Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 22, 2015 08:32 pm
I love the way this story is going! I feel like the end of this chapter is a turning point... everything else has kind of led up to where Draco and Ginny are now. A lot of externals have changed (the fake dating, the kiss, the meetings, etc.,) I think they're both about to start realizing that something internal is going to change for both of them. It seems like it's all about to start with this very real discussion between them... so bring on chapter 4!! :)

Author's Response: It'll be coming soon! I'm so glad you liked it!
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 04:24 pm
Please don't taunt the monkeys with talk of soon chapters...

Author's Response: Are they flying monkeys? And it's not a taunt, more of a promise.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 04:02 pm
Grrr! Stop doing that! Especially since I'm not getting it anytime soon. Shame on you! Do you know if the FIA messaging option works? I was trying to message you earlier and got an error message.

Author's Response: Nope, it's down. Just another thing we need to fix. But you can email me at And you may have the next chapter sooner than you think.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 03:45 pm
I'm sorry you have to deal with losers like that. Makes me ashamed of the entire species.

Author's Response: It's okay. I just read chapter 4 to refresh myself, and I think you're really going to like it! *shrieks*
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 01:38 pm
Ugh! Men are the absolute worst sometimes. Can you arrange it so that your parents take the pets to the vet without you? Or is it that you need to be there to make sure he doesn't tell your parents about your past?

Ugh! Men really are the absolute worst sometimes.

Author's Response: My dad refuses to do it without me. It's ridiculous, but I'd rather be there so I know he can't say anything. But every time I see his face it is so dang weird.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 01:05 pm
Not weird at all. We should totally be friends.

Tumblr is definitely NSFW. LOL At least mine is...

I'm curious about you experience as an escort (which is in no way the reason I want to be friends - just an off-topic brain fart).

I can't wait to see how you add that experience to this story. I'm secretly hoping for more sexy banter and inappropriate comments about nudity as D&G get more comfortable with each other and more attracted to each other.

Author's Response: My Tumblr is too! I love it though. My experience as an escort was good and bad. I met some awesome people, but I also ended up being followed home, had someone I've known since I was a child (and he's like 55) threaten to tell my parents that I wouldn't sleep with him. Sadly, I still have to see him because he's my vet, and I can't tell my parents why we should switch. I'd rather die than have anyone find out that I was an escort. Besides my roommates at the time who knew. It was definitely how I paid rent. There will definitely be more banter and more inappropriate comments made. Promise!
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 12:28 pm
I use Tumblr too but not at work. That's strictly a home computer website. I also spend most of my time on Livejournal (still) and Goodreads.

Aww, I feel like such a special snowflake now. :)
This is definitely one of my favourite stories right now.

Author's Response: Yeah, tumblr is definitely not something you look at in public. I can't get into LJ for some reason, so I have one that I'm only one during the fic exchange. I love goodreads! Which reminds me, I need to read more books. Whoops. You are a special snowflake. You should like be my friend. Is that weird? I'm really awkward omg. I am so glad you like this story. I was an escort (sugar baby) for awhile, and that's how this story came to mind. I wanted to take my experience and turn it into something funny and positive, while highlighting the real issues that sex workers face (lightly, you'll see).
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 12:28 pm
I use Tumblr too but not at work. That's strictly a home computer website. I also spend most of my time on Livejournal (still) and Goodreads.

Aww, I feel like such a special snowflake now. :)
This is definitely one of my favourite stories right now.
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 11:14 am
IT here focuses on the major time-suck websites like TwitBookStagram but I don't use any of those so I fall through their net.

I don't really have a favourite part, I love all the interactions with D & G. The banter is excellent. I loved the initial conversation with D proposing the idea to G. I also love some of the innuendo one-liners.

Author's Response: Yay for falling through their net! I use FB, but not Twit or IG. I also use tumblr way too much. I look forward to your reviews, and I am REALLY happy you're enjoying this story! I swear everyone else could stop reading, and I would still update just for you. So you're special. =)
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 15, 2015 10:58 am
Eeeeeep! That response now has me dying to get the next chapters. You shouldn't have told me that! Now all productivity is gone (yes, I'm at work and no, IT doesn't know what websites are time-sucks for me :D Idiots).

Author's Response: LOL! I am so sorry, but I promise it is well worth the wait. I'll be sending the next chapter to my beta soon, so when she's done with it, it will be here on the site. An IT is always full of idiots. I'm glad you can access the story at work though! So what's your favorite part?
Name: Lady Mischief reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 14, 2015 04:03 pm
I find it really hard to believe there are so few reviews for this story. I am really enjoying it. The pace is brisk and Draco and Ginny's interactions are entertaining to read. I'm looking forward to what happens next.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review! I am glad you're enjoying it. =D
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 11, 2015 06:27 pm
I wish the kiss had more fireworks but I guess I'll get all my fireworks when Draco goes to the Weasleys.

Author's Response: I will say this: Once the fireworks do start, they don't stop. ;)
Name: SniperTeamTango reviewed Chapter 3 on Jul 09, 2015 08:25 pm
Glad this one's making a comeback. I'd say more but I have a "Rewritten" to read next :)

Author's Response: Thanks for reading! I think I'll be updating this one sooner than before. So be on the lookout in a couple weeks for another chapter!
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