Name: Enigmatic Eel reviewed Draco Part 2 on Apr 05, 2008 11:23 pm
Please, never ever use the word Pop. No one in Britain uses it and Hermione wouldn't especially. Dad is fine. Pop is non-existent.

Otherwise it's a great story :D
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Draco Part 2 on Feb 20, 2006 01:04 am
Ha! I figured that Hermione would just charm him naked and tied up in Saran Wrap, but she's actually handling this with a bit of subtlty. Who knew!? LOL! Alright, I'm off to the next chapter!
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Draco Part 2 on Feb 17, 2006 09:37 am
He wasn't considering it and he knows it! He knows he wants to go!
Name: Kisou reviewed Draco Part 2 on Jan 12, 2006 09:35 am

Obsessive compulsive as I am, I'm going to do a little beta sidetrack here. The following did not make sense. I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say, but it should be reworded.

Finally, the cameraman, who must have been named Creever (or something like that, what did I really care?), said he was done. Then something rather cozy went on between him and the Greasel (maybe she was getting it from more than one source, but who would realistically want to shag the bucktoothed bint?) and I did make sure to let her know I wanted to leave and leave now. Don't ask how. Some things a Malfoy never admits to.

By the way, I really like your characterization of Malfoy. He's wonderful.


Author's Response:

Thanks for advice.  I'm glad you are enjoy Draco as he's such fun to write.


Name: fallenwitch reviewed Draco Part 2 on Jan 11, 2006 03:04 pm
I really didn't intend to read your WHOLE story. I just wanted a peek... that one peek lead to another and another and the next thing I knew I was leaning over my computer scene, ignoring the telephone ringing and the supper burning on the stove, so I could find out what happens when Draco shows up on her doorstep... Your first person narrative is well done and your characters are fabulous. I am partial to fics from snarky Draco's POV, and I found the two chapters devoted to his POV were immensely satisfying! My only complaint is that I was flying through this fic at the speed of lightening only to hit a wall and collapse in a pile at the bottom of my computer...chapter 4 is not up yet. Oh well, I will go and eat my burnt supper and wait patiently for your next chapter. Nicely done! -fallenwitch

Author's Response:

WOW.  Thank you.  As someone who gets sucked into fanfics regularly, it is a real compliment to have my own work do that to someone else.  And I have a special fondness for snarky!Draco myself so mine are always rather more rude than they are nice.  Who wants a nice Draco after all!  Chapter 4 should be up as soon as the Cabal has a chance and Chapter 5 is 1/4 way written.  Thanks again for the wonderful compliment - it made my whole night!

^^ Rhina 

Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Draco Part 2 on Jan 07, 2006 01:33 pm
Nice chapter - looking forward to more updates.  I think what I like about how you write is the first person seems very realistic to me.  Draco's nastiness is still there but obviously tempered with age.  Ooooh - will Draco show up for Christmas and see Ginny again??  How will she react?

Author's Response:

Thank you for the compliment as I really appreciate it.  I really enjoy writing them from their own point of view.


And for that answer you'll have to stay tuned.  Just be prepared for a rather unusual Hermione trick... 

Name: Lottie reviewed Draco Part 2 on Jan 06, 2006 06:37 pm
Aw! He's making excuses! It's great!

Author's Response: Draco lives for excuses right up until the last minute...  *g*  Glad you're enjoying it.
Name: Embellished reviewed Draco Part 2 on Jan 06, 2006 06:17 pm
I am enjoying this story very much. In this chapter, I particularly like the nickname "Greasel". Also, I like the parallel to the first chapter with Draco thinking Hermione has been shagged too much. I'm looking forward to updates!

Author's Response: Greasel was the only name I could come up with.  Thanks for the review - thanks.
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