The Old Gryffindor Captain Days

Classes had just ended, and Harry and Ron were sprinting down the halls to the common room. Ron seemed to have completely forgotten about the whole Creevey incident, as did the majority of the student body.

In between classes, Harry and Ron managed to narrow down their questions for Wood to only about a million. How was it like playing Professional Quidditch? What exactly was this whole scouting thing about? What’s the deal with all those rumors about a secret girlfriend?

When the portrait whole slammed shut behind Ron and Harry, Wood turned toward them.

“How’d I know you two would be the first I’d talk to?” Wood smiled, slightly shaking his head. He really missed his playing days at Hogwarts. He missed that comforting feeling that he always felt once Madam Hootch would sound the beginning of a match. He missed the feeling of knowing that the girls would always keep the points coming and the feeling of knowing that the twins would always be watching out for the team. But most of all he missed the feeling of knowing that his seeker would never let him down, the feeling that he would never lose.

“So, how’s it going, Wood?” Harry smiled.

“Discounting the fact that I haven’t been able to feel my right arm properly in weeks and thus cannot play, everything’s surprisingly okay.”

“How would our Oliver live without Quidditch? You haven’t changed at all Wood.” Harry chuckled in response.

“Oh, but it seems that Wood has been able to live without Quidditch. Or at least he’s found something, actually more of a someone, to help him do so.” Ron winked at Oliver and smiled knowingly.

“Huh?” Oliver was completely lost.

Just then, the portrait hole swung open. Ginny stalked into the common room, muttering obscenities about someone. Ginny hadn’t noticed the three boys until Harry spoke up.

“Hey, Gin. Wood, meet our star chaser, Ginny Weasley.”

A barely audible gasp escaped Wood’s lips. Even with her second hand robes, she looked exquisite. He still couldn’t believe that this was Percy’s baby sister.

“Hello, Oliver.”

Wood had to suppress a groan. Even her voice sounded sexy.

“Hello, Ginny.”

Oliver and Ginny locked eyes for a brief moment, before she turned her head to address her brother. “I’ve got detention after dinner. Don’t wait up.” With that, she made her way toward the stairs that led to the girls’ dormitories.

“Hey, Gin.”

“Yeah, Harry?”

“Don’t go and start making these detentions a habit. The last thing the team needs is for you to miss practice. We need you.”

Ginny rolled her eyes. “I know, Harry.”

As she disappeared up the stairs, the portrait whole, again, swung open as the rest of Gryffindor house began to enter in waves.

Oliver plopped down next to Harry as Hermione and Ron took their seats across from them. They had just entered the Great Hall for supper. Harry and Ron had been bombarding Wood with questions about Puddlemere United for hours now. And like Hermione, he was really starting to get tired of all of it.

When Ginny entered the hall, Hermione immediately flagged her down; she wanted someone she could talk to, no doubt. Ginny took the seat directly across from Hermione. It wasn’t until she actually sat down that she noticed that she was sitting right next to Oliver.

“Oh thank Merlin!” Hermione gasped in relief. “I swear, these three eat, breathe, drink, and sleep Quidditch!”

“Hello, Ginny.” Oliver smiled at Ginny.

“Hello, Wood.” Ginny reluctantly returned the smile.

“They’ve been going on about Quidditch for hours now. Do they ever stop?”

Ginny chuckled. “If it doesn’t have something to do with either food or girls, no, they don’t ever stop, Hermione.”

At that, they all began to laugh. As they did so, none of them, not even Oliver and Ginny themselves, noticed that Oliver had swung his arm around Ginny’s shoulders and scooted her closer to him.

Someone across the room, however, did notice. He was not at all happy about it, to say the least.

The idiot was laying his hands on something that did not belong to him.

He stared at her laughing form, and felt another pang of jealousy. This jealousy, however, was of a different kind. He wanted to be able to make her laugh like that.

Harry had just finished one of the many stories of Wood’s Old Gryffindor Captain Days, and all of them were almost rolling on the floor laughing.

As if Ginny felt someone was staring at her, she looked up toward Hermione. She saw a pair of grey eyes staring intently at her. They locked eyes. She followed them as they moved down to her shoulder and found Oliver’s hand resting on it. She looked back up only to find that the owner of the grey pools was already making his way out of the hall. She looked up at the still laughing face of Oliver. She finally saw what everyone else in the Great Hall, with the exception of Harry, Hermione, and Oliver, saw. She saw that the reason why she hadn’t fallen out of her seat from all the laughing was because she was leaning into Oliver’s firm chest, and he was unconsciously holding her closer. She shrugged out of his hold. As she did so, Oliver looked at her questioningly.

Ginny stood. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were still chuckling about the story. “I’ve got detention.” There was an awkward pause. “I should be going then.”

Ginny walked out of the hall.

(A/N: Review! Please!)
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