I hope you like it; this came to me at 2am, on the day of my Midterms. Aargh.

Disclaimer: You know this. I know this. She knows this. It belongs to her; J.K something or another.

The nervous looking man standing outside the operating theatre frowned as he saw the renowned Medi-witch take off her surgical gloves and give him a small smile.

“Will he be okay?”

“I think so; it doesn’t look too bad.”

He smirks at her. “Obviously my fantastic parenting skills had something to do with that.”

“I doubt screeching like a harpy at the poor nurses is an image every fantastic parent wants to portray!”

He frowns. “I’m a dignified gentleman, I do not screech!”

She raises an eyebrow, something, he realises, she has learnt from him. “Careful, you’ll give yourself a frown line.”

His hand flies to his forehead. Then, after a pause, he glares at her. “I really don’t find that funny.”

She smirks. “I know. But everyone else does.”

He gives her an undignified snort. “Do you know my wife, doctor? You both seem to have a bad sense of humour.”

“The pretty redhead? I’ve heard she’s good at kicking your ass.”

He gives her another smirk. “So she would like to think.”

The woman glares at him before changing, in a manner that is unique to her, the subject.

“Have you had lunch yet?”

“Oh, sure! While my son writhing in agony on the floor, I calmly used my parenting skills to make myself a tuna sandwich.”

She pointedly ignores his blatant sarcasm, instead she scrunches her nose.

“Tuna?! How awful. I thought you had some good taste. I guess I was wrong.”

“You were wrong. I happen to have exceptional taste- along with exemplary parenting skills.”

“Really? Then where did you leave the rest of the kids?”

“At home…”

She opens her mouth to give him a verbal berating. He speaks up before she can.

“…with my mother.”

She takes a deep breath and tries not to give into temptation and wipe the smirk off the handsome man’s face.

Counting to ten, she speaks again, this time as a professional.

“Would you like to see your son? I think he’ll be awake by now.”

He nods, his face becoming more serious, as she leads him towards the children’s ward.

She pauses before going in. “Oh, and Draco, if you ever let any of our children play with a wand again, I swear by Merlin, I will hex every single bit of you, especially your balls.”

He swallows, and nods his head. “Of course, Ginny.”

Merlin, his wife really could kick his ass.
The End.
JuliusCaesar is the author of 6 other stories.
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