Chapter 3- Songs Gone Unsung

Over the days following their fight, Draco was rather aloof when it came to his girlfriend, something that alarmed Ginny no end. She was forever trying to close the distance between them, and Draco was forever pushing her away. In an episode that hurt a lot upon later reflection, Ginny caught up to Draco in the practice room, where he was pounding out ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ on the piano. She waited for him to hit the ending chord before speaking.


Draco continued to flip through the piano book, not looking at her. “Hi.”

“Draco, come on. I’m sorry I yelled at you,” Ginny tried, trying to catch his gaze. “I know I shouldn’t have, I was just really angry; you know I have the Weasley temper, and-”

“It’s not that.” Draco cut her off, finally looking up, and his gray eyes stared straight into her green ones. “I couldn’t care less that you yelled at me. You don’t trust me at all, Ginny.”

Ginny’s jaw dropped. “Of course I do!”

“No, sweetheart, you don’t. You didn’t think I’d be loyal to you. When Blaise started fawning all over Kaya, you bristled and made it quite clear that you expected me to do the same thing. Why didn’t you trust me?”

“I do trust you!”

Draco rose slowly from the piano bench, shaking his head. “No, Ginny, you don’t. And until you do, I see no point in continuing this relationship.”

“Draco, that’s not fair. You cannot put this all on me.”

“Maybe not.” Draco sighed, rolling his neck. “Maybe I shouldn’t have told you what I thought about Kaya, but you shouldn’t have overreacted like that. I need some time away to think.”

Ginny stared at her boyfriend with wide eyes, the blood draining from her face. “Wait… are you breaking up with me?”

He shrugged, and his gray eyes clouded over. “Call it what you like. You know I love you, Gin, but I need to cool off and you need to rein in your temper.”

And he walked away.

This particular scene was still running through Ginny’s head a week later as she sat with Natasha, who was waving a fork in front of the redhead’s face.

“Hello? Earth to Ginny! Ginny, come in Ginny! Do you copy?”

Ginny grunted and pushed Natasha’s hand out of her face, causing the scrambled eggs on the fork to fall into her coffee. She grimaced.

“Eww, Tasha. Now, look what you did.”

Natasha grinned cheekily. “She liiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!”

When Ginny failed to find her Frankenstein impression humorous, Natasha dropped the now-empty fork and became serious.

“Come on, Gin, you’ve got to snap out of it. He’ll come to his senses sooner or later, but not if he catches sight of you looking like a corpse. You don’t eat, you don’t sleep, and I have to force you to do your homework. Me! About the only thing you do do is rehearse, and you’re not even doing that very well. Pull yourself together, woman!”

“What the point? He’s not worth it.”

Natasha made a sound of disgust. “You have more to live for than frickin’ Draco! God, I hate when girls base their entire lives around a guy!”

Ginny frowned. “You’re right. Gosh, I’ve never been one to mope around because of some guy. What’s gotten into me?”

Natasha grinned. “That’s the spirit! Go on, eat something!”

Ginny grinned back, amused at Natasha’s instant advice. “I’ll be back in a few, actually. I have something to do.”

Natasha looked curious but merely nodded. “I’ll be… sitting here all by my lonesome.”

Ginny left with a roll of her eyes. Natasha watched her friend stroll out of the Great Hall and automatically knew where she was headed. She thought for a moment, then caught Blaise’s eye and nodded to Ginny’s retreating back. Natasha watched as her cousin rose without question and left his ‘place of honor’ at the staff table. When Draco grasped his arm questioningly, Blaise just waved him away and left the room.

Ginny walked swiftly up the corridor, trying to calm herself down as she went. Natasha was right; she needed to get a grip and start living the rest of her life. It just wasn’t as easy as it sounded to do that. She was trying, she really was, but Draco had earned himself a big hold on her. She really just needed to get some stuff out of her system, then maybe she could get past this whole problem. That’s what Ginny told herself as she reached the practice room door, paused for a moment, then pushed it open.

Blaise peeked around the corner and watched that familiar red hair disappear into the practice room. The sound of enchanted violins floated up the corridor, and Blaise walked swiftly toward them, covering the distance in very little time. When he was still a few steps from the room, Ginny’s singing began permeating through the walls and into his ears. As he pushed the door open and walked inside, Blaise had to admit that that girl had one of the best voices he’d ever heard.

As he stepped into the room, Blaise’s breath caught at the way Ginny moved with the music, hips swaying in a way that was somehow simultaneously innocent and seductive. Her back was to him and the candlelight in the room reflected off the long shining hair that hung down her back. It was her voice, though, that was the most enticing at the moment. Ginny sang with enough emotion to pull you mindlessly into her words, pushing so strongly that her voice grew husky on the high notes.

I hate you, then I love you

Then I love you, then I hate you

Then I love you, I love you more

For whatever you do

I never, never, never want to be in love with anyone but you

The music fell into a verse, and Blaise found himself stepping farther into the room, voice rising as the male part of the song started. Ginny whipped around the moment the first word left his lips, alarmed, but her face softened as she saw who was there; she sang her echo softly, slightly breathlessly.

You treat me wrong, you treat me right

You let me be, you make me fight with you

I could never live without you

You make me high, you bring me down

You set me free, you hold me bound to you

Ginny took slow steps toward Blaise, moving in time with the music. Blaise watched the emotions of the song play across her face, and found himself inexplicably drawing closer to her, too.

I hate you, then I love you

Then I love you, then I hate you

Then I love you more

For whatever you do,
whatever you do

I never, never, never want to be in love with anyone but you

Ginny took two steps closer to Blaise and knew that it was no longer her and Draco to whom the song was applying. The look in Blaise’s brown eyes was one of barely contained desire, and the same emotion was mirrored in her own green orbs. Blaise closed the distance between them in almost a trance, his hands on her arms and moving slowly to cup her face.

I never, never, never

I never, never, never

Ginny’s hands were suddenly on Blaise’s cheeks, and the music played on unsung as their lips met in a passionate kiss.
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