Ginny stood stiffly in front of the wash basin, scrutinizing her reflection. There were dark circles under her eyes and her complexion could at best be called pasty. She had slept fitfully, plagued by nightmares of shadows, cold laughter, and the monstrous howling of a lone wolf. She sighed, wondering if she would ever be free of the nightmares that disturbed her sleep at odd intervals.

Her comfort was that, since it was Saturday, she would be able to collapse back into bed once she reached Gryffindor Tower. She rarely had nightmares when she slept during the day, though she didn’t know why. She finished washing up, and then stepped back out into the infirmary where Draco was waiting for her to finish.

“About time!” he snapped. “Did you fall asleep Weasley?”

Ginny rolled her eyes and smiled, too tired to be baited. “Sorry Malfoy. It’s all yours!”

He scowled as he brushed past her into the washroom, and Ginny felt a stab of satisfaction. Pretending to be in a good mood was one way of getting even with Malfoy, particularly since he looked worse than she did! She had awoke that morning to the sound of Madam Pomfrey lecturing Draco on the benefits of a good night’s sleep, and had looked over to see him propped up against his pillow, staring stonily at the nurse with bloodshot eyes.
Practically the same position he’d been in the night before. Ginny wondered if perhaps he’d been having nightmares too, but was still too angry at him to ask or care. Madam Pomfrey interrupted her thoughts by coming over to examine her head.

“That’ll fade in no time, Miss Weasley,” she said reassuringly. “Just don’t turn your head too quickly today, as it still might be tender.”

Ginny promised to be careful as Draco came walking out of the washroom. She took her leave then, wanting to get to her room and bed as soon as possible. She had just closed the door behind her when she heard her name, and looking down the corridor, saw Ron and Harry coming towards her. She smiled and hurried over to them.

“Are you all right?” Ron asked anxiously, giving her a hug.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she replied. “It’s just a bruise.”

“What did you think you were doing?” Harry scowled. “You might have been seriously hurt!”

Ginny’s mouth dropped open and her eyes narrowed angrily. “Don’t you dare lecture me, Harry Potter! The pot is not allowed to call the kettle black!”

It was Harry’s turn to look taken aback. He and Ron exchanged amazed looks, and then Ron began to laugh. “Yeah, ok. She’s right, you know. Now we know how everyone else feels when we go off!”

Harry laughed too. “All right, sorry sis, just got carried away. We were really worried, is all.”

Sis, Ginny thought. That’s all I’ll ever be to you. She felt the familiar ache in her heart, but for the first time she realized it didn’t hurt as badly as before. Her soul was healing and she was finally moving on. The knowledge lifted her spirits a bit more, allowing her to return their smiles.

“All right, I forgive you,” she said lightly, “Heavens! I never could stay angry at the two of you, though you’re not as much fun as Fred and George.”

They all laughed at that, and Ginny hugged Harry tightly. At that moment, the infirmary door opened and Malfoy walked out, freezing momentarily at the sight of them. Ginny was still smiling as she turned towards the sound, but sobered instantly when her eyes met Draco’s flushed and furious expression.

“Morning Malfoy,” Ron cried jovially, “Heard you had a run in with a werewolf. Pity it didn’t have you for supper!”

The ugly red weals were still visible, and Draco’s hand flew to his neck.

“Goodness, in your jammies even!” Harry snickered. “Would have been bloody stylish, wouldn’t it, to have died in such fine silk!”

“Stop it!” Ginny reproved them quietly, “It’s not funny.”

“Don’t trouble yourself, Weasley.” Draco said even more quietly. His glare grew cold as ice as he turned and swept down the hall.

“Well good day to you, too, milord!” Ron guffawed, causing Harry to snort derisively.

“Boys, stop it!” Ginny hissed, feeling guilt squeeze her heart. Ron and Harry turned to her, still grinning with pleasure.

“Sorry, Gin, but he’s had that coming for a long time!” Harry said with great satisfaction.

“You don’t understand,” she said softly, her brow furrowed, “It was horrible! That thing almost killed him. It isn’t funny, even if it is Draco Malfoy.”

The boys stopped laughing and looked at her. She was clenching and unclenching her hands, staring into the distance with remembered fear. Ron put his arm around her.

“Sorry sis, you’ve been through something awful and we’re being insensitive.”

“Come on,” Harry smiled gently, “Let’s get you some breakfast!”

“Yeah,” Ron agreed, “And afterwards, Hogsmeade!”

“Really, you mean that?” she asked, smiling with pleasure finally. Ron and Harry almost always went alone, or with Hermione in tow.

“Of course, it’ll be fun!” Harry grinned. “Besides, you’ll get to hang out with Cho finally. She’s been dying to get to know you better.”

Ginny suddenly felt as if she’d swallowed a hot potato. All that mess about her getting over Harry suddenly flew out the nearest window. Hang out with them? See them together for a whole day? Impossible!

“Well, actually…I’m still a bit tired-“

“Aw, come on Ginny, it’ll be great!” Ron said excitedly, “And Susan’s been bouncing off the walls since she heard, you know. She made us promise we’d bring you with us today since she and Seamus have already gone.”

“Susan? Oh…” It seemed she was trapped. The world spun as Harry took her elbow and began to pull her along.

“It’ll be fun, you’ll see.” He smiled. “And it’ll take your mind off of things.”

Ginny looked up at him and held his eyes for a moment. They were warm with affection and concern, and something else, too. Guilt. Guilt at having left her feelings unanswered and unfulfilled, at never saying anything to her, not even to let her down. He dropped his eyes and laughed softly.

“Come on, we’ll have a good time.”

Ginny produced a smile and allowed herself to be led away. Despite their assurances of fun, she didn’t believe she had anything to look forward to.


Draco swept into his dorm room and flung himself on his bed, pulling the drapes closed on Goyle and Crabbe’s puzzled expressions. His head was pounding and he felt his chest tightening. His breath wheezed in and out of his throat painfully and his nose was stuffed up. Great, a cold. That was all he needed on top of everything else. He pressed his face into the pillow, hoping it would cool his feverish skin. What he needed was rest, something he hadn’t gotten all night. Why? Because he’d spent it staring at that red headed bint, that stupid little girl who was still hopelessly in love with that blind idiot, Potter. What the hell had gotten into him? Draco snorted in disgust and turned over, pulling the pillow over his face and squeezing his eyes shut. What he needed was sleep, forgetfulness. Maybe he’d be able to banish the image of Weasley practically snogging that scarred idiot.

“Er…Draco?” It was Crabbe. “We’re going to Hogsmeade; you said you wanted to come.”

Why didn’t the other idiots ever learn to recognize his need for solitude?

“Changed my mind,” Draco snapped. “I don’t feel well!”

“Oh, that’s probably just as well,” Goyle said darkly. “Jared’s saying you’ll probably be wetting yourself forever since you saw that werewolf!”

Draco bolted upright and tore the bed curtain aside. “What?

Both Crabbe and Goyle reeled back slightly, their faces at once scared and bemused. After a moment, Goyle spoke.

“A…a werewolf. You mean it’s true, you really saw one?” They stared at him with wide eyes.

“Yes,” Draco growled. “Now why is that moron saying I’ll wet myself?”

But Crabbe was now staring at Draco’s neck with wide eyes. “It bit you?”

“Yes!” Malfoy shouted, throwing his pillow on the floor, then suddenly recovering, “I mean, no! It didn’t break the skin, I’m not a werewolf.”

But both of them had backed away from him, fear plastered all over their stupid, puffy faces. Draco longed to find a Bludger.

“When a werewolf bites you, it has to make you bleed or the Curse doesn’t take effect,” Draco explained with forced calm. They said nothing, just continued to look at him stupidly. Not for the first time, Draco secretly wished he could transplant the intelligence of Granger or Ron Weasley into the nimrods! He slowly raised his head, till they had a clear view of his neck, and he spoke even more slowly.

“See? The skin is red from where its teeth b-…er, hit me. But the skin didn’t open, I didn’t bleed. So I am not a werewolf.”

Crabbe and Goyle bent forward stiffly; as if afraid he’d turn into a shaggy wolf at any moment. Squinting, they examined Draco’s neck while he felt his muscles stiffen and begin to cramp. His irritation meter was beginning to go off, but he didn’t want the two buffoons spreading any more rumors than were apparently already in circulation. So he held still while they stared and stared at his neck. Finally, Goyle straightened and gave a goofy smile.

“Boy, that was close!” he grinned.

Yes, it had been close. So very nice of Gregory to state the incredibly obvious. What had he done to deserve such friends?

You accepted their fawning, as your father has done with theirs, said a voice in his mind. Draco blinked, wondering why he’d actually answered his own rhetoric. They served him and defended him. That was simply the way of it. He shook himself from these musings as Crabbe reiterated his invitation to Hogsmeade. Draco stared at them, and then spoke.

“What was Jared prattling on about?”

Goyle blinked stupidly, and then suddenly remembered. “Oh! He was saying it was something you made up, till Snape said it was true. Now he’s telling everyone that you’re probably going to leave the school and hide out for the rest of your life.”

Crabbe sniggered. “He said, ‘Malfoy’s cryin’ and I’m not lyin’.”

They both guffawed until, turning to Draco, they saw he wasn’t laughing. Their expressions fell immediately. Draco’s eyes flashed and he ground out his next words menacingly.

“That…idiot…called me names! And you…laughed!”

“Er…” Crabbe eloquently defended himself. “Um…” Goyle added.

Draco began to pace the floor, his blood pumping hard and his mind seething with fury. Jared was talking shit! That meant that his image had suffered because of the werewolf incident. It wasn’t bad enough that he had gone through a hell of terror beneath that monster, oh no! Every power hungry weasel was now salivating at the thought of bringing him down and taking his place. Admittedly, power at school wasn’t much, but the position it afforded was. The aura of favor you held would open doors later in life. Especially for ambitious seventh years who thirsted for power.

Damn! All the power in the school and he couldn’t manage to get a decent few hours of sleep. Not that it mattered now. Draco was too angry to be tired. He would put in an appearance at Hogsmeade and blast all of those rumors to bits, and maybe Jared Stone’s head as well.

“I’ll be ready in twenty minutes,” he snapped. “Wait for me in the common room.”

Crabbe and Goyle obediently scuttled out as Draco yanked his trunk open and began tearing through it for something sufficient to wear.


Hermione smiled gently at Ginny as they walked towards Honeydukes. Ron was laughing in happy anticipation, while Harry and Cho smiled and shook their heads at his excitement. A trip to Honeydukes was always on Ron’s wish list, and he never failed to spend too much money there.

“How are you?” Hermione asked Ginny quietly, squeezing her hand. Ginny smiled bravely and nodded.

“I’m fine, really. This has been fun!”

Susan, who was on Ginny’s other side and holding hands with Seamus, muttered softly, “Are you sure?”

Damn it, Susan! Ginny thought irritably. She didn’t need her best friend analyzing her constantly. Susan seemed to get the message, as she smiled apologetically and squeezed her other hand. Ginny smiled back, and then turned to Hermione. “It’s all right, I’m perfectly fine.”

There was a small line between Hermione’s brows, but she accepted Ginny’s answer. The trouble was that, although Ginny had laughed and smiled with them the whole day, Hermione could see the strain around her eyes. Harry and Cho had been almost nauseatingly affectionate by holding hands, kissing sweetly here and there, and talking nose to nose half the time. And Ginny had endured it all with either an averted gaze or a plastic smile. Harry had never acted so idiotic as far as Hermione could remember. Seeing it all the time was definitely going to cause cavities. Her parents would not be pleased!

They had browsed Gladrags, walked through Dervish and Banges, where Ron had looked for a new set of scales. From there it had been a parade of small shops and window shopping. Hermione bought a used book from a small bookshop entitled Family and Career, How the Modern Witch Can Have It All. Ron had snorted, saying that since Hermione would most likely be an Auror she wouldn’t have time to get married. She bashed him in the arm with the book. Now it was time for sweets, but Ginny couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to get away, to find a Harry/Cho free place to calm the turbulence in her mind. She stopped in front of the entrance to Honeydukes and announced that she would join them in a moment.

“What?” Harry asked, surprised. Everyone turned around to look enquiringly at her, so she hastily pointed to a beauty parlor two buildings down.

“I’m thinking of doing something with my hair,” she said quickly. “I thought I’d just see what was available.”

“Oh, I’ll come with you!” Hermione said brightly. “I don’t feel like candy right now. Why don’t we all meet up at the Three Broomsticks in an hour?”

“That’s an excellent idea! I need a bit of shampoo myself,” Susan declared, waking over to them. Seamus smiled and decided to stay with the group.

Ron shrugged. “Okay. Just don’t do anything drastic, like cut your hair short or something.”

“Ron!” Hermione sniffed as she and Ginny began to walk away, “As if I would!”

“Have fun!” Harry called after them.

“Thanks!” Ginny murmured as they approached the shop, Your New Beauty.

“It’s all right,” Hermione smiled at her knowingly. “I had to get away from all that sappy romance too. I was beginning to get queasy!”

“Get used to it,” Susan said wryly. “Being in such close proximity is going to have its drawbacks!”

Ginny giggled in spite of her pain. “I thought it was just me!”

Susan grinned. “Of course not, I could feel myself getting wired on a sugar overload!”

Hermione laughed as they walked into the shop. The strong smell of various hair care potions struck them immediately and Ginny felt a bit nauseous. Looking around, she began to idly wander down an isle. Hermione walked next to her, picking up a bottle of Sleek EZ’s potion, while Susan darted over to the shampoos.

“Right, now I need some curling stuff!” Hermione eyed the next shelf, then walked down a bit further and grabbed a violet bottle with a pink label. “Are you going to get anything?”

Ginny smiled and shook her head. “I still have my straightening potion and it works all right.”

Hermione looked at Ginny with penetrating eyes. “Not over him, are you?” she asked softly.

Ginny blushed, pained at being such an open book. “Not as much as I’d like to be. But that will come in time.”

Yes, Hermione thought, unless you decide to take a more active stance. She thought of Ron and her own troubles with him.

“That’s the right attitude. You’re a lot stronger than you know. Besides, I don’t think this affair will last long.”

To her surprise, Ginny nodded sadly. “Cho is a very nice girl. She’s smart, pretty, and not caught up in his fame. It’ll be Harry who ruins or ends it.”

“What makes you say that?”

Ginny raised her enormous eyes to Hermione and answered with the simplest, most poignant honesty. “Harry is the sweetest, most self sacrificing person I know. But he doesn’t know how to reveal himself. That’ll get in the way. And he’ll eventually realize that his hormones can’t choose his life partner.”

Hermione stared, wondering at Ginny’s insight. But before she could ask her to elaborate, Ginny suddenly smiled and took the purple bottle.

“This is curling stuff? Does it work?”

“Oh yes! It’s really wonderful. Most stuff I buy leaves my hair feeling sticky, but this one -- it’s called Madam Fiona’s Curling Serum -- doesn’t. It’s a handy de-tangler too!”

Ginny laughed spontaneously and handed the bottle back. “You sound like an advertisement!”

“That’s not surprising, since she memorizes everything she reads!” Susan joined them, chortling. Hermione assumed an expression of mock hurt.

“That’s not true; I haven’t been able to memorize all of Most Potente Potions.”

“That’s because they won’t let you take it out of the library anymore!” Ginny giggled.

The girls stood laughing as a pretty shop witch walked up to them with a smile. “Is there anything I can help you find, ladies? A product you might be interested in?”

“Oh, I’m all right,” Ginny said. Susan concurred, but Hermione suddenly smiled mischievously.

“Actually, I understand you give product demonstrations. Would it be possible to get one now?”

The shop witch was eager to comply. And Ginny found, to her horror, that she was the guinea pig when Hermione looked at her meaningfully, holding up the purple bottle of curling serum.

“I’m Louise,” the beauty witch introduced herself, herding the girls over to a small chair and table laden with various potions and make-up products. “What would you like to see?”

Susan, who’d cottoned on, grabbed Ginny’s arm and said, “Our friend here would like to see how well Madam Fiona’s curling serum works. Nice, spiral curls, I think!”

Ginny blanched, but before she could say or do anything, Hermione had grabbed her other arm and added: “I think that would be lovely, especially gathered behind her head, perhaps. It would give a kind of waterfall effect!”

Louise smiled, delighted with this idea. “Oh miss, allow me to say that your hair would be lovely in curls!”

Ginny was seated in the chair and her head tipped back into the sink before she could protest. Susan grinned and whispered, “You need to do something for yourself! Come on, let’s have some fun!”

Louise chattered about all the possibilities of hair potions, as her ministering hands began to relax Ginny, who realized Susan was right. The day hadn’t been as bad as she’d thought, but why walk around being depressed? A little beauty parlor visit wasn’t going to do her any harm. It was time to loosen up and have some fun! Especially after the week she’d had. She began to chatter with Louise, asking for tips and such. Susan requested a facial when Louise was done with Ginny, and Hermione, getting into the spirit, requested a make-up demonstration. They truly began to have fun...
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