Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the Wonderful World of Harry Potter.


Star Dusted Reality

One: The Old Switcheroo

The soft hum of the side table alarm clock awoke Draco from his restless sleep and as he swung his legs out of the bed, remnants of the dreams that haunted him that night clung to him like cellophane. It wasn’t your fault. He pleaded with himself, as he had often done after such dreams visited him. It had been more than five months since she had passed away, his mother, and he still dreamt of her haunting face. The way her mouth twisted into a poignant smile as she carefully laid her hands on a swollen chest. The smell of the room, as though all the medicines of the world resided within. And the sound of her breath as she took one last gasp of life and departed without a single word of closure that he had sought in her. Yes, she haunted him in his dreams and even when he thought that the last of her cobwebs had been cleared from his mind, she came back to remind him that he still wanted to hear those words from her lips: ‘It’s not your fault, Draco.’


"Ancient Magic! It is something that we modern wizards know little about. But it is very important to familiarize ourselves with ancient spells and symbols," Flitwick spoke at the top of his lungs, his squeaky voice only reaching the back of the room because he stood upon a stack of large textbooks. The room was filled with Gryffindors and Slytherins, all sitting at their desks with quills ready to jot down any bit of information that might be on the N.E.W.T.S. At the front of the classroom, several different trinkets were set up on display for the class.

"These are a few ancient magic artifacts that I have had in my possession for quite some time. Each of them is from a different ancient civilization. For example," he said, holding up a large gold vase that had Egyptian symbols etched on the side. "This is an Egyptian Magical Urn. It was used to protect the royal family in times of danger. The essence of perhaps the queen or prince was switched with that of a loyal servant to protect their lives. I suppose you could call it an ancient decoy. I've never actually tested it, but I believe that all one had to do was touch it and think of the person they wished to switch with. The old switcheroo, eh?" he explained with a chuckle, looking around at his drowsy eyed students. The heavy workload of all the N.E.W.T.S. classes had caused an all-around exhaustion among his students. It had only gotten worse when the library began to keep its doors open at all times for N.E.W.T.S. students. Flitwick sighed, wiping his tiny brow with a handkerchief and setting the magical urn back down in its place.

"Alright students. Enough for today. Just complete the paper on Pitcher Charms and turn it in tomorrow. Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter. I would like to have a word with the two of you," he instructed, climbing cautiously off the pile of books as the room erupted into chatter.

Harry and Draco got up from opposite sides of the room and went to Flitwick's miniature desk towards the back of the classroom. Draco shot Harry a sneer as they stood, waiting to hear what they had been summoned for.

"Boys, I know that you are both quite busy. But I have not received last week's homework from either of you. I know that you are both involved with Quidditch and that can be very time consuming. However, your schoolwork must be a priority," he explained as he flicked his wand to summon a sheet of parchment and a quill from the cabinet across the room. He scribbled their names down on the parchment sadly and looked up at Harry with a solemn expression.

"I am afraid I have to assign you both detention for this evening. I feel terrible punishing you, but I have no choice."

"It's alright, Professor. I'll be there tonight," Harry replied comfortingly before returning to his seat. Hermione looked up from her nearly completed essay with a scolding expression.

"Detention, Harry?" she asked in a somewhat sarcastic tone, swatting away at her bushy bangs. Harry smiled sheepishly at her.

"Yeah, well. If Quidditch hadn't kept me so busy this past week…" Harry stammered when Hermione gave him that disappointed look she was quite talented in distributing. Harry shrugged, gathering his book quickly when the bell sounded.

"Yes, yes, well. Next time, you should just ask me for some help," Hermione expressed in a hopeful tone before Ron made a peculiar coughing noise in Harry's direction.

"Or ask me for the answers once I've gotten them from Hermione," Ron whispered with a wink.


The Charms classroom was very cold and drafty once evening fell upon the castle. As he sauntered into classroom, Draco cursed the weather for his heavy cloak lay undisturbed on top of his bed. The sky had taken on a charcoal hue while clouds gathered together as though they were having a festival in the sky. It was evident that it would soon be raining as great gusts of wind blew into the massive open window in the Charms Classroom.

Draco quickly ran to close the window, chuckling when he spied Potter and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team making a mad dash for the castle as the bottom dropped out of the rain clouds above. Filch would yell at the lot of them for coming into the castle soaked and Potter would probably even be late for detention. Then Flitwick might have to assign another detention to St. Potter. He sighed, just thinking of how wonderful that rainy afternoon was shaping up to be.

"Mr. Malfoy, you are early for detention! Thank goodness you were here to close the window! I remembered that I had left it open only after I stepped out into the rain," Flitwick proclaimed happily as he entered the classroom. Malfoy managed to hold in a chuckle at the Professor's appearance; Flitwick was bedecked in a yellow rain slicker with matching boots, a scarf hiding half of his face along with a hat that swallowed the remainder of his head.

"I managed to get here just in time to shut the window, Professor. Lucky it hadn't been a moment sooner or your classroom would gotten an unwanted shower," Malfoy explained in a self gratifying manner, sitting down in his normal spot.

"Well, that deserves ten points for Slytherin," Flitwick proclaimed in a muffled tone as he took on the task of unraveling himself from the scarf and rain slicker. Draco smirked whilst he watched his tiny Professor wrestle with his attire.

The classroom looked as it had earlier that day during lessons. The table at the front was still set up with the assortment of ancient trinkets Flitwick had been so excited about. It all looked like junk to Draco, but he had never been good with anything antique.

Draco glanced at his watch and his smirk grew wider. Potter was almost five minutes late for detention. This was definitely grounds for another detention. He took out his quill and unfinished homework, hoping to look like he was hard at work when Potter got there. He sat for a few more minutes, doodling on the blank parchment, but Potter still had not arrived.

"Professor, You did assign both Potter and I detention?" he asked, noticing that Flitwick had managed to get out of his rainy day ensemble.

"Harry is excused from today's detention. He, erm, had more pressing matters to attend to- probably with the Headmaster."

"Excused! Why should that bloody git be excused when I certainly have better places to be than here?" Draco inquired in a bark, snapping his quill in two. Flitwick looked somewhat taken aback by Draco's actions, but he recovered quickly by giving Draco a sympathetic smile.

"I understand that you have plenty of coursework this year. I mean, I think the entire staff was shocked at Professor Snape's syllabus this term. I think it would be fine if you left, especially since you came in so early," Flitwick said with a chuckle and instantly Draco began to gather his things.

"Before you leave, would you mind moving these charms into the supply closet? I am teaching levitation charms to the first years tomorrow morning. We all know what a disaster that can turn out to be," He requested, pointing at the ancient charms they had been studying earlier in class.

Draco sighed, setting his book bag down with a thump. He felt like there was steam coming out his ears; he was so angry at Potter for always getting special treatment. He grabbed a few of the charms at a time and stuffed them into the supply closet. All he could think about was strangling Potter with his bare hands, as he snatched the last of the charms up, a strange urn with Egyptian symbols painted upon the rim. It was that oddly decorated urn that he last saw before a nauseous wave overtook him and blackness ensued.


"Mr. Malfoy!" Harry heard his name being called though he felt like he was stuck in slow motion; everything seemed to be hazy. His eyelids were heavy and when he reached up to his face, he realized his glasses were missing. He felt the floor below him for his glasses while struggling to sit up. Again, he heard someone call his name in a high pitched and panicked screech. But as his senses started to come back into focus, he realized that it was not his name that the person was screeching.

"Mr. Malfoy! Draco! Are you alright, son? You must have slipped and hit your head on this shelf here."
Harry tilted his head slightly and saw that it was his Charms professor that was inquiring about his current state. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a strange croak came out. He cleared his throat and attempted speak once again, "Pro-Profee-sor?"

His speech was clumsy and his voice sounded foreign to him, "What am I doing in here?" He asked, becoming more confident with his new voice. Professor Flitwick had a puzzled face, but he smiled understandingly after a moment of thought.

"You must've bumped the old noggin a bit harder than I thought. I think a visit to Madame Pomfrey will fix you up. Can you stand?"

Harry nodded and got to his feet quickly. He felt out of sorts, his feet feeling as unfamiliar as his voice had. It was when he felt the pockets of his cloak for his glasses that he noticed he was wearing a Slytherin school uniform.

"Don't forget your satchel. Wouldn't want to deprive you of your homework," Flitwick said with a soft chuckle, handing Harry a black satchel with the initials DM sewn on the flap.

As Madame Pomfrey sat him down and examined his head carefully, he began to ponder the peculiarity of his situation. The last thing he saw was Ginny's smiling face, her twinkling eyes, her freckled dusted face, her rosy cheeks, and her soft pink lips. And then he had blacked out. It had been a pretty normal day before that. He had gone to all his classes and Quidditch practice.

After Quidditch practice was called over because of the rain, he had rushed to get cleaned up, forgetting all about his detention. He had skipped supper so that he could meet Ginny in the third floor corridor. It was their secret place to meet when the weather was bad, otherwise they met out by the lake.Ginny had been giggling about something when he started to feel odd, a nauseous wave hitting him hard. Then all went black. He awoke in the supply closet of the Charms classroom.

"You seem to be fine. You are perfectly healthy," Madame Pomfrey announced once she had looked him over, " I suggest a good night's rest and a decent breakfast tomorrow morning. I know how you young people are starving yourselves all for the sake of vanity. It's really ridiculous how many people come in here feeling faint when they haven't had a decent meal in days." She continued to ramble on for quite a while before dismissing Harry.

It was as he was leaving the hospital wing that he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror by the restroom.


"Harry? Are you okay?" Draco heard a sweet feminine voice faintly calling him and felt her soft hands caressing his face gently. For a brief moment, he felt a familiarity towards this situation and how his mother had always cared for him during times of illness. His eyes fluttered open and he sat up with a start, only to bump heads with the girl caressing his face. She had apparently been kneeling by his side, but had toppled backwards after they impacted.

"You big goof! Did I give you a fright, silly?" he heard her ask from her position on the marble floor. He leaped to her aid, kneeling by her side as he began to apologize.

"Forgive me! I was startled by your-" he stopped abruptly when he saw her deep crimson hair, realizing in an instant that he was speaking to the youngest of the Weasleys.

"You're acting like you've never seen me before," she said, sitting up without his assistance.

"Weasley?" he said in absolute astonishment. She rolled her eyes at him teasingly and held out her hand for him. He accepted her hand, feeling a warmth spread throughout his whole body at her touch. He looked up into her eyes and noticed a blush creeping across her delicate face. He flung her hand away and stood on his own.

"I'm perfectly capable of getting up without your help, Weasley." He was trying to be curt, but ended up sounding more like he was teasing her. His voice was foreign to him, almost as if he was recovering from a cold. Ginny smiled at him playfully, pulling her fallen bag onto her shoulder.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, sir. Nevertheless, I'm going to get a bite. You know how grouchy I get when I haven't had nourishment." She giggled at little to herself and began to walk towards the stairwell before turning around with a puzzled expression. "Are you coming, Harry?"


A/N: So this is going to be sort of a Freaky Friday-Harry Potter Style. I have had this idea for a while ,but I just didn't get around to writing. Like it? Don't like it? Leave a Review and let me know if I should continue!
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