Reviews For Emptiness Echoes
Name: SlytherinAngelEyes reviewed Realisation on Jun 26, 2006 03:35 pm
Write more, that's all I have to say! Just kidding! Well done! I like how you ended this chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks! And don't worry. There will be more!
Name: swanny reviewed Realisation on Jun 22, 2006 11:37 pm
More...more...yay! This is good stuff

Author's Response: Thanks, but I think you flatter me...
Name: ronlover reviewed Realisation on Jun 05, 2006 02:05 pm
I really like this story. Question: wouldn't someone say something about his smoking?

Author's Response: Hey, glad you like the fic so far. Who were you thinking would say something abbout the smoking? I don't imagine any teachers in Hogsmeade. Plus I figured that they're not exactly on school premises at the time, Draco's old enough to smoke legally if he wants, and even if he wasn't allowed, lets face it, he probably still would!
Name: IndyCICURN reviewed Realisation on Jun 05, 2006 12:56 am
In my honest opinion there have been few stories, recently, that are just starting out that have enough draw to them to compell me to write a review. That is not to say there are not many good or even great stories currently, as there are, but not so many that spark me to comment, yours (obviously)has. Your story has a great deal of carisma, showing Draco in not completely a "poor me" light. There is a tad bit of that but just enough that he seems ready to take control rather than boohoo over everything....I hope that he continues to develop in that way. I was concerned at first with the poor, mousey Ginny but I am enjoying you helping her grow up and be more assertive. One of the asspects I have liked most is your wonderful concept of timing. That is very hard to control when writing, to keep the story flowing at an even pace, not to fast not to slow, I got to the end of this chapter and saw that there was no link to a next one and thought '....darn it, well crap..." I wanted to keep reading...that is when I know that a story is really very well written, that I was pulled into their world and felt sullen when I was ripped out of it...I look forward to reading more...soon I hope....Kristine....P.S. With all that talent and creativity, couldn't you come up with a better name for Draco's owl than Dragonet? wondering... = )

Author's Response: Wow! Thanks for your considered review. I'm glad you like it so far. Don't worry, Draco won't be one of these 'Woe is me!' characters- I hate it when he's written like that...and neither will Ginny, she does start to stick up for herself. You'll see what happens, LOL! About Draco's owl, you made me laugh... I know it's not very creative of me, but I loved Ray Stevenson's character in the film King Arthur, and called it after him. It's Dagonet, not Dragonet, but looking at it now I'm laughing because I didn't even realise people would think I named it similar to Draco. (Am feeling stupid!)
Name: Lynda reviewed Realisation on Jun 04, 2006 06:59 am
this is really good!!!Update asap!! Oh and ONE question. Where do the slytherins sit at meals if the house doesn't exist?

Author's Response: Oh yeah, I had written in the first chapter that there are so few Slytherins left, and no new ones, so they sit at a relatively small table (not a proper one like the rest of the houses have), at the back of the Great Hall. It was written in a paragraph that I didn't really like so I took it out. Forgot to add it elsewhere. Oops! Now you know. Thanx.
Name: Razzlebedazzled reviewed Realisation on Jun 04, 2006 04:40 am
“Kitten, if I were your boyfriend, I’d drink it.”!!!! That was my favorite line! Keep going, I love this, absolutely love it!

Author's Response: I forgot to write a note at the end, but I meant to admit to stealing so many famous lines and lines from films. There are so many that I included- I'm a big lazy line stealer! The quote you've commented on is one by Winston Churchill. I liked it too, and thought it was perfect for Draco!
Name: Serenitey reviewed Realisation on Jun 03, 2006 08:09 pm
very nice update. ginny's interaction with the trio and draco were great. accolades *salutes*

Author's Response: Thanks again for reviewing!
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