IN Case any questions arose over the characters Mordant Bulstrode-he’s the little brother (5th year-same as Ginny) of everybody’s favorite Slytherin girl, and he’s about as nice.

Disclaimers still apply, honestly.

* * * * * *
At breakfast that morning, Ginny watched Malfoy from the corner of her eye; she waited in anxious anticipation for the Mail Run. Finally, she spotted Artemis weaving his way to Malfoy’s table. The letter fluttered onto Malfoy’s plate of sausage and eggs. She saw the puzzled expression that flickered across his face, and the irritation as Artemis dipped his beak into Malfoy’s pumpkin juice. With bated breath she watched as he ripped the letter open and read it. His face did not change from its usual smug expression even as he proceeded to shred the letter. Ginny’s face turned a shade comparable to that of her fiery hair. She quickly pushed away from the table, and ran out of the Great Hall.

Harry, who had been attempting, unsuccessfully, to coax her into a conversation about Quidditch tactics, was shocked. He turned to Hermione and said, perplexed, “Was it something I said?”

Hermione was watching Malfoy with narrowed eyes and did not reply.

Harry threw his hands up in the air and said with exasperation, “Women! Will I ever get them?”

“I hear you, mate.” Ron said fervently.

* * * * * *
Ginny, after bursting from the Great Hall, had summoned her broom and was currently on the Quidditch fields. It was a weird habit, but Ginny found that she thought better in the air. She sped across the field, trying to make sense of her feelings. It had been a simple thank-you note, did she expect Malfoy to keep it forever? Wasn’t it better that he ripped it up rather than pass it around the Slytherin table?
She gave up thinking about Malfoy and left the world behind as she soared above it.

* * * * * *

Malfoy left the Great Hall in disgust, it wasn’t his fault that Ginny wrote him a letter and then sent it to him-how stupid could you get? Then when he’d ripped the letter up, she’d ran off for crying out loud. Then to top it off, Granger, filthy Mudblood that she is, knew, she must, she had been staring at him, and Draco could almost see the pieces falling into place in that bushy head of hers. He wasn’t sure why the idea that that buck-toothed girl knowing disconcerted him so, but it did. Draco summoned his broom and was about to do a few laps around the Quidditch field when he saw a familiar redhead doing just that. He groaned, why was it so hard to avoid this girl? He made his way to the lake instead and took off, barely skimming the surface with his feet as he flew slowly over the water. Draco saw the giant squid propelling itself dreamily across the surface of the lake. He grinned. Reaching into his robes, he grabbed the biscuits he’d snatched from breakfast and tossed them to the giant squid. He then patted the creature fondly. Suddenly he felt a pair of eyes on him, he didn’t even bother to turn around he took off for the castle.
He just didn’t feel up to dealing with a Weasel at the moment.

* * * * * *
Ginny had finally landed after flying for a half hour. She was on her way back up to the school when a figure by the lake caught her attention. She drew closer, and leaning against a tree, watched. It was Malfoy of course- but what was he doing here? She watched as he hovered above the water, trailing his feet in the water. This peaceful image of the boy drew a smile to her lips. She saw him throw something at, no to, the giant squid that was lazing in the shallows. Then to her utter amazement, she saw him petting the squid. She had never pegged Malfoy as being an animal lover. Then, as if he’d realized someone was watching him, he wheeled around and took off for the castle.

* * * * * *

Author Note: Sorry about this chapter it = really boring. I’ll put up the next one and it won’t be so boring I promise!
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