Reviews For Misconceptions
Name: Mollie reviewed Draco's Choice on Jan 11, 2008 11:32 am
lol, I love Blaise!!! And of course Ginny would want to help, I mean there is a reason why she was sorted into Gryffindor!!! I am worried about Draco, though. I don't want anything to happen to him. And how in the heck did Voldemort get double the members of the Order? Surely more people would be willing to fight old Voldy?
Name: selene_blackwell reviewed Draco's Choice on Jan 03, 2008 04:56 pm
HAHA! I LOVE IT! BRILLIANT WRITTING! wow... one week... ... . .. . .. .... sigh^
Name: dangalltheway reviewed Draco's Choice on Jan 10, 2007 07:00 pm
O.M.G. If you kill anyone, I'll be so mad at you! I'mma keep readin... I just had to say that first though.

Name: Nikki reviewed Draco's Choice on Jan 03, 2007 04:58 pm
ok when Dumbledore sent the spell at ginny and then ginny hit the floor and draco being there when she woke up almost made me cry i had to fight back tears a lot of tears because my parents would have wanted to see what i was reading to see if i sould keep reading it if i just had burst in to tears
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Draco's Choice on Nov 26, 2006 11:25 am
~OMG...I cant wait to see what happens next.~
Name: Elizabeth reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 26, 2006 03:22 pm
Wow what an amazing story! It captured my attention from the very first chapter and I haven't been able to stop reading it since. I cannot wait to see what happens!
Name: starry_laa reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 26, 2006 04:18 am
I don't know why it took me so long to stumble across this but I'm glad I have now
At first I was apprehesive about reading this story, the concept of Ginny being in the same class as Draco seemed cliched, but I ploughed on and I'm so glad I did.
I can't describe how wonderful this story is. It took me a few days to read (between schoolwork) but I fell in love with it. I've read many D/G fics, some of them good and some of them good but lacking in written quality of some sort. However, yours is different. It's beautifully done in every aspect: in characterization, portrayal of the story, pace, humour...everything.
I really enjoy a story whereby I can relate so much to a character. In yours I could relate to them all. Ginny and Draco are fictional characters but they felt so real, and the feelings they went through and the decisions they made (especially Ginny's) are the kind I would have made and sometimes I was awed at how similar Ginny could be to me.
But best of all, I love Blaise. You've portrayed him as such a gem- he's funny, loyal and takes care of those he loves. I loved it everytime he was there for Ginny. Blaise is the kind of person every girl needs in their life, and I'm wondering where the hell he is in mine. His relationship with Luna is just class. Purely original and I just LOVE how he humours all her mythical creature observations. Magic! They really do work as a couple.
I love how Ginny's aim was to befriend Draco first and that she had no intention of falling for him. You drew out both of their feelings slowly so we didn't miss anything and I revelled in it. I also liked how they were not immediately attracted to each other physically as it meant feelings could be built upon. Many fics have D/G lusting after each other and though it's definitely not a bad thing it's nice reading something different and observing how their "innocent" relationship progresses into something more.
And I definitely have to give you credit for Draco's interest in research. I've never thought about the composition of spells and how they are made, but you've opened up a new world of magic- maybe you should lend your theories to dearest JK, she would be delighted to read about your own theories!
But it definitely makes sense Draco being a spell researcher and Blaise being his convenient "partner-in-crime"
I also like Harry. Well, actually, I hated him at times especially when he wanted Ginny...the reasons he came up with for them being together (her being indebted to him I think it was) was unbelievable, and if I were Ginny I would have hexed him! So I guess that shows your portrayed him right. I'm a bit more fond of him now, but I hope he does find someone (bless him.)
That said, how about Ron and Hermione? Are they actually involved or "just friends as they said"?
Coming back to D and G, their relationship is just beautiful. Everything they've been through has had me on the edge of my seat and in fact, I still am.
I really can't wait to read what happens next, although when Harry says someone has to die, oh, I hope not! Definitely not Draco or Ginny! Or Blaise (God, I would die if he died!) Nor Luna, or Harry, or anyone...!!! Maybe Dumbledore since I've been through that heartbreak once before!
Will be waiting with bated breath!
Name: passion reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 26, 2006 01:32 am
At last!! It took my 5 days but i finished reading all the chapters...and thank god or i would have missed out one of the best stories ever!! you are a genius.!! this a bloody brilliant fic!! i absolutely love it!! i am addicted to it!! dead on!i mean it is a masterpiece i swear!! i love all the characters! specially Blaize! he is so adorable! lol. i just love him! oh my!!my favourite chapter has got to be chapter 16..i luved it!! it was so intense and so full of passion..and just so sweet..i dunt have the words to describe your work!! you are an amazin talented are brilliant!! you are a genius!!i cant wait for you to update!love your work!! Bloody Brilliant!!
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 24, 2006 01:00 pm
Perhaps Draco should teach Ginny the charm as well? That way everyone knows it and they can all use it to stay safe?
Name: goddessofyesterday reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 24, 2006 10:45 am
Aw, I love Blaise. He always seems to save the day just a little doesn't he? Poor Draco's right, he hasn't seen the sun in weeks. Great chapter :) I can only hope Ginny doesn't go and get herself killed...
Name: MrsRupertGrint reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 23, 2006 12:37 pm
well... that was fast... i should always start reading stories when i'm 40 chapters behind and by the time i get to the end another two will be out! lol... good chapter
Name: razzle_be_dazzled reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 23, 2006 11:36 am
Okay, first thing...awsome chapter! I loved it and I was so scared about Ginny in the beginning. That, brings me to the second thing. Ilove this story so much I got busted reading it at school! I didn't get in trouble though because I said it was for Lit. class but still, I am a die-hard fan!
Name: Embellished reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 23, 2006 11:30 am
One of the things I like most about this story is that Draco really does manage to stay in character. I loved his interaction with Harry in this chapter. Now I am looking forward to seeing how the battle plays out. Perhaps it won't be Harry who makes use of the shield after all. Thanks for the update!
Name: witchy_1234 reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 23, 2006 05:42 am
As always, excellent update! I am literally addicted to this story. Update again soon.,
Name: CoolMilena reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 23, 2006 02:43 am
Love it,but as I already said,why 3chapters left!!?why not four?!PLEASE!
Name: xlostx0652 reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 23, 2006 01:55 am
*claps hands* Oh what a delightful chapter! I cried, and laughed. I adore how you portray Draco, Ginny, and Blaise! This story is a classic and Im horribly sad that there are only three chapters left,but well thats life. Anywhos lovely job and I can't wait for the next chapter dearie.
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 23, 2006 12:38 am
Wow. Wasn't that a turn of events. Hmm, what will happen? I know! Something terribly cliffie-ish will happen during the battle, but Draco will save Ginny somehow (probably with the help of several others who can't POSSIBLY die) and then they'll havea picnic followed by tons of smut and babies! YAY! I figured it out! Now, if I could just fill in all the torrid details I'd really have
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 22, 2006 10:17 pm
I don't like it either. This better not end badly... And when I say 'badly', I mean with any of our beloved characters in an unliving state. I have a bad feeling about this... Can't wait for more though!
Name: dracosmysextoy reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 22, 2006 09:14 pm
i can't believe it's almost done. *sob sob* i've been reading this story since october over and it's almost over. i love draco in this story.
Name: Experience My Dreams reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 22, 2006 04:35 pm
Great!!!!!!!!!! Sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for that battle!!
Name: Nectaris reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 22, 2006 04:29 pm
Absolutely brilliant. I sense more cliff-hangers to come. You are very cruel.;) Keep up the good work!
Name: Maelyn reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 22, 2006 04:08 pm
Well done! Glad you got it out so soon! Cant wait to see how the battle goes down and I hope Draco and Gin get to have their picnic= cuz if not, it means one of them dies and I would be terribly sad!
Name: JHoll reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 22, 2006 03:47 pm
Oh my gosh!!! I'm so loving this story and can't for the final battle! What will I do when it's over? I guess read it again from the beginning! Another great chapter. I'm so glad to see that Blaise is still telling it like it is!
Name: ChocolateFrogPrincess reviewed Draco's Choice on Feb 22, 2006 03:37 pm
Love this story! Update fast, it seems the end is near and I'm very impatient.
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