Name: Incognito reviewed The Painting on Feb 21, 2010 05:21 am
Oh, I really liked this chapter, Roma. The description of Ginny's painting was incredibly vivid and long, but not in the boring sense. Lol. Normally, I can't stand long, descriptive writing, but here it was apropos. Also, very well done with the Draco/Ginny interaction. It's really getting heated, and I like how she seemed to subconsciously riling Draco up so that she could capture the angry "indifference" in his smouldering grey eyes. Well done. I must say, I am getting very excited to read the next chapter. This shall now be tracked and favourited. ^_^ ~Lia

Author's Response: Thank you, Lia m'dear. I'm not an painter in any sense (I tend to avoid any sort of visual artistry, actually), so it was fun to try to write it as a painter would see it. I'm also super glad it's not description-heavy, because I think as a writer, that's one of my weaknesses: I rely too heavily on exposition and too little on the dialogue to carry a story. Luckily this story doesn't require TOO much exposition (I write this and I realize, "Oh, right, it does...") so that's good. I hope you enjoy the next chapter (which should be approved soon enough). Thanks, darling.
Name: Featherz reviewed The Painting on Feb 20, 2010 02:51 pm
Weird coincidences rock, I googled 'retroussé nose' and Emma Watson came up xD

Great chapter! :D

Author's Response: Weird coincidence is right. I just did the same thing. x) It's really weird, but I have this book for creating characters, and it lists a lot of adjectives for different parts of the character's body. I found that and remembered it (I assure you, my vocabularly isn't full of obscure words like "retroussé"), and I'm really glad I managed to use it. Plus, I'm obvious widening my reader's vocabularise! Thanks so much. :D
Name: suzymaholic reviewed The Painting on Feb 19, 2010 10:45 pm
So, I'm definately really really liking this fic. It seemed really meaningful and deep, and I LOVE ginny as a painter, especially how you have interpreted her.

Author's Response: Why thank you! :D In the contest (it was originally a Ginny Draws Draco contest by a user on FFN), I wanted to be different and mix it up a bit, so that meant Ginny as a painter and not a drawer (LOL, not like the bureau drawer, but a draw-er) and some angst mixed in with the snark. I'm glad that came across well. I'm also super happy you like scatterbrained!Ginny. I'm not a painter, but I'm an artsy person, so it was fun to shove some of my bad habits onto another person. x) Thanks for the lovely review!
Name: dancingonstars reviewed The Painting on Feb 18, 2010 08:02 pm
i second that for not waiting half a year to update. i really like where this story is going. more updates please.

Author's Response: Update is being processed as of two and a half seconds ago! ^_^ Thanks so much for the review. It's not a terribly long fic, but I feel like it's wrapped up quite nicely.
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