She thanked the man and took the flowers into her room. The daisies made her smile. It had taken her a long time to convince Draco that she’d rather have daisies than long stemmed roses. Daisies were her favorite flower, and she was glad he had remembered.

After placing the flowers in water, she opened his letter. Her eyes teared up as she read. He apologized to her again for what had happened. He told her about his discussion with the doctor. Then, he said he remembered she'd wanted to visit the hotel before. In the future he promised to let her choose their vacation destinations if he was allowed a minimum of muttering under his breath. This made her laugh. She loved it when he made fun of himself for being uppity.

Grabbing a piece of parchment she wrote back to him about her walk on the beach and how she'd met some nice people who were vacationing with their children. She didn’t mention that she was lonely and she really wanted to go home. Instead she told him about the watercolor class she'd signed up for. It was a joke between them that even her stick figure drawings were unrecognizable, so he would appreciate her trying to learn how to paint. Ginny glanced up at the clock and realized that it was almost time for her class. After finishing the letter, she walked down to the desk to place it in the outgoing post.

When she reached her watercolor class, she was pleased to see there were several other students. She was the youngest by about twenty years, but that didn’t bother her. The teacher was a man in his forties with a kind smile.

“Hello, my name is Liam, and I am going to teach you how to express yourself with water colors. It doesn't matter if you can't draw a decent picture, watercolors are much more forgiving.”

The woman next to Ginny said, “That's good to know, because I can’t draw for squat.”

“Me, either. I’m Ginny.”

“I’m Beverly, it’s nice to meet you.”

Liam passed out supplies, and he asked them to all make a circle on their paper. Ginny made a circle, and he showed them how to turn the circle into a flower. When she was finished, she was quite proud of herself. When the class was adjourned, they all went to the hotel bar for a drink. Liam stopped to talk with each one of them. When he reached Ginny, he sighed.

“You must be the sad girl.”

Ginny was taken aback. “Excuse me?”

“My wife checked you into the hotel. She told me that there was a beautiful girl with sad eyes. I told her there must be an equally sad man somewhere.”

“I guess I am the sad girl, but I'm feeling better now. I liked your class.”

“Good, do you have plans for dinner? If you don’t, we were going to have dinner in the lounge. We are a small hotel, and the staff likes to mingle with the guests, as long as the guests don’t mind.”

“I wouldn’t mind. I like to meet new people.”

Liam smiled at her. “You look like a people person, just like my Edelle. She’ll be happy to know you agreed to join us.”

She wondered if it would be fun to work in a family hotel like this. Secretly, she was glad she'd given up on being a Healer. The hours were long and hard. Once she'd figured out she couldn't save everyone she found the work depressing.

She wanted a job where she could make people happy. Maybe that should be her mission while she was away from Draco. She'd figure out what she wanted to do with her life besides being Mrs. Malfoy.

When she finished her drink, she went back to her room and grabbed the directory. This wasn’t the most logical approach, but her plan was to look through the directory at all of the local businesses. If she thought working for one of the businesses would be fun, she'd put it on a list of possibilities.

By the time she was finished, she had several items on her list that she could imagine doing. The look on Narcissa’s face when she learned that Ginny might want to work in flower shop would be priceless.

Ginny felt she had a certain flair for arranging flowers, and it sounded like fun. Tomorrow, she'd locate a florist and ask to watch the workers arranging flowers.

Looking at her clock, Ginny realized she needed to write Draco back before she went to dinner. She told him about her success in painting a flower, and her possible interest in working in a flower shop. As a postscript she told him not to run off and buy a flower shop as she hadn’t actually tried arranging flowers as a job. She could end up hating it. She added that she missed him.
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