No Intentions

(A/N: I’m sorry I took so long to update. With the recent passing away of my grandmother on top of school, I haven’t had time to really update. I’m sorry if the chapter may seemed rushed. I’m sort of stuck with the story right now, if anyone has any suggestions as to what should happen, please feel free to e-mail me at

Draco walked silently into the gloomy office of his house head.

Severus Snape was sitting at his desk, bent over a piece of parchment. The silence of the room was broken only by the slight scribbling sounds of Snape’s quill.

It wasn’t until five minutes after Draco had shut the door that Snape finally set his quill down and looked up from his parchment. The professor entwined his fingers and set them on his desk as he studied his student intently.

Draco moved to take a seat in front of Snape’s desk when the professor gestured for him to do so.

“Would you like to explain to me what had happened out there?” Snape drawled.

Draco sat with perfect posture as he answered, “You already know perfectly well what happened out there, professor.”

“Well then, would you mind telling me why it happened?”

Draco replied with silence and averted his eyes from Snape.

The Potions Master leaned back into his seat and sighed inaudibly. “Draco, I am not sure if I made myself clear the first time. So I will stress it more clearly. You need to be careful.”

Draco looked up at his professor, but remained silent.

“It doesn’t matter how the Weasley girl was knocked unconscious, Draco. What matters is that you were part of why it happened, and that’s what people are going to start their rumours around.”

“I know,” Draco said so softly that Snape barely heard him. Draco was still averting Snape’s gaze.

Silence, again, engulfed the room as Snape continued to study his pupil. After some time, Snape pulled out a piece of parchment from under a pile of others and set it on the opposite side of his desk before Draco.

Draco eyed the parchment carefully. It was addressed to Snape, from his mother. Draco finally looked up at his professor.

“She and Molly Weasley met today for morning tea. Your mother was able to convince Molly that your love for her daughter was true and that you would rather die than hurt her. So thanks to your mother, you and Ginevra now have Molly’s blessing. Molly was also there when your mother received your owl informing her of your and Ginevra‘s engagement,” Snape said impassively.

Draco looked back down at the letter, and he could feel the weight from his shoulders lift just a tad. Having Ginny’s mum on their side would help a great deal.

“Like I said before, Draco,” Draco looked up at his head of house, “you must play your cards right. Watch what you say and do. Even the most harmless of arguments with Ginevra can and will be misinterpreted by her brothers and housemates.”

Draco nodded.

“I suggest you owl Ginevra’s mother, and get things straight with her. Maybe she can arrange for you to meet with Arthur Weasley.”

“Of course, professor.”

Snape nodded before picking up his quill again and turning his attentions back to his parchment.

Draco sat for five minutes before Snape gave him a formal dismissal and Draco walked out the door.


Ginny was sitting on the burgundy sofa in the Founders’ Room, absentmindedly twirling her hair as she waited for Draco. None of the founders were currently in their portraits.

Ginny was thinking about the dream she had had during her brief stay in the hospital wing. In the dream Harry had completely opposed her relationship with Draco. Harry even went to the extent of asking Ron if he could help him break them up. Ron on the other hand seemed to be completely tolerant about she and Draco.

Ginny sank low into the cushions of the sofa as she burrowed her brows in thought.

If that were how her brother and Harry really felt about her and Draco, Ginny honestly wouldn’t have minded at all. In fact, she almost preferred it. Sure, Harry would be the jealous prat conspiring to tear her and Draco apart, but she wouldn’t mind risking that if it meant that Ron would be the least bit accepting of her relationship.


The following weekend, Molly Weasley ushered all of her sons, save for Ron, into the kitchen of the Burrow.

“Mum? What is it?” Charlie prompted after five minutes of silence.

Molly looked to her eldest son. Bill gave her an encouraging smile. Molly sighed and said, “Now you all know about Ginny and Malfoy.”

“Of course we do,” said Fred and George bitterly in unison.


“Yes, Mum?” Charlie pressed, again.

“I’ve decided that we should learn to accept Ginny and Mal--I mean--Draco’s relationship.”

“WHAT?” screamed Percy, Charlie, and the twins.

“You--what? No!” Charlie sputtered.

“Mum? Have you forgotten who Draco Malfoy is?” said Fred.

“Have you forgotten who his dad is?” said George.

“I know perfectly well who Draco and Lucius Malfoy are. But I also know that they’re two different men,” said Molly pointedly to her irate sons.

“Didn’t you hear of how Ginny was knocked out in school?” said Percy indignantly.

“Ron was the one who hit her, Percy,” Bill interjected.

“Yeah, but we don’t know the whole story now, do we?” said Fred.

“No we don’t, and that’s why we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions,” replied Bill calmly.

“Look, I can’t say that I’m really happy about Ginny’s decision, but she’s made it. And he makes her happy-”

“Happy? For how long?” Fred cut his mother off.

“Yeah, how do we know he isn’t going to just throw her into the gutter when he’s finished with-”

George was cut off when they all heard a loud pop come from the living room. Charlie, Percy and the twins smiled.

“Oi! What are all of you doing here?” asked Arthur in surprise when he walked into the kitchen to find his five eldest sons. He immediately went to give his wife a kiss on the cheek.

“Mum, why don’t you fill him in on that?”

“What’s going on?” Arthur turned to ask his wife when he heard the tone of anger in Charlie’s voice.

“Well, you see Arthur, we were just discussing Ginny’s relationship with Draco.”

Arthur stiffened at the mentioning of Draco’s name. “And?”

“Well...” Molly trailed off, unsure of what to say to her husband.

“And Mum’s said that she’s accepted it, and that we should too,” Percy answered for her.

“WHAT?” yelled Arthur, just as his sons had.

“You can’t be serious Molly!”

Molly immediately straightened up, encouraged by the thought that, at least, her daughter would be happy with her. “I am, Arthur. I’m very serious.”

Arthur stared at his wife in disbelief.

“And I suggest you all get used to the idea of Ginny and Mal-Draco being together. Because they will be for a very long time.”

“Not if we can help it,” said the twins in unison, just as they did in the common room the night that they had confronted Ginny about Draco.

“Well, you can’t. Ginny’s already made her decision. Molly turned toward her husband, “Draco has asked her to marry him again, and, this time, Ginny said yes.”

There was a long moment of eerie silence before Charlie, Percy, and the twins began to start screaming their protests at the same time.

When all quieted down, the four boys turned their eyes on their father.

“Dad, you can’t let Ginny go through with this,” said Charlie.

“And why not?” said Bill, who hadn’t spoken in quite some time.

“Because he’s going to hurt her!” yelled the twins.

“No, he won’t, and you all know it. You’re all just too stubborn to admit it,” said Bill, maintaining his calm demeanor.

Molly’s eyes had never left her husband’s form. Arthur was as stiff as ever and his face had gone from ashen white to a hideous red.

“Arthur?” Molly touched her husband’s arm hesitantly.

“No,” Arthur spoke so quietly that his sons had barely heard him.


“No, Molly. I refuse to let my daughter get herself into a situation where she will most likely suffer,” said Arthur in a raised voice.

“But he won’t-”

“No, Molly. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t know what has happened for you to have changed your mind so quickly, but I will hear nothing of it,” Arthur put up a hand to stop his wife.


Molly was cut off by a string of knocks from the front door. Molly took a deep breath, knowing perfectly well who was on the other side of that door. It was a Hogsmeade weekend at Hogwarts, and she had agreed to have her future son-in-law come to the Burrow to speak with her husband.

“Arthur, come with me,” Molly took her husbands arm and began to lead him to the living room area.

Molly quickly turned to stop her sons from following them. “Stay here,” she growled.

Arthur and Molly went to answer the door. Molly held her breath as Arthur opened the door. The holding of breath was short lived as Arthur immediately slammed the door shut when he saw who was on the other side.

“Arthur!” yelled Molly. She stepped in front of him to open the door.

Draco Malfoy stood with perfect posture that radiated his good-upbringing. His hands were clasped behind his back and he gave a respectful inclination of the head to Arthur and a smile to Molly, of which Molly was very taken aback by seeing as she hadn't known that Malfoys could do anything but sneer.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.”

“Draco, I’m so glad you made it. Please, come in,” smiled Molly opening the door wider to allow Draco to enter.

Arthur glared meaningfully at his wife. “What is this?” he whispered in fury at having a Malfoy set foot in his home.

“Just listen to what he has to say, Arthur. Please, if not for Ginny, then for me,” Molly pleaded with her husband.

Arthur said nothing, but clutched his wand as he followed his wife as she lead Draco into the living room.

As soon as the three of them had reached the living room, Molly began to walk toward the kitchen.

“Molly, where are you going?” asked Arthur, clutching his wand even harder at the thought of being alone in the same room with a Malfoy.

“I’m going to check on the boys. Why don’t you two just stay in here I’ll be back in a second,” Molly hurriedly entered the kitchen.

Draco and Arthur stood in the living room at the Burrow in tension filled silence for a good five minutes before Draco finally spoke.

“I have no intentions of marrying her without your permission.”

“Well, you don’t have it,” Arthur said coldly.

There was another long silence before Draco spoke again.

(A/N: Please Review!)
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