The Young Visitor

(Author’s Note: I forgot to write up a disclaimer, so here it is: I own nothing, but the plot. These characters and settings (except for maybe the Founder’s Room up in the Astronomy Tower) are all products of the brilliant mind of one J.K. Rowling.)

Harry and Hermione had to practically drag Ron out of the common room and down to the Great Hall.

It had been barely six in the morning, and Ron had already been down in the common room. He had said that he went down there to escape the loud snoring of Seamus Finnegan. But Harry and Hermione knew why he was really there. He was going to wait for Ginny to come down and tail her everywhere she went until they left for summer holiday. They would have probably let him do it too, but Hermione had heard a sixth year say that Ginny was beyond angry; she was on the brink of murder. And Hermione knew that that wasn’t an exaggeration. So, she and Harry hauled Ron down to breakfast.

Hermione and Harry took their seats as they forcefully dropped Ron between them.

“You will not move until Ginny has had her breakfast and left for classes.”

Ron sank into his seat at Hermione’s tone and mumbled murderously, “Creevey is dead.”

Ron was so caught up in his thoughts about how he would kill Colin that he didn’t even notice the new, yet familiar face that sat to the left of Dumbledore. Harry and Hermione had failed to notice also, for they were too busy waiting for the moment they would have to jump on top of Ron to keep him in his seat when Colin entered the hall.

It wasn’t long before waves of students began to walk through the doors and take their seats. Everyone seemed to still be talking about the events of the night before, because none of them noticed the young man sitting to the left of the headmaster, either.

All of a sudden, a dozen or so students had rushed into the hall. They went straight to their tables, where they began to whisper furiously to their housemates. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and all those seated at the head table, looked toward the doors with faint curiosity.

When the doors began to open, everyone hushed; in walked Ginny Weasley, Colin at her side, vainly trying to speak to her. Harry and Hermione yanked Ron back into his seat before anyone even noticed that he had got up.

Once Ginny had fully entered the hall, she halted and scanned the Gryffindor table. She saw that the trio was sitting at the end of the table nearest the head table. She took a seat at the opposite end. Colin finally gave up and took a seat next to his brother near the middle of the table.

The young man to Dumbledore’s left couldn’t believe his eyes. Was that who he thought it was? It had to be. Her hair gave it away. It looked like Little Ginny Weasley wasn’t so little anymore.

The silence was broken by a cough from the headmaster. It wasn’t until then, that the students noticed Dumbledore’s guest. “As many of you have already noticed, we have a guest amongst us. For the few of you that don’t know who this young man is, I would like to introduce you to the young and talented Mr. Oliver Wood.”

While most of the girls swooned, most of the boys stared up at Wood admiringly. Most meant everyone but the Slytherin boys, Ginny Weasley, and Hermione Granger. The Slytherin boys were…well Slytherin. They didn’t like Wood for two main reasons. One, he’s a Gryffindor. Two, he isn’t as pureblooded as they preferred their company to be. Hermione never thought of Wood as being attractive, and she wasn’t a very big Quidditch fan. And although Ginny did think he was good-looking, she also thought he was way too old for her. Not to mention she absolutely despised the team he played for.

“As most of you know, Mr. Wood plays Keeper for Puddlemore United. Now we all know of the unfortunate injury Mr. Wood suffered earlier in the Quidditch season. Since he is forced to be sidelined for the rest of the season, his team has decided to send him out to scout for the team. That is until he is able to play again. So for the next six months, Mr. Wood will be staying in the castle, searching for the best Quidditch players the school has to offer. Please, make him feel welcome.”

With one of his dashing smiles, Wood politely nodded to the students. The girls swooned and batted their eyelashes. Wood’s gaze drifted over to the Gryffindor table. He saw that Harry, Hermione, and Ron were looking up at him with pride. He looked further up the table and saw that the one girl that had truly caught his eye seemed to not notice him at all. Ginny Weasley looked thoroughly bored, and thoroughly sexy because of it.

(A/N: Reviews...lovely things they are...)
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