He hadn’t even thought about it when she asked to stay, because that’s what he wanted. He wasn’t really sure why, though. Maybe because he liked having her around. She trusted him, which was something she never would have done in the past, and with good reason.

“You can stay in my room and I’ll sleep on the couch,” Draco said.

Ginny blinked at him and set down her tea cup. “That’s not necessary. We can share a bed you know.”

He couldn’t help it. He smirked.

“I promise I’ll be good, though you do look completely ravishing in those pajamas.”

Normally, if someone else had said that to her, Ginny would have been completely appalled. She probably should have in this case but it was hard with the way he looked at her. She bit her lip and shook her head.

“I look like a mess, don’t I?” she asked him seriously. “I have raccoon eyes.”

He sat back down next to her and brushed the hair from her eyes. “Believe me when I say I’ve seen worse.”

“Yeah? Who?”

“Well, I guess if I could see her now, I’d reckon Pansy looked terrible.”

Despite everything, Ginny laughed.

“She didn’t give me much of a choice. I just got so annoyed that while she was bad mouthing me to my face, she was playing with her fucking hair. She’s lucky all I did was pull some strands out. I was trying to get a chunk out it.”

“You are vicious,” Draco muttered. “I had no idea.”

“She was sleeping with my boyfriend,” Ginny said defensively.

“Ex,” Draco reminded her. He took the tea cup and returned to the kitchen. This time Ginny followed.

“We were together for a year and I have no idea if this had been going on all that time. When I found Pansy sitting on my couch in her undergarments all she said was, ‘I wondered when you’d figure it out, Weasley.’ I guess that means it’s been happening for awhile.”

Draco stood staring into the sink; his lips formed a thin line. The kitchen was small, and if Ginny wanted to get anything, she’d have to squeeze by him to do it. She wondered if she could be that close to him.

“She never liked when other people had something she wanted,” he said softly. “Everything should be hers, at least in her mind.”

“So she’s selfish and a whore?” Ginny commented, nodding. “That’s comforting.”

“Isn’t it?” Draco replied with annoyance. “She tried to steal who I dated at school.”

“But you dated girls,” Ginny said. Her eyes widened. “Wait, really?”

He nodded. “She was experimenting I guess. She thought that would make her popular. But she was sadly mistaken. When someone caught her kissing another girl, they tried to blackmail her. She didn’t take too kindly to that.”

“I just can’t picture any of this, I’m sorry. Pansy always seemed too…stuck up for any type of relationship.”

Draco glanced at her. “If you want anything else, just ask.”

In other words, this discussion is over.

Ginny frowned, trying to figure out where she went wrong, but decided against when he smiled at her.

“It’s okay,” he said. “You look upset.”

“I thought I upset you,” she mumbled. “I know you and Pansy are close.”

“We were,” Draco said, brushing by her.

He didn’t leave the kitchen. Instead, he stopped so that their bodies were lightly pressed against each other. Ginny’s breath hitched slightly as she looked up at him.

Too close, their minds screamed.

But that didn’t stop her from standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. She pulled away a little, but his hands stopped her. They were wrapped around her wrists, and he was bringing her arms up to loop them around his neck.

Ginny smiled and started to run her nails along the spot between his shoulder blades. He twitched and smirked down at her, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her closer.

“Are you okay with this?” he asked.

“We’re just kissing,” she told him. “Relax, alright?”

“I’m fine,” he said as he brushed his lips against hers lightly. “So, how long are you going to be in my company for?”

“As long as I want,” she explained, slipping her arms around his waist. She placed her head against his chest as he stroked her hair.

“That’s okay with me. I appreciate having you around, even if it hasn’t been for that long.”

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

She gripped his hand and led him back to the couch. They didn’t kiss each other again, just laid together, his fingers tracing her jaw slowly. Ginny closed her eyes at his touch and tried to stop from falling asleep.

She figured that didn’t work well, because the next time she opened her eyes it was dawn. Draco snored softly at her side, head tilted back, with his arm draped around her shoulders. Ginny giggled slightly and wiggled free from him to go into the kitchen and make some coffee, hoping the smell would rouse him.

When he appeared beside her, she almost dropped the cup she was holding.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, yawning. “Is that for me?”

"Yeah,” Ginny said. “I have some errands to run but I’ll be back soon.”

He raised an eyebrow. “It’s early. What do you have to do?”

“Well, if I’m staying here, I need to get my clothes and other things.”

“Want me to go with you? You’d have to go to your flat. He might be there and you might get into it with him. I wouldn’t want you to get arrested for murder.”

He smirked a little.

“It’s okay,” Ginny said. “I’ll be fine. I’ll be back soon.”

She handed him his coffee, kissed his cheek, and left his flat. He stared at the closed door, his eyes wide. He hoped she realized what she had done by that little action.

What had he gotten himself into?

He vanished with a crack.

He wasn’t going to let her face Harry alone.
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