slitherhither [Contact]

Real name: Becky
Registered: Jan 01, 2006
Membership status: Member
Beta-reader: No

So seriously in love with D/G that I'm a librarian at the Fire & Ice Classic Library.
Favorite Authors
1. Ada Achlys
Who can resist the author who called Draco "that pale piece of man candy" (in The Chosen One)? Not I.
2. Adelagia
3. applecede
4. Boogum
5. CliodnaHPFan
6. Esdee
7. Eustacia Vye
8. fallenwitch
Deliciously dark, with a side of humor. Yes, it is possible.
9. fallingskyes
10. Fearthainn
A giant in the D/G field.
11. Hearts Cadence
12. HumbugGirl
13. LadyRhiyana
14. Lunaeyes
A delicately strong presence, whose name I love.
15. Nokomis
16. Peki
17. Sarea Okelani
18. tudorrose1533