The banquet ended at midnight. He was so exhausted that he passed out before reaching the four-poster bed, his suit and vest hastily thrown on the nearest sofa. The recent events seem like a beautiful nightmare. A squeaky noise broke his stupor. He groans as he slowly opens his eyes. The morning after is just too soon. Two creatures are bowing at him.

"We wishez that Young Mazter rezted well," Ricky greeted him. "I and Eztel brought brunch."

Draco glanced at the female version of his personal house-elf. The ache between his neck and right shoulder is becoming more pronounced. "But the Missiz is still sleeping, Young Master".

They all eyed the waterfall of red hair leaning against him. How did she end up with him at the foot of the bed. And they were sleeping side by side in sitting position no less. His whole body is sore, he has to get up from the floor and stretch. He shrugged his shoulder but her face remained stuck on it. His sleeve feels wet and sticky. Is that her drool?! Draco nudged her again but like a spring her body just bounced back to him.

He pushes her head using his left index and middle fingers, "Hey...wake up."

She slightly shifted from Draco's shoulder to the side of the bed, her eyes still closed. He tries in a louder voice, "Wake up...Hey...You need to get up..."

She ignored him again, muttering something unintelligible. Draco shakes her, "Oi! WAKE UP."

She just moaned, swatting his hands from her. Draco continued shaking her. She suddenly grasped his collar and yelled, "STOP BOTHERING ME, YOU BASTARD!"

With that, her eyes snapped open. Her hands falling on his loosened tie when they made eye contact. Realizing what she just said, she instantly shut her eyes. She clasped her hands together and rested her head on it as if she is drifting back to sleep.

"Good night..." she murmurs, still feigning innocence of her blunder. Draco exhaled deeply to control his annoyance. He gets up as he removes his tie. "Great! You're awake. You can keep on pretending to be asleep but I am going to eat."

He saw her carefully spying the set table by the french windows with her right eye. Draco shook his head at her behavior. Good morning reality.

Ginny is trying her best to look anywhere but the blond across from her. The embarrassing wake-up call is as fresh as her orange juice. How dare she call her husband a bastard the morning after their wedding day. Husband. Her husband. Ginny's eyes wander around the room. So this is Draco Malfoy's den. Shades of black, green, and grey. Well-furnished. Fancy but still manly. Like him.

She risked a glance, maintaining her facade of chewing while slicing another bit of her maple-covered pancake. She choked violently as she tried swallowing her food. The picture of their wedding kiss is occupying half the front page of the Daily Prophet.

"Are you always this crass!" She heard him protest. Some droplets of food must have landed on the back of his left hand holding the newspaper.

"IS ...THAT...US?!" Ginny coughs as she taps her chest, trying to dislodge the imaginary food stuck on her throat. He just raised an eyebrow at her.

"We are in the news!" She tries again after she recovered from her coughing fit. He folded the paper to see what she was pointing out.

"Obviously." He sighed as if he is irritated with her reaction. "Our marriage has been publicly announced."

"Why?!" she blurts out. He stared at her then shook his head. "Why not? A Weasley has become a Malfoy."

He stands up from his seat, dropping the broadsheet on the table. "Besides it is not everyday that a couple from two rival Sacred 28 families wed each other. That is enough of a headline."

As soon as he left the table to shower, Ginny reached for the Prophet to check the article entitled, "MALFOY & WEASLEY NUPTIALS."

She flips it to page six. The center fold contains more photos of the ceremony and reception. In the middle is their wedding waltz. Around it are medium-sized pictures. Her showing her engagement ring. The groom and his parents before the ceremony. Ginny going down the staircase in her cathedral-length gown. Her father walking her down the aisle. Him in a tuxedo waiting for her to reach the altar. Their unbreakable vow. Her mother teary-eyed. The couple with each of their families post-ceremony. The banquet. The two of them drinking wine and cutting the cake. The fireworks. Her Cinderella moment.

Yesterday is not just a bunch of sweet dreams. Ginny Weasley is now Mrs. Draco Malfoy.

It became more apparent an hour or two later. She dressed in a white satin knee-length dress beneath a casual cape blazer with open-slit sleeves. Estel fixed her hair in a low bun, fastening a white and red floral headband to complete the look. Clutching a red designer rectangular purse in her gloved hands, she proceeded to the drawing room. There was an event they had to attend. Mother and son instantly shifted their attention on her entrance.

“I knew that this outfit would suit you, Ginevra,” says Narcissa Malfoy as she inspects her daughter-in-law.

“Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy. And you can call me Ginny,” the red-head replies.

“If I call you Ginny…are you going to start addressing me as mother?” The blonde woman must have noticed her horrified expression before elegantly chuckling, “Maybe you can drop labeling me as Mrs. Malfoy because we both qualify for that now and begin with Narcissa.”

“That will do,” Ginny mumbles, breaking eye-contact. Regardless of their mood, why do Malfoys have to be this intimidating?

“Lucius has joined your father at St. Mungo’s. They are undergoing an executive check-up to make sure that everything is back to normal now that the curse has been broken. That is why I am the only one sending you off to your honeymoon,” Narcissa announced to the new couple.

Upon hearing the last statement, Ginny lost all her inhibitions. “Honeymoon? We are going to do that? Why?”

Her mother-in-law turned on her, smiling, “With all the stress both of you went through for the preparation and actual wedding, you deserve to rest and relax. This two week vacation is the perfect opportunity for you to get to know each other more and bond together.”

“TWO WEEKS?!” Ginny is trying to calm herself from the series of shocking announcements. “Why…why.. that long?"

“That is ample time to enjoy France. Besides while you are away, there will be some renovations in the manor to accommodate your new living arrangements,” Narcissa explained.

“We are going to France?!” Ginny’s eyes widened.

Narcissa gently grabs her hand, “Would you have preferred somewhere else? Perhaps you were thinking of a place outside Europe? I apologize. I understand. We should have consulted you. But we chose France because it is near and the journey won’t be too tiring. Draco is familiar with it already. So there won’t be a need for us to chaperone you.”

“I will be alone with him?” Ginny glances at her husband. His hands are on his pockets while he impatiently taps his shoes on the carpeted floor. He looks bored to death.

“Of course. Newly-weds don’t need nosy parents on their honeymoon.” Narcissa shakes Ginny’s shoulders as if teasing her.

“Ricky and Estel will follow you shortly with your luggage.” Narcissa gently pulled Ginny towards the large fireplace where an International Floo Network is connected. She turned to the younger Malfoy as if reminding him, “Your father and I will be there tomorrow for your birthday dinner.”

5th of June. Right, it is his birthday. Another wave of panic settled on Ginny’s chest. She did not buy anything for him.

Narcissa smooths her son’s grey sleeves. “Behave and take care of your wife.”

Her husband just nodded. Once Ginny is beside him, he scooped a handful of floo powder and uttered, “Malfoy Chateau!”

They arrived in their destination ash-free. As soon as they set foot into the spacious living room, they heard a chorus of “Bienvenue, Young Master and Young Mistress.”

“Félicitations pour votre marriage.” Seven house-elves are bowing at them. The French Retinue.

“Are there always this many house-elves wherever you are?” murmurs the red-head on his left.

“Only two of them maintain the house. The rest are caretakers in the vineyard,” he answers.

“You have a vineyard? As in you harvest grapes to make wine?” So he also have to be a dictionary for her.

“Where do you think last night’s wine came from?” was his matter-of-fact reply. They walk out of the living room into the impressive entrance hall leading to the other areas of the ground floor. Draco began pointing out the salon/library with a marble fireplace, his father’s study, another sitting room, and the dining room.

He received another question from her before they climb the stone and wrought iron staircase. “Where is the kitchen?”

He raised an eyebrow. Why would she want to know that? “It’s in the basement with the pantry and wine cellar. If you need anything, just call your house-elf.”

“Estel and Ricky are staying with us right?”

Why does she ask questions with obvious answers. “Of course. They will assist us here too. They are our personal attendants.”

Did she just sigh with relief quickly followed by guilt? Could it be, “Have you informed Granger that as the ‘Young Mistress Malfoy’ you have been gifted with your own house-elf?”

The annoyed look she threw at him made him smirk, “Oh. Imagine how disappointed she would be when she finds out your tolerance of slavery.”

Before she could even protest, they are already in the landing area connected to a balcony and surrounded by seven doors. Draco continued his commentary of the master suite being directly opposite his room. The other five bedrooms are for guests. He did not tell her that the smaller staircase leads up to the attic. He does not want her to discover his secret nook.

“How do I know which is my room?” She frowned when he just responded with a shrug. Draco has an idea where she would be sleeping though, knowing his mother’s manipulative mind. He would just let his wife figure it out later.

Draco is sitting by the attic window, having just finished removing the covers of his alchemy set, potion kit and old camera gear. He saw her walking towards the manicured garden. After removing her coat and discarding her heels, she ungracefully plopped on the hammock under the big tree. She started swinging herself with her feet. This eventually lulled her to sleep. Draco grabbed the old camera beside him to capture the serene moment.

Finishing dinner ahead of her, Draco excused himself and went directly to his bedroom. A scream welcomed him when he came out of the ensuite bathroom, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”

Ah yes. He almost forgot that he has been expecting this. The red-head tightened her robe, waiting for his explanation. As if.

“For your information. This has been my bedroom since summer of 1982.” He moved past her startled figure as he towel-dry his hair, looking for his night shirt.

“Why then did Estel direct me to this room?” Has she always been this slow?

He turned to her. “Why else? Words like newly-weds and honeymoon do not ring a bell at all?”

She was speechless for a moment then she gulped, her eyes scanning his bare torso. He decided to tease her more, “Like what you see, Mrs. Malfoy?”

“Hey! Stop calling me that!” she yelled. Her blush is kind of cute. Did he just say that ridiculous word to describe her? As Draco steps closer to her, she moves backwards. “What do you want as an endearment then? Darling? Honey? Sweetheart?”

She stumbled into the edge of the vanity. Finally cornering her, Draco extended his arms like a cage. Her face almost as red as her hair, “Ah. Ginger.”

He then dropped his used towel in the laundry hamper beside her. He could not help but smirk when she released her breath she has been holding.

“The left side is mine,” Draco announced as he head to the bed while donning his shirt.

“I……sleep…on one of the guest…rooms.” He heard her stutter then she started to fumble on the doorknob. “Why is this stuck? It opened earlier!”

“You are just wasting your effort. It has been charmed to only unlock in the morning,” he informs her as he fluffs his pillow.

“Don’t tell me your parents are actually encouraging us to sleep together?” Her horrified expression is so funny. “And all this is fine with you?”

“There is nothing wrong with a husband sharing a bed with his wife,” he counters. “It actually enhances the bond.”

“Don’t you dare touch me, Malfoy!” She covers her chest with her arms. Should he end her paranoia? “Realizing how dirty your mind could be, I assure you that I won’t let filth cling to my hands by displaying unnecessary affection towards you.”

“This bed is huge enough to accommodate both of us without invading each other’s personal space.” He gestures at the beddings and couch-less room. “But feel free to lie down on the oak parquet floor if that suits your taste more.”

That shut her up.


Ginny hardly slept, flustered that Draco Malfoy is sleeping just inches from her. He was his usual pompous self last night but it does not erase the fact that it is his day today. At sunrise, she tiptoed across the room to check the door. Finding that it was not locked anymore, she swiftly left the bedroom. She has a mission to fulfill.

She successfully located the hidden passage to the kitchen. All eyes on her when she entered and greeted them. “Good morning.”

The creatures in front of her looked stunned for a moment before they all hurriedly approached her exclaiming, “ Young Mistrez need anything?”

“ Zorry, Young Mistrez. None of the house-elvez heard your call”

“Not liztening!”

“Bad houselvez.”

“Bad! Bad!” And more French expletives she does not know.

One of them banged his head with the nearest frying pan. Another is about to poke its hand with a butter knife when Ginny had enough, “I am here to cook breakfast for my husband.”

After another round of protests and wails, they finally gave in and left her in charge of the kitchen.

Once done with preparing the meal, she muttered a hasty thanks and declared that she would be back later. Ginny then dashed to their…err…his bedroom carrying a breakfast tray just in time to see the blond devil getting up from the bed, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

He was disoriented for a few seconds. His eyes enlarged when she placed the portable table over his lap, “What are you doing?”

“I was unable to buy anything for your birthday so I decided that cooking something for you is the next practical option,” she explained. Is she nervous? Giddy? Of his reaction?

“You made this? For me?” He is confused. She nodded, “Full English breakfast of bacon, omelet, sausage, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans and toast with coffee.”

He still looks unconvinced so Ginny tries again, “You do not have to worry about getting food poisoning. All these are edible. I was trained by Molly Weasley.”

Sensing his hesitation, Ginny finally said, “Okay. That was stupid of me. Sorry. Of course you eat better than this. Sorry. I’ll just give you another gift…”

She is about to remove the tray when his smooth palm stops her hand. “Don’t you know the policy about presents? ‘No Return, No Exchange’. “

Proving his point, he popped a piece of bacon in his mouth. Right after the unexpectedly cordial meal, she hid out of his view to focus on the second part of her mission- baking the Young Master’s favorite chocolate cake.

She was sweaty and sticky when she step out of the kitchen. A sullen Estel behind her in tears for failing to protect her Young Mistress from domestic work. Ginny followed the voices nearby and found her husband with his house-elf in the salon.

“Hello?” Both of them glanced at her. Ricky bowed to her.

“My parents have sent their birthday gift ahead of their arrival for the dinner later.” He answered her silent inquiry. She peered past him, there on top of the coffee table is an unboxed Firebolt Supreme.

“Wicked!” She squealed like a fan girl. This broomstick is the newest and most advanced in the world. Ginny risked a peek of the owner. He is all smiles with his latest acquisition. Sometimes, money can buy happiness.


She is as excited as Draco about his new broom. So without thinking first of his offer, Draco blurted out, “Do you want to fly with me and test this out?”

“Fly? Outside? With the new Firebolt?!” she asked with delight.

“Of course, I will be the one to try it first, but you can have a go after,” he clarifies. This might be his first time being intentionally generous about Quidditch to a Weasley nonetheless.

“I'd love to!” She said happily. “I don’t mind waiting!”

“You can use my Nimbus 2001 and be up in the air too. We will fly over the vineyard and tour the rest of the property.” He is being too nice to her. These statements are out of character even for him.

Her face fell suddenly. “But…I don’t think I have something to wear. I just saw feminine clothes in my wardrobe.”

Draco addressed her house-elf. “I’m sure my mother told you to pack at least one riding outfit for your Mistress in case we visit the stables. Bring out the pants and boots.”

He then turned to Ricky, “Pull out one of my old jerseys and give it to my wife.”

Did he just call her that out loud in front of the staff, “You don’t mind wearing green, right?”

Oh, she could be the only Gryffindor he knows that could carry Slytherin colors this well. There is just something right seeing her in his clothes. Is it because of her hair? Or that she is wearing his surname and number? Does it have something to do with being a 7th child and the first daughter in seven generations? Perhaps she is simply special?

Author notes: Sorry for the late update. My laptop broke down along with the drafts of my fanfiction stories. I had to find additional inspiration and motivation so that I could complete this chapter. Plus I was being meticulous about it as usual. Where in France do you think is their honeymoon? I appreciate hearing your thoughts.

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