really knew the Weasleys. But I would have spoken to you either way, Draco," Again the professor picked up his quill and returned to his parchment.

"Thank you, Professor," Draco nodded one last time before heading out the door. He needed to talk to Ginny. He needed to get things straight before he could do anything about assuaging her family.

(A/N: Review!!!)
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